Kreml mundar raketturnar

Samfylkingin er alla leið í Nazismanum

"Kristrún sagðist 100% nálg­ast mála­flokk­inn út­frá gild­um jafnaðar­mennsku en að tvö­falt sam­fé­lag hefði skap­ast á Íslandi."

Það skiftir ekki máli hverni áróðurinn er, svo lengi sem hann virkar.  Eða það sagði Hitler.  Lesið bækurnar eftir hann ef þið trúið mér ekki.  Allt til á netinu.

Vörubílstjórar neita að flytja vörur til New York

"Truck drivers transport between 70% to 73% of all freight in the United States. Therefore, when truckers begin discussing plans on social media to boycott loads to progressive hellhole New York City, it's important to pay attention. 

X user Chicago1Ray, who appears to be a Midwest truck driver, shared a video late Friday night detailing that a number of truck drivers will begin denying loads to NYC on Monday."

Kreml hótar að sprengja allt í tætlur

"Dmitry Medvedev - a close Putin ally who served as president from 2008 to 2012 - said if a military defeat led to a return to the 1991 frontiers, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Moscow would unleash Armageddon."

Þá er bara að spreyja bílinn svartan, logsjóða gadda á hann og saga framan af tvíhleypunni.

Er Texas að breytast í sér land?

"Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is in Eagle Pass right now to show an area where the state is building a new Texas Military Dept. base camp. He said it will be able to house up to 1,800 soldiers with ability to expand up to 2,300 if state has "surge needs.""


Texas Military?  Uhm... ok.

Mjög undarlegur hlutur að segja.  Hvað meinar Henry Giardina með þessu?

Allir þurfa óeirðir Erítreumanna

"The Express in the UK is reporting as well that the whole thing started as a battle between two East African gangs that the police had to step in the middle of.
The gangs have been throwing rocks, brawling with the cops, and setting police cars on fire."

Framtíð Íslands.

Bloggfærslur 18. febrúar 2024


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