... og þetta er svona á fleiri stöðum.

... fjölmenning maður, fjölmenning...

mbl.is Árásir í Svíþjóð á nýársnótt
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Var þetta svona á fleiri stöðum?

"Jamel Saltne, a Finnish-speaking Iraqi, said that from what he had seen on Arabic social media, police had wrongly portrayed events.

"What happened was not the result of an action planned in advance," he told the Telegraph. "It was totally expected that young men would go to the centre of the capital as that is the best place to celebrate New Year's Eve.""

Ekki afsökun!

Það er kannski ekki skrítið að allt verði brjálað, þegar hópur af liði sem finnst bara eðlilegt að hegða sér svona mætir en masse.

Írösk menning er greinilega ekkert samhæfanleg finnskri.

"I'm not accusing the police of racism, but maybe they have received complaints intended to smear people."

Lögreglan sá semsagt alveg rétt.

"Petteri Orpo, Finnish interior minister, condemned the groups in an interview with national broadcaster YLE on Thursday.

“There are extremist features to carrying out street patrols. It does not increase security,” he said."

Petteri Orpo er hrokafullur hálfviti.


mbl.is Ofbeldi í Finnlandi á nýársnótt
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Bloggfærslur 8. janúar 2016


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