Orkydrykkir ofl...

Orkudrykkir gætu verið að skemma krakkana á óvæntan hátt

"Those who consumed energy drinks were shown to have a higher risk of mental health problems such as depression, suicidal thoughts, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and anxiety, according to a study from Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health at Teesside University, and Newcastle University in the UK. It was published in the Public Health journal last month."

Kannski drekka sækóar frekar orkudrykki...

BBC er samansafn af kynþáttahöturum

"A senior BBC employee described white people as a “barbaric bloodthirsty rapacious murderous genocidal thieving parasitical deviant breed,” while also calling the UK a “bigoted” country."

Einn ætti að líta sér nær.

Biden er ekki við stjórn

"House Speaker Mike Johnson just handed out some serious ammunition to those who have been saying — for years, in some cases — that Joe Biden isn’t actually running the country as president.

“I’m not sure Joe Biden is actually making these decisions,” the Louisiana Republican said of Biden’s immigration policies during an interview Friday on Fox Business."


Tunglið skreppur saman

"The moon, Earth's closest celestial neighbor, has undergone significant changes over the last few hundred million years, and is currently shrinking in size.

A recent study reveals that the moon has shrunk by more than 150 feet in circumference, a phenomenon akin to a grape wrinkling into a raisin."

Það er svo kalt.

Sumir vilja halda áfram að dæla pening í hryðjuverkasamtök

"Sigmar Guðmundsson þingmaður Viðreisnar, Orri Páll Jóhannsson þingmaður Vinstri grænna og Hafdís Hrönn Hafsteinsdóttir þingmaður Framsóknar eru sammála um það að íslenska ríkið eigi ekki að fresta áframhaldandi greiðslum til UNRWA..."

Viðreisn, VG & Framsókn, allir í hryðjuverkunum.

Ekki það að við ættum að styrkja UN almennt.

Bloggfærslur 4. febrúar 2024


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