Vélarnar virka ekki

Sniðugir hlutir koma fyrir 7 milljarða manna á hverjum degi.


Hvaða Tim Pool ert þú í dag?

Eitthvað vesen á Kínverjunum

"Earlier today, we lamented the latest implosion in Chinese markets, which we discussed in "China Stocks Crash Through 'Snowball Derivatives' Trigger Levels Overnight", in which we pointed out the unprecedented failure of the centrally-planned market to halt its collapse be it through short selling bans, or even the latest impotent intervention by the "National Team", China's Plunge Protection Team, which today failed to spark even a modest rebound in the relentless selling which had triggered key liquidation levels.

...China now has two options: pretend that the failed policies it has been doing (or pretending to do) so far has been successful, which it likely will until there is just too much blood on the streets, or it will finally capitulate and unleash the biggest fiscal stimulus ever seen in China: we are talking multiple trillions here, and in dollars not yuan, consequences be damned, because we are nearing the point of peak panic where Beijing will do anything at all to buy social order and stability for just a few more months."


Næst tekur DF Austurvöll.  Mér skilst að það sé eitthvað í gangi þar sem ber að athuga.

Franskir bændur mótmæla kolefnistrú & Glóbalisma

"Principally, the farmers are calling for their way of life to be respected by elites in Paris and Brussels. However, in terms of concrete measures, they have called for a reduction in onerous green regulations from the EU and from their government, which recently raised taxes on agricultural fuel."

Kolefnistrúin er banvæn.

Nánasta framtíð Reykjavíkur

Flugfélagið er rekið af klæðskiftingum og svertingjum, auðvitað gengur illa að halda vélunum við

"British traveler Phil Hardy, 41, was onboard Flight VS127 at Manchester Airport in the UK on Jan. 15 when he noticed the four missing fasteners during a safety briefing for passengers and decided to alert the cabin crew.

Virgin Atlantic, however, seems more worried about making sure their flights are as gay and black as possible and not as safe as possible."


Ameríski fasistaflokkurinn gjaldþrota

"The Democratic Socialists of America, one of AOC’s favorite political organizations, is facing a serious financial crunch and may have to lay people off.

Who knew that socialists would have such a hard time managing funds? It looks like they finally ran out of other people’s money."

Fasistar kunna ekkert með pening að fara.  Sjáið bara íslenska ríkið.

Vélarnar eru ekkert að fara að leggja hvorki eitt eða neitt undir sig

"Two robots were spotted during an awkward standoff after coming face-to-face with each other in a city centre street.

The Co-op delivery machines appeared "to get confused about whether to go right or left to leave room" on a road in Cambridge."

Einhver úrkynjaður fáviti er aftur að spyrja UFC út í hluti sem koma UFC ekkert við.

Fyrir þá sem muna ekki:

Bloggfærslur 23. janúar 2024


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