Úrval allskyns tíðinda utan úr heimi

Þetta er út um allt Internet af engri góðri ástæðu.  Man ekki eftir að nokkur tölvuleikur hafi fengið jafn mikla ókeypis auglýsingu og þessi.  90 mínútur af þessu...

Poppmenningin maður...

JK Rowling á leiðinni í djeilið

"Author JK Rowling could be prosecuted for “misgendering” trans people under Scotland’s odious new hate crime law that comes into force today, an SNP minister has admitted.

Rowling has vowed to continue calling biological males men and says she will now be targeted for telling the truth.

During their training program on enforcing the new law, police officers were taught that even the content of plays and comedy gigs should be considered as potential hate crimes."

Skotland verður að athlægi.

Leftistar að tapa sér.

Á tunglinu gengur allt sinn vanagang

"The ‘moon sniper’ survived its second freezing lunar night, as mission team members announced the news on X, in a post that also featured a photo newly snapped by the lander’s navigation camera."

Annar tölveuleikur sem ekki þurfti að auglýsa.  Virðist sem pöddu-misþyrmingar séu inn núna.

Vopnaframleiðzla vefst fyrir þjóðverjum

"The production lines for the Taurus are still available, so MBDA could “ramp up” deliveries of the missiles “at any time,” the executive said. “To do this, however, we would need a new order for these weapons,” he added.

The company cannot make reserves of the missiles because it is prohibited under German law, he explained."

Lélegasta herveldi ever.

Rúnt sim.  Í grunninn GTA með engu óþarfa BS.

Nasa fer að leita að sæskrímslum í stað geimvera

"Timothy Gallaudet, the former head of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has launched a probe into unidentified submersible objects (USOs) after a strange anomaly was discovered on the seabed off the coast of California."


Hlustum á kántrí:

Gott stöff.

Frjósemishátíðin heldur áfram

Þetta er á góðri leið með að verða að þjóðarsporti kanans

"The Oklahoma State Patrol has completely closed a highway after a barge struck the US-59 Bridge over the Arkansas River on Saturday."

We are sailing, we are sailing...

Hvíta húsið móðgar *öll* trúarbrögð

"NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility."

1: Kristni
2: öll heiðin trúarbrögð sem líta á þetta sem frjósemishátíð.

Sér enginn neitt athugavert við að skifta frjósemhishátíð út fyrir sjálf-geldara hátíð? Að ég tali nú ekki um barna-geldarana sem eiga heima í sömu kategoríu.

Þetta eru anti-páskar, á allan hugsanlegan hátt.


Slagsmál á ströndinni

"Just over a week ago, police reported serious clashes on a beach near Boulogne, as they attempted to prevent large groups of migrants from launching four boats.

A group of up to 350 mainly Sudanese, Vietnamese and Kurdish migrants began throwing sticks, stones and other missiles at the officers.

The group also used the petrol they were carrying for their journey to start fires on the beach, to prevent police from reaching the boats."


Harvard eyðileggur merkilega bók

"... Dr. Ludovic Bouland bound a copy of Arsène Houssaye's book Des destinées de l'âme (Destinies of the Soul) with the skin of one of the crazy patients in his asylum.

'A book about the human soul deserved to have a human covering,' he wrote.

Of course, the book could not just be removed from Harvard's Library, but from existence. So, they tore off the binding from the book and are currently researching the best way to dispose of it.

On the plus side,

None of the Marxists at Harvard will be able to control the dead anymore.""


Hvað er Tusk að meina?

"“‘War is no longer a concept from the past. It is real, and it started over two years ago. The most worrying thing at the moment is that literally any scenario is possible. We haven’t seen a situation like this since 1945’, Tusk said in an interview with the European media grouping LENA on Friday.

‘I know it sounds devastating, especially for the younger generation, but we have to get used to the fact that a new era has begun: the pre-war era. I’m not exaggerating; it’s becoming clearer every day’.”

Tusk advanced the rather absurd idea that ‘no one in Europe would feel safe if Kiev lost the war’.

“‘The European Union as a whole, as a powerful organization, must be mentally prepared to fight for the security of our borders and our territory’, he said.”"


Það er smá munur á ástandinu núna, og 1939.  Vill einhver fara og útskýra fyrir þessum manni hvað það er.  Ég bíð.

Eins og það er

Daninn segir það eins og það er.

FBI á vafasamri vegferð

"Two videos have gone viral on X showing FBI agents visiting people’s houses to ask questions about offensive social media posts.

The woman later posted a message on her Facebook confirming that the individuals were FBI agents.

Another X user called Kam St. Martin posted, “The FBI came to my house over a TWEET! Not cool. My pinned tweet that’s still up.”

The video she posted shows a man who introduces himself as an FBI special agent asking to speak to someone over a post which he subsequently explains is “about the Baton Rouge subject.”"

Eitthvað mikið að þarna.

Fólk vill verða lamið handahófskennt af glæpamönnum

"Progressives have demonized masculinity, going so far as to imprison men like Daniel Penny for protecting strangers

And now they blame men for not saving them from the world they made"


Kommúnismi í praxís

"Biden casts his administration as opposed to the widening wealth gap, even though a majority of Americans still live paycheck to paycheck, a recent LendingClub study found, raising concerns that so-called “Bidenomics” failed to help average Americans.

A majority of voters are “worse off financially” under Biden, up 25 points since he assumed office in 2021, a Fox News poll found Wednesday.

The total net worth of the top 1%, defined by the Fed as those with wealth over $11 million, increased by $2 trillion in the fourth quarter. All of the gains came from their stock holdings. The value of corporate equities and mutual fund shares held by the top 1% surged to $19.7 trillion from $17.65 trillion the previous quarter."

Allir fá jöfnuð nema þeir sem eru rétt tengdir.

Eins og fólk vill.

Fólk vill vera lamið í klessu á meðan það sveltur í hel.  Það er útópían.  Af einhverjum ástæðum.

Hugvekja frá Pútín

"“We do not have any unfriendly nations, we have unfriendly elites in those nations,” the president said, adding that the Russian government “has never tried to cancel” any foreign artists or cultural performances. “On the contrary, we believe Russian culture to be a part of the global culture and we take pride [in this].”

The Russian authorities seek to take the global cultural context into account and “exclude nothing,” he continued. Those seeking to abolish the culture of a nation inhabited by 190 million people are “not wise,” the president said, referring to Western steps during the Ukraine conflict.

Western nations have repeatedly sought to ban performances by Russian artists and musicians, as well as those deemed supportive of Moscow."
"In a recent press release by the New York state police, officials warned residents to be prepared for cellular disruptions, slow 9/11 response times, gridlocked traffic, and food/water demand during the upcoming total solar eclipse."
Langt gengið fyrir einhvern sólmyrkva.
"First, it is interesting that the last eclipse was on August 21, 2017, exactly 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 days from this upcoming one."
Bara gaman af þessu.

Setjum hlutina í samhengi

Þið getið dundað ykkur við að fact-tækka þetta, því þetta eru allt upplýsingar sem eru aðgengilegar á netinu.  Svo: endilega.

Gross-innkoma á ári, svona ca, í íslenskum krónum:

 1.300.000.000.000 - Íslenska Ríkið (áætlað 2024)
 3.366.766.000.000 - Caterpillar (2023)
26.886.460.000.000 - Samsung (2023)

Caterpillar halar inn næstum þrefalt meiri pening (fyrir útgjöld) en Íslenska ríkið.  Samsung halar inn 20X meira.

Bara eitthvað til að hafa í huga þegar valdhafar landsins eru að gera sig breiða: eitthvað fyrirtæki sem framleiðir skurðgröfur er meira virði.

Framtíðarsýn sjáenda

FTX gaurinn fer í djeilið

"“The Justice Department has filed charges alleging that Samuel Bankman-Fried perpetrated a range of offenses in a global scheme to deceive and defraud customers and lenders of FTX and Alameda, the defendant’s crypto hedge fund, as well as a conspiracy to defraud the United States government,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said.

Michael J. Driscoll, assistant director of the FBI’s New York office, was blunt about Mr. Bankman-Fried’s misuse of FTX deposits to pay Alameda’s expenses and to make other investments."

Fetar hann í fótspor Epstein?

Morðingi gengur um og myrður fjóra, slasar marga

"The city of Rockford, Illinois, has been plunged into mourning following a horrific stabbing spree that left four people dead and seven others injured on Wednesday afternoon.

Authorities confirmed that the violence unfolded across several locations in the northern Illinois city, approximately 94 miles from Chicago."

Kaninn hefur ekki nógu margar byssur.  Þetta þarf að laga.

Frakkar hafa sín vandamál

"On Wednesday afternoon, a crowd of migrants from Turkey breached security lines at Paris' Charles de Gaulle Airport over the deportation of a friend, injuring 3.

The mob attack came in response to the deportation of a 24-year-old Kurdish activist named Firaz Korkmaz, according to reports:

Korkmaz is apparently a member of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a militant political group seeking greater rights and autonomy for Kurdish citizens of Turkey."

Nú hafa frakkar vandamál Tyrkja líka.  Gott fyrir þá.

Flórída maðurinn hugsar rökrétt

"In a March 27, 2024, FOX News interview Johnson stood by his comments, noting, “I said [at the press conference] if you shoot accurately, and you kill the guy, you save taxpayers money. And I also said that if somebody gets killed during a home invasion, the odds of them re-offending are zero. And we like those odds, which we do.”"

Á meðan eru þeir fyrir norðan að lúta í lægra haldi fyrir mönnum með frumstæð vopn.

Stanslaust vesen allstaðar.  Jafnvel morðóð alræðisríki eru ekki örugg fyrir reiðu fólki.

Allir halda að aðrir hugsi eins og þeir sjálfir

Ég treysti þessum manni ekki fyrir bíl

"Heild­ar­end­ur­skoðun á há­marks­hraða á göt­um Kópa­vogs, þar sem há­marks­hraðinn er lækkaður í 57 göt­um úr 50 km/​klst niður í 40 eða 30 km/​klst...

„Ég vil frek­ar hlusta á for­eldra sem hafa áhyggj­ur af ör­yggi barna sinna en þá sem vilja tudd­ast í um­ferðinni,“ bæt­ir Berg­ur við."

Það er augljóst að hann kann ekki að keyra.  Ræður ekki við 40-50 kmh.

En hey... kannski er hann líka hræddur við ryksugur... það er víst stórt vandamál á Íslandi.  Hefur verið lengi.

Skoska lögreglan hættir að rannsaka glæpi

"As it prepares to investigate every report it receives under the new Hate Crime Act, Police Scotland admits that a separate plan to stop investigating crimes like theft and criminal damage will help criminals."

Þetta stendur til hér á landi líka, skilst mér.  Hann talaði amk um það þessi gaur þarna um daginn að það yrði að óttast skop og spaug, á meðan Hamas fær alveg að gera það sem þeim sýnist.

Hægri öfgamenn á ferð

"And today (26) was no different, as farmers once again converged upon Brussels, the epicenter of climate lunacy, throwing beets and spraying manure at responding police.

Hundreds of tractors sealed off streets close to the European Union headquarters."

Meira um þetta hér

"Belgian farmers sprayed manure at police, threw projectiles, and set hay on fire as hundreds of tractors took to the streets of Brussels on Tuesday ahead of a meeting of EU agriculture ministers."

Oft var nauðsyn. Nú er loks eitthvað gert.


Vel af sér vikið

"The indie horror movie Late Night With The Devil raked in $666,666 on Sunday at the box office in the United States, despite facing boycotts over the use of AI-generated imagery in the film."



Það er einhver von fyrir framtíðina

"As the survey points out, when considering the age group of 16 to 29, 46 percent of women in this category believe that feminism has had a more beneficial impact on society than harm. This percentage is 10 points higher than the proportion of young men who share the same perspective (36 percent). Moreover, the survey notes that “among this age group, one in six (16%) men say feminism has done more harm than good, compared with one in 11 (9%) women.”

What is going on here? Why are so many Gen Z males—again, on both sides of the pond—rejecting feminist-friendly ideologies?

According to the academics responsible for the surprising survey, it may have something to do with the rise of Andrew Tate, a controversial, American British influencer who, in recent times, has become popular. A fifth of the Gen Z men surveyed hold a favorable view of Mr. Tate, who has a huge following in both the UK and the United States."

Hinn nafntogaði glímumaður er þá að gera eitthvað gott.



Þetta fyrirtæki tekur að sér að varðveita húðflúr til lengri tíma


Vélar og menn


Þeir sem ekki læra...

Veit ekki hvort satt eða ekki, en fyndið:

"A female AI robot unveiled in Saudi Arabia has been programmed not to discuss anything to do with sex or politics, because women are forbidden to do so under Sharia law.

The development comes just weeks after the male counterpart robot, named Mohammad, was witnessed ‘groping’ a female reporter."

Hvar værum við án Sádí Araba?

Erkidjákni Kirkju Englands er ekki kristinn

"The Ven Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, Archdeacon of Liverpool wrote on X “I went to a conference on whiteness last autumn. It was very good, very interesting and made me realise: whiteness is to race as patriarchy is to gender.”

Threlfall-Holmes, who is white, added “So yes, let’s have anti-whiteness, and let’s smash the patriarchy. That’s not anti-white, or anti-men, it’s anti-oppression.”"

Er í röngu liði núna.


Kóngafólk viðriðið eitthvað vesen

"Prince Harry has been named in a $30 million sex trafficking lawsuit against rapper Sean "Diddy" Combs. Prince Harry is not accused of any wrongdoing in the lawsuit, but is named as a celebrity that lawyers claim was a person people would seek access to at the alleged sex-trafficking parties in Diddy's home."

Íslenskir pólitíkusar virðast ekki nógu mikilvægir til að fá að vera memm í svona.

Rússar með ásakanir

"The head of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) claimed on Tuesday that America, Britain, and Ukraine conspired to execute the slaughter of nearly 140 people at a concert hall in the suburbs of Moscow on Friday."

Það er ekki heil brú í þessu.

Menn smám saman læra

"UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced a package of public and private investment which is expected to cover the needs of Britain’s growing nuclear energy industry and to create 40,000 new jobs by 2030."

Ekki bara N orð.


Alvöru bók.  Til á Amazon.

Þessi er líka til.

Laxness.  Við höfum flest heyrt/lesið þetta áður.

Klassísk verk.


Góð kápumynd.

Íslendingar fjármagna fleiri morð í útlöndum

Íslenska ríkið heldur áfram að sóa peningum íslendinga í stríð sem kemur okkur ekkert við

"Ísland mun styðja við inn­kaup Tékk­lands á skot­fær­um fyr­ir Úkraínu og leggja fjár­muni í kaup á búnaði fyr­ir kon­ur í úkraínska hern­um.

Þetta kem­ur fram í til­kynn­ingu á vef Stjórn­ar­ráðsins."

Er ekki eitthvað hér á landi sem þarfnast fjármagns?

Íslenska ríkið hatar einhverja random útlendinga sem ekkert okkar hefur hitt nógu mikið til þess að vilja myrða þá, og okkur nógu mikið til þess að nota okkar peninga til þess.

Já.  Búum endilega til alvöru óvini í útlöndum, og berjumst svo við gervi-óvini hér heima.

Menn nenna ekki einhverri vitleysu í Flórída

"While New York is ARRESTING homeowners for removing squatters, Florida has a different approach: "If someone is breaking into your house, you're more than welcome to shoot. We prefer you to do that, actually.""

Flórída: vin heilbrigði í forarpytti úrkynjunar.  Kemur með lausnir þegar allir aðrir bara auka á vandann.

Tekst íslenska ríkinu að verða eins og USA?

Bretum finnst gaman að verða fyrir ofbeldi

"Dame Sara Khan, who authored a report into extremism, warned that rising hate crime could "erode our freedoms".

She added: "I spoke to a former leader of a council, for example, who told me that she has received thousands of death threats directly to her, but also on online forums where people said that they would gang rape and traffic her two-year-old daughter."

Þeir í Flórída eru með lausn.  En bretar vilja meira vandamál, veit ég: "Earlier this month, ministers unveiled a new definition of extremism, which will be used to ban certain groups from accessing Government funding and meeting with officials."

Framtíð bretlands er meira ofbeldi.

Framtíð Flórída er friður.

Lego vs California PD

"Lt. Jeremy Durrant of the Murrieta Police Department told Fox News, "The Lego Group reached out to us and respectfully asked us to refrain from using their intellectual property in our social media content which of course we understand and will comply with. We are currently exploring other methods to continue publishing our content in a way that is engaging and interesting to our followers.""

... já.


Þetta gerðist.

Kína er ferlegur staður

Kína hefur vandamál sem enginn talar um

Maður fær alltaf á tilfinninguna að maður sé fastur í "Robocop" þegar maður horfir á þetta

... þetta er bara það nýjasta.  Allt þetta er birt í dag. 

Kína.  jei.

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