
Hvernig gengur ķ Śkranķu.

Brilljant į allan hįtt

"Companies based in Taiwan have sold Russia more than $20 million in advanced equipment that can be used for weapons production, the Washington Post has claimed, noting that Moscow’s defense sector has ramped up purchases in recent months.

“The Taiwan-made machines accounted for virtually all of the Russian company’s imports in the first seven months of last year, according to the records, and the company’s sales during that period were overwhelmingly to the Russian defense industry,” the newspaper added, although it did not specify how the CNC machines were to be used.

Former US arms control official Kevin Wolf told the Post that such transfers likely violated sanctions imposed by both Washington and Taipei in response to the conflict in Ukraine."

Žaš gengur mjög illa ķ USA nśna

Tóm gleši į Indlandi

"After landing a spacecraft on the moon, India is on a roll, putting the pedal to the metal to solidify its position as one of the locomotives driving the growth of the so-called ‘Global South’.

It now arises that the world’s most populous country wants to attain up to 8% annual GDP growth for several years.

New Delhi is focused on boosting its manufacturing capabilities, as the country offers a kinder face for Western investments, in contrast with its Chinese counterparts."

Į mešan er Evrópa aš eitra fyrir sér į fullu.

Stašan į žessu

"The detained man, a Malian national, went on a stabbing spree at around 8:00 am (0700 GMT) at the station, which operates domestic trains as well as those heading to Switzerland and Italy.

One person suffered serious injuries to the abdomen while two others were lightly wounded, police said."

Sumir eru meira osom en ašrir.

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