Klappaðu nautgrip

Í Ameríku getur þú klappað kú á meðan þú kaupir riffil

"The owner of A&G Shooting in Fairfield, Adam Hendsbee, hired an ‘udderly' cute shop cow last Tuesday.

"He's the ambassador of good will, I guess," Hendsbee said. "I didn't plan on having a cow, but now we have a cow- so what do you do with a cow? You treat it like a dog and you bring it to work.""

Kannski Vesturröst ætti að skoða þetta?

Þessu tengt: AK gaurinn á leið á þing

"My failure of a Congressman @TonyGonzales4TX went on CNN this morning calling @mattgaetz and @RepBobGood Klansmen, and me a “known neo-Nazi.” This is the death spiral ladies and gentlemen. He has to cry to his liberal friends about me, because Republicans won’t listen anymore."

Daily Mail kann fyrirsagnir.

Listi yfir rasísk matvæli

... þetta er til.

'Nam aftur

"The US is considering increasing its small military presence in Ukraine by sending up to 60 additional military advisers, POLITICO reported on Saturday, the same day the House approved $61 billion in spending for the proxy war."

1,2,3 what are we fighting for?

Þetta verður annaðhvort mjög fyndið eða glatað á allan hátt

"“Rapinoe and her partner Sue Bird’s production company, A Touch More, will create the series,” the Examiner said. Meryl Wilsner, the author of Cleat Cute, “writes happily ever afters for queer folks who love women,” according to the Amazon website."

Einhver taki að sér að horfa á þetta og dæma hvort er.


Bloggfærslur 22. apríl 2024


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