Rússar sigra heiminn

Hið raunverulega skotmark

"It cost Israel more than $1bn to activate its defense systems that intercepted Iran's massive drone and missile attack overnight,  according to a former financial adviser to Israel's military."

Íran er í liði með Rússum, munið?  Þeir læra.

Jafnvel í víti þarf að slá grasið.

Mikilvægi þess að skilja málið

"... this illegal immigrant from Venezuela tried to rob a bank in Sandusky, Ohio, but he was unable to complete the job because he didn't speak English. He even used a translator app on his phone to get the message across to the teller."

Þessi ágæti maður útskýrir hvers vegna Rússar geta haldið landinu sem þeir eru að taka.

Á meðan tapar USA ítökum í Afríku, beitn í hendur Rússa

"In the case of Niger, this situation escalated up to the point where the Niger Junta Severed the ongoing US Military Cooperation Agreement and Ordered its troops and civilian personnel out of the Country.

Now, it arises that a crowd took to the streets of Niger’s capital today (13) to demand the departure of U.S. troops, mere days after the Junta welcomed new Russian military instructors."

Vesturlönd hamast við að eyða eigin efnahagskerfi til þess að berja sitt eigið fólk niður, og halda að þau geti á sama tíma ráðið við Afríku.

Tapið fólkinu, tapið völdunum.

Skosk yfirvöld að henda fólkinu í ruslið.

Kommar missa fylgi

"A survey conducted between April 9th and 12th by Norstat for The Sunday Times found that First Minister Yousaf’s net popularity among those who voted for his Scottish National Party (SNP) in the 2019 general election fell to negative seven per cent, a steep decline from January when the leftist leader had a positive popularity of net 14 per cent."

Kynþáttahatarinn kominn í mínus.

Ég er ekki einn um að taka eftir þessu.

Japanir hafa vit á að mótmæla vitleysu

"On April 13th, a significant demonstration took place in Tokyo’s Ikebukuro district, drawing attention to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed Pandemic Treaty.

The treaty, set for adoption at the WHO’s General Assembly in May, has sparked controversy and fear among citizens, leading to one of the largest protests in recent Japanese history, according to Aussie17, a former Big Pharma employee.

Protesters voiced strong opposition to mandatory vaccinations and the potential infringement on Japan’s sovereignty. “We strongly protest against the WHO for forcing people to be vaccinated, ignoring Japan’s sovereignty where vaccines are voluntary,” declared one of the banners leading the march."

Hér eru allir með augun lokuð og tappa í eyrunum.

Rússar taka meira af Úkraníu.

Bloggfærslur 14. apríl 2024


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