Ég hef lifað lengur en Guy de Maupassant.


Þessi gat ekki klárað. Hér gerir hún tilraun til að útskýra sín viðhorf.

Laxness.  Garðar Hólm, já...

Meirihluti þeirra sem halda úti svona rásum eru undarlegir.

Ég sá kvikmyndina.

Í grunninn "The Shining," nema styttri.

Hver lifir þetta eiginlega af?


Rússar þykjast vera nálægt því að búa til fyrirbyggjandi lyf við krabbameini

"President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Russian scientists were close to creating vaccines for cancer that could soon be available to patients.

Putin did not specify which types of cancer the proposed vaccines would target, nor how."


Árásir á gyðinga hafa aldrei verið fleiri í Bretlandi

"The CST reported the number of incidents seen in the post-Hamas attack era at the end of 2023 was 589 per cent higher than the same period in the previous year. The body has been tracking antisemitic attacks in Britain since 1984, and said in their report that while they have previously seen spikes in incidents while Israel is at war, what made 2023 stand out is the surge came immediately after the Hamas attack, and not after the launch of the counter-attack nearly a month later."



Íran gerir tilkall til Suðurskautsins

"Iran’s top Navy Commander announced that Iran owns Antarctica, and the regime plans to build a military base in the South Pole.

Iran’s declaration of ownership of Antarctica came around the same time the Biden admin decided to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian funds that were being held in Qatar."

Já, því ekki?


Einhver Sigurgeir böstaður í almenningsgarði

"Themis Matsoukas, 64, was already facing charges of open lewdness, indecent exposure, sexual intercourse with an animal and animal cruelty after police said he’d been seen on video involved in sexual acts with a pet collie."

Auðvitað er hann eldri en 60.  Hvað annað?

Bloggfærslur 16. febrúar 2024


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