Ofur-rottur og heimins öflugasta kattaleikfang

Lögreglan í London handtók fjölmarga ræningja

"British police had secured 21 convictions to date on a group of 31 men who have been charged with a spree of muggings and theft in the capital city, London.

All of the men are first- or second-generation immigrants."


Ég sagði ekkert.

Rafhjól brenna í NY

"In total, e-bikes caused 267 fires, causing 18 deaths and 150 injuries in the city, the New York Fire Department (FDNY) told Fox News, which notes that the figures represent the highest levels of each statistic - with deaths jumping 200% and fires increasing 21% over last year."

Hvernig er eiginlega frágangurinn á þessu?

Krabbamein er vinsælt núna

"A recent report published by the American Cancer Society predicted that new cancer cases are expected to reach a new high in 2024. Over 2 million new cases of cancer are expected.

The Wall Street Journal reports that doctors are baffled by the sudden rise in cancer among young people."

Hey, þið voruð vöruð við.

Íþróttafréttamaður deyr úr "skyndilega"

"Mike Dickson, an esteemed sportswriter with the Daily Mail, has collapsed and died in Melbourne while covering the Australian Open, his family have announced..."



Of algengt til að vera tilviljun.

Bretar þróa nýtt kattaleikfang

"The laser-directed energy weapon (LDEW) is claimed to have the ability to hit a precision target the size of a coin from a kilometre away. Although the exact range of the weapon is classified, the ministry said that it can engage with any visible target.

The MoD said that the average cost of firing the laser is around £10 per shot, meaning that the weapon has the “potential to be a long-term low-cost alternative to certain tasks missiles currently carry out.”"

Við getum pantað svona á Ali eftir 1-2 ár.

Þetta kemur málinu ekkert við

Brezku ofur-rotturnar

"The term "super-rats" refers to rats that have gained immunity to traditional poison baits used across the UK."

Bloggfærslur 21. janúar 2024


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