Fólk, það er prótein

Þegar fólk biður um hluti sem það skilur ekki, verður niðurstaðan oft svona.

Einhver vinnur hörðum höndum við að koma af stað stríði við Íran

"The IRGC-affiliated Tasnim News Agency reported on Wednesday that two explosions rocked the event “as people were packed on a road leading to a cemetery where the tomb of General Soleimani is located,” 13 minutes apart. Terrorists often use multiple explosions to target both their initial victims and first responders deploying to save those injured."

Glóbalistar standa á bakvið þetta.

Þessi fékk það sem hún bað um.

LAPD kemur til hjálpar

"A woman who called 911 asking for help and protection from a domestic violence situation involving her ex-boyfriend was shot dead in front of the violent ex and her 9-year-old daughter by a deputy from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

When law enforcement arrived on the scene, 27-year-old Niani Finlayson answered the door. She was holding a knife by her side, and was allegedly threatening to stab her former partner who she said had assaulted both her and her daughter. Bodycam footage shows Deputy Ty Shelton opening fire almost immediately after entering the home."


Einhver náði að sigra Tetris

"13-year-old Willis Gibson from Oklahoma is believed to have become the first human being to have beaten the classic Nintendo video game Tetris, more than three decades after it was first released.

It was only considered possible to advance to level 29 until just a few years ago. Previously, only specially-designed artificial intelligence bots had been capable of forcing the game to its kill screen."

Það má reyna.

Hin göfuga barátta heldur áfram

"Speed cameras have been cut down in a series of night-time raids reminiscent of the damage inflicted on the Ulez cameras in the capital.

Two more cameras in Cornwall have been cut down overnight, following a spate of similar incidents in November."

Bretinn vs. hið illa.

Fyrsta bókmenntahorn ársins

Fyrst fær þessi að nöldra um það versta sem hún las á árinu:

Töluvert meiri fræðzla um kvensjúkdóma en maður býst við, kannski.

Meiri Laxness.

Nóg af Laxness.

Þetta virðist hafa verið slappt ár í bókmenntum.

Þessi kvikmynd er byggð á bók.  Það er einhver munur á kvikmyndinni og bókinni.

Bloggfærslur 3. janúar 2024


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