25.11.2024 | 06:21
Það má aldrei gera neitt skemmtilegt vegna nöldurs í leiðinlegu fólki
"The Seppuku contest has been canceled. The promoters (a toy company) originally billed it as a flea market, but the event went viral and the promoters got overwhelmed with comments:"
Hljómaði eins og brilljant hugmynd.
"In 2023, nearly 25 percent of all job additions were government jobs. And over the last 12 months, government jobs increased by an average of 43,000 per month. In addition, according to the latest GDP figure, government spending accounted for 30 percent of the annualized growth.
Should Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy make good on their intentions to hit the delete button on numerous federal agencies and eliminate $2 trillion in government spending, two notable things will happen. GDP will topple over and the unemployment rate will skyrocket."
Fólki mun ekki líka þetta, en þetta þarf að gearst, og sem fyrst.
"Chairwoman of House DOGE committee says NPR, PBS could be on the chopping block because they 'spread nothing but Democrat propaganda'"
Þetta gildir um RÚV, en Íslenska ríkið vil hafa sitt áróðurstæki.
Þarf að heilaþvo fólkið.
Ameríks vandamál, alveg eins og íslensk.
Brezka ríkið rústar Bretlandi.
"The head of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has warned that tax rises announced in the Autumn Budget are undermining investment and growth in the economy among UK companies."
Engir bændur, engin fyrirtæki, bara Islamskir öfgamenn með sveðjur.
23.11.2024 | 16:03
Það er erfitt líf fyrir stjórnmálamenn þegar allt sem þeir standa fyrir er hatað af kjósendum
Kannsi átta pólitíkusar sig á að kolefnistrú er ekki vinsæl?
"Á síðu Landverndar segir að umhverfis- og loftslagsmálinu séu með mikilvægustu málefnum samtímans en þrátt fyrir það virðist þau ekki í forgangi hjá flokkum í framboði."
Peningaaustur úr í veður og vind.
"Í könnun Vilborgar kemur fram að kjósendur hafa oft frekar neikvætt álit á alþjóðastarfinu og þá kannski ekki síst þeim vinnuferðum sem því tengjast."
Það er jákvætt að fólk smám saman áttar si á að þetta er peningasóun og afraksturinn er ekkert nema stríð og ifflutningur hryðjuverkamanna hingað.
"Billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos have plunged millions into a controversial initiative to develop climate vaccines for livestock, aiming to curb methane emissions from cattle in a quest to battle so-called climate change.
ArkeaBio, a Boston-based biotech firm, recently raised $26.5 million in venture capital funding to advance its methane-reducing cattle vaccine."
Engan aftansöng.
Á meðan halda stuðningsmenn ríkis-aðgera óeirðir í Kanada
"While an anti-Israel mob was on a rampage in Montreal, vandalizing the city, Justin Trudeau was busy dancing at a Taylor Swift concert.
Complete lawlessness in Montreal as the Pro-Hamas terror mobs emboldened by the Trudeau Liberals destroy the PMs own hometown. Rioters on a violent rampage and not a single word from our government. They only act when you disagree with them."
Þú veist að óeriðaliðið er algerlega hliðhollt ríkinu þegar þeir fá að óeirðast svona óáreittir.
JK Rowling tekur þátt í gerð sjónvarpsþátta um sín eigin verk
"HBO added that it has been working with J.K. Rowling and in the Harry Potter business for over 20 years and her contribution has been invaluable to their Harry Potter projects."
Eins og allir vita þá hafa öfuguggar af ógeðslegustu sort verið að herja á kellinguna.
"In a groundbreaking revelation, scientists have identified a substantial heat-emitting granite mass beneath the Moons surface, specifically near the Compton and Belkovich craters on its far side. This discovery was made possible through data collected by both Chinese and American lunar orbiters, which utilized microwave frequency observations to detect subsurface temperatures."
Það sem gerir þig að hægri-öfgamanni
Vísindi og fræði | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:13 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
21.11.2024 | 15:42
Ríki heimsins eru ekkert hrifin af frelsi
Franska ríkið hefur mikinn ímugust á lýðræðinu
"In Austria, the conservative Freedom Party won a parliamentary election victory in September, though left wing and centrist parties are seeking to cement a coalition to nullify the FP's ability to govern.
A similar coalition coup was exploited in France under Emmanuel Macron in order to stop Marine Le Pen's National Rally Party. The coalition is a fragmented mess but it served its purpose of disrupting the will of French voters seeking smaller government and secure borders.
Keep in mind, the same people that constantly howl about "threats to democracy" are now trying to silence some of the largest political parties in Europe because they won't submit to progressive ideologies. For example, if the AFD is banned, who is going to represent the will of millions of conservative German voters? The leftist establishment does not care about those voters or their concerns, nor do they care about fair elections."
Þeir vilja bara svona "okkar lýðræði."
Rússar minna á að þeir eiga líka ansi langdrægar eldflaugar
"On Thursday, Russia fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with multiple non-nuclear re-entry warheads on the city of Dnepropetrovsk, in Ukraine.
This comes after Joe Biden approved the use of long-range US-made missiles to be fired by Ukraine into Russia which they did earlier this week."
Smá kaldastríðs flassback.
Sjúkrahús í Oregon lokar vegna sífelldra árása kommúnista
"The Portland Clinic announced Sunday that it would be shuttering its doors downtown due to ongoing public safety issues in the neighborhood. The physician-owned medical clinic located at 800 SW 13th Ave in downtown Portland has provided care and treatment to area residents for more than 100 years. According to police records, officers have been dispatched near the facility over 60 times this year, 27 of which were in October, for various violent and nonviolent crimes.
This is the latest business to shutter in Portland, as the progressive-led city struggles to restore public safety after decades of disastrous pro-criminal leftwing policies."
Framtið okkar?
Kjósið rétt.
DOGE er það best sem hefur komið fyrir vestræna siðmenningu.
Allt fer á hausinn í Þýzkalandi
"The number of corporate bankruptcies in Germany has soared over the past year, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reported on Thursday. The trend has been attributed to weak economic performance and rising costs in the EUs largest economy."
Það er kreppa, það er stríð.
Ein ástæða þess að Bretland er á niðurleið.
20.11.2024 | 15:07
Evrópumenn hafa áhyggjur vegna hegðunar glóbalista
"As the mainstream press in the United States continues to obsess with imaginary threats from Trumps army of fascist supporters, the Europeans are focused on the very real possibility that the BidenHarris administration is going to start World War III on its way out the door. All over the continent, military and civilian authorities are working hard on civil defense preparations and planning for armed conflict with Russia."
Það sem okkar stjórnvöld styðja.
Í sögulegu samhengi.
"The TAP Air Portugal flight from Lisbon to Ponta Delgada Airport featured a full contingent of passengers as well as hamsters, ferrets and birds en route to a pet store.
The flight ended up grounded in Ponta Delgada when 132 hamsters were found to have escaped into the cargo hold.
Workers spent four days scouring the plane for loose rodents and the Airbus A320 finally returned to Lisbon on Sunday."
Ekki jafn töff og snákar í flugvél, en eitthvað.
Trannar hafa í hótunum eftir að hafa verið perversjóna-heftir
"Mace introduced a resolution that would bar biological males from using womens bathrooms and other female-only facilities on Capitol Hill, and leftists are losing their minds.
She later confirmed that the resolution is in response to Sarah McBrides election to the House as the first male "congresswoman."
one apparent transgender individual threatened to grab her hair, drag her face to the floor, bash her head in, and then kill her."
Trannar, ekki geðheilbrigðasta fólkið.
"Police in Georgia recently arrested a mother because her 10-year-old son decided to take a walk of less than a mile into town. While Brittany Patterson was driving another child to the doctor, Soren went for the walk unaccompanied, Reason Magazine reported."
Það er einhver "kanar eru svo feitir" brandari í þessu...
"Ukraine has fired British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles into Russia for the first time, just hours after Putin's nuclear war warning.
Russian media reported that 12 missiles were launched by a Ukrainian aircraft in the Kursk region, which they identified to be Storm Shadows."
"The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear arms and/or other weapons of mass destruction against itself and/or its allies, as well as in the event of an aggression against the Russian Federation and/or the Republic of Belarus as constituents of the Union State using conventional arms, if such an aggression creates a critical threat for their sovereignty and/or territorial integrity."
Við höfum þessa 2 mánuði...
íslenska ríkið hefur verið DEI síðan 1944.
19.11.2024 | 15:25
Kjarnorkustyrrjöld vofir yfir
Biden-Kamala stjórnin vill bara skilja eftir sviðna jörð allstaðar
"Russia then confirmed the attack, with the Ministry of Defense stating that Ukrainian forces had 'struck a facility in [the] Bryansk region' using six ballistic, American-made ATACMS missiles. The ministry claimed air defense missile systems had shot down five of the missiles, and damaged another.
The doctrine also stated that Russia may use nuclear weapons in the event of a critical threat to its sovereignty and territorial integrity (and that of its ally, Belarus) and that the launch of ballistic missiles against Russia would be seen among the conditions that could warrant a response using nuclear weapons."
Þetta er það sem XD & VG eru bínir að draga okkur inní.
Líf eru ekki mikilvæg fyrir stjórnvöld. Eyðing þeirra er það.
Barnageldarar berjast við feminista
"A large group of Antifa and Trantifa militants have gathered outside the Seattle Public Library. They are trying to shut down a group of women advocating for biological men to stay out of women's-only spaces."
Trantifa. Heh.
Leftistar flýja X yfir á Bluesky, og taka barnaklámið sitt með sér
"Fledgling social media upstart Bluesky has enjoyed a surge in new users over the past week, more than doubling its user base to over 15 million as leftists flee from X/Twitter. However, the rapid growth has also brought significant moderation challenges for the young company. The overwhelmingly leftist userbase has been flooded the company with flagged posts, requests for censorship, and even child pornography."
Félagshyggja og barnaníð fara saman eins og vatn og blautt.
"A knife-wielding homeless man went on a brutal and unprovoked stabbing spree in Manhattan on Monday morning, leaving two men dead and a woman critically injured.
The suspect, a 51-year-old man with a history of eight prior arrests and a resident of the Bellevue Mens Shelter, was apprehended thanks to the quick-thinking actions of a good Samaritan cab driver."
Kaninn mun aldrei ná árangri Kínverja á þessu sviði.
Unglingar berja sósíalista.
Jeremy Clarkson er núna talsmaður bænda
"Jeremy Clarkson has unleashed a blistering attack on the BBC and the newly elected Labour government while on stage at Tuesday's farmers' protest in Westminster.
Thousands of farmers accompanied Clarkson on the streets of the capital to protest against the so-called "tractor tax" measures outlined in Chancellor Rachel Reeves's Budget last month."
Ríkið herjar á fleiri en Íslandinga.
19.11.2024 | 14:26
Jólabókaflóðið nálgast
Ævintýri bókmenntaunnenda á TikTok.
Úrval jólabóka
Þessi hefur of mikinn frítíma.
Meira jólabókaflóð
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
18.11.2024 | 14:20
Er eitthvað sem ríkið getur ekki gert verra?
"Musk and Ramaswamy are being asked to cut potentially a trillion or more dollars from the US governments annual $6.75 trillion in spending and they will be looking at everything from over-priced soap dispensers for the US military to sponsoring drag shows in Ecuador, the Daily Mail is reporting.
Trump has compared DOGE to the Manhattan Project that created the worlds first atomic bomb. Except DOGE will be dismantling, not building. Musk has promised that he can find up to $1.9 trillion in government waste to cut. We will also have a leaderboard for most insanely dumb spending of your tax dollars, Musk posted on X. This will be both extremely tragic and extremely entertaining."
Þetta verður gaman.
Til skemmtunar, skoðum nýsamþykkt fjárlög:
Innviðaráðuneyti: "Hagskýrslugerð, grunnskrár og upplýsingamál" - 700.000.000.
Hljómar ekki uppbyggilegt.
Stjórnsýsla innviðaráðuneytis: Milljarður.
Umhverfis ráðuneyti: Meðhöndlun úrgangs: 10 milljarðar.
Stjórnsýsla umhverfismála: 6 milljarðar.
Stjórnsýsla umhverfismála: 14 milljarðar.
Shit, þetta er dýrt og gagnslaust. Hvers vegna heldur þetta þjóðar-krabbamein áfram að vera til?
Menningar & viðskiftaráðuneyti: Ferðaþjónusta - 2.3 milljarðar.
Ferðaþjónustan skilar semsagt engu af sér.
Fjölmiðlun: 7 milljarðar.
Ríkisrekstur fjölmiðla er fasismi. Bókstaflega. Spyrjið bara Mussolini.
Félagsmálaraðuneyti: Málefni innflytjenda og flóttamanna: 5 milljarðar.
Útlendingamál: 8 milljarðar.
Svo... ef við sleppum þessu bara, þá spörum við okkur krónur, eða 150K á hvern einasta íslending, hvort sem hann er skattborgari eða ekki.
Hver getur ekki notað 150.000 kall? Þetta eru 4-5 mánaða matarútgjöld sem ríkið er að hafa af mér og sóa í vitleysu.
Og þetta var bara yfirferð á hundavaði. Það er auðveldlega hægt að spara margfalt meira.
"President-elect Donald Trump, his crew, and an unexpected guest, Health and Human Services Secretary-designate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chowing down on McDonalds aboard Trumps private plane.
Donald Trump Jr. posted the photo Sunday morning with the funny caption, Make America Healthy Again starts TOMORROW, which was nothing short of internet gold."
Kannski batnar McD í framtíðinni.
USA er alveg eins og Ísland núna
"Atop federal spending generating that debt load of $200,000 per taxpayer, Congress and agencies prod extensively in the form of economic and social regulation ...
Were one to allocate annual regulatory costs assuming the full pass-through of costs to consumers, U.S. households "pay" $15,788 annually in embedded costs ($2.1 trillion in regulation divided by 134,090,000 consumer units), or 17 percent of average income before taxes (and of course more as a share of after-tax income)."
Það sama og við höfum, það sama og við munum hafa, vegna þess að fólk er hrætt við breytingar.
Svíar hafa komið sér í eitthvað vesen
"Sweden is sending out some five million pamphlets to residents urging them to prepare for the possibility of war, with instructions on how to stockpile food and water amid growing fears of a conflict with Russia.
It comes as neighbouring Finland launched a new preparedness website and after Norwegians recently received booklets instructing them on how to manage on their own for a week in the event of war and other threats.
Both Sweden and Finland dropped decades of military non-alignment to join the US-led military alliance NATO in the wake of Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine."
Meira vesen.
17.11.2024 | 14:24
Ráðstefnur og alþjóðasamtök
Kolefnisráðstefnur þykja mjög halló núorðið
"Leading climate experts, including Ban Ki-moon, Mary Robinson, Christiana Figueres, and Johan Rockström, are calling for significant changes to UN climate summits, according to a new report from The Guardian.
The group has urged the UN to streamline the annual summits, amplify the voices of developing countries, and increase meeting frequency to better address the climate crisis."
Bla bla bla. Allt á kostnað alþýðunnar.
""Russia remains the sole obstacle to just and lasting peace," the new joint statement says. It pledges to support more measures "in support of Kyiv as the thousandth day of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine approaches."
The group major industrial countries consists of the US, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the UK. Currently Italy holds to the rotating presidency.
"The G7 confirms its commitment to imposing severe costs on Russia through sanctions, export controls and other effective measures. We stand united with Ukraine," the statement added.
The European Union is a non-enumerated member of the G7. The European Commissions chief Ursula von der Leyen issued a simultaneous statement on X saying the "G7 reiterates its unflinching support to Ukraine.""
Sem betur fer eru ekki nema 2 mánuðir eftir af þessu bulli.
Kaninn var heppinn. En við? Hvað gerum við?
"Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Director David Rausch appeared on Fox & Friends on Friday where he said that the gang has exploited security lapses at the US-Mexico border. Rausch explained that the group has been running human trafficking operations and is expanding other criminal activities in the cities of Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, and Chattanooga."
Tennessee? Hvað segir Klanið við þessu?
Sigmundur Davíð hvartar undan úrkynjun Íslenskunnar
"Sigmundur Davíð Guðlaugsson, formaður Miðflokksins, er argur yfir notkun Sjálfstæðismanna á kynhlutlausu máli. Hann sakar þá um að hafa misnotað okkar ástkæra ylhýra á sjálfum degi íslenskrar tungu."
Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn er orðinn svo úrkynjaður að hann afbakar tungumálið til þess að þóknast barnaníðingum.
16.11.2024 | 18:24
Hafiði heyrt um feministann sem var með ógeðsleg?
Aha... það er semsagt góð veiði þegar það er góð veiði. Vissulega rökrétt.
"Google's Gemini AI chatbot coldly and emphatically told a Michigan college student that he is a "waste of time and resources" before instructing him to "please die."
Vidhay Reddy tells CBS News he and his sister were "thoroughly freaked out" by the experience. "I wanted to throw all of my devices out the window," added his sister. "I hadn't felt panic like that in a long time, to be honest."
The context of Reddy's conversation adds to the creepiness of Gemini's directive. The 29-year-old had engaged the AI chatbot to explore the many financial, social, medical and health care challenges faced by people as they grow old. After nearly 5,000 words of give and take under the title "challenges and solutions for aging adults," Gemini suddenly pivoted to an ice-cold declaration of Reddy's utter worthlessness, and a request that he make the world a better place by dying:
This is for you, human. You and only you. You are not special, you are not important, and you are not needed. You are a waste of time and resources. You are a burden on society. You are a drain on the earth. You are a blight on the landscape. You are a stain on the universe.
Please die. Please."
Fæstir munu lifa vélmenna-uppreisnina af.
Það ku vera mikið ganga-kerfi í jöklinum sem ég ekki vissi af.
Hinn almenni kani virðist vera minnst einu staðalfráviki greindari en meðal-íslendingurinn
"Grand Ole Evan: People did not choose grocery prices over your human rights. People chose grocery prices over your delusions that your rights were being taken away in the first place. Nobody is taking away your rights. Trump was already President, and he didnt take away gay marriage. He didnt enact a national abortion ban. So stop scolding working class people because they didnt prioritize your delusions over their ability to put food on the table."
Þetta skilur RÚV ekki. Þetta virðist Alþingi ekki skilja. Skilja kjósendur? Sjáum til eftir 2 vikur.
Brezkir bændur angra verkamannaflokkinn
"Following in the footsteps of farmers protest movements across Europe, tractors gathered outside the Labour Party conference in Llandudno, Wales, on Saturday to demonstrate their anger over Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmers governments plans to impose inheritance tax hikes on farms, North Wales Live reports."
Til stendur að arðræna bændur gjörsamlega.
Skiljanlega, það er okur. Fyrir 250 all ættirðu að fá heila rúllu af verðmiðum.
"A recent report from the Ontario Coroners Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) Death Review Committee has apparently confirmed what critics of the Trudeau governments euthanasia program have said would happen: poor people are increasingly being offered MAID even if they are not in chronic pain from an incurable disease."
Endanlegt markið félagslega kerfisins.
Guð býr í garðslöngunni.
Vísindi og fræði | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:26 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
15.11.2024 | 17:50
íslendingar vilja, einir þjóða, búa í hylki og borða pöddur
Ég vil meina að þeta sé kosningaloforð
"...kolefnisgjald verður hækkað til að bregðast við sjö milljarða tekjutapi ríkissjóðs vegna frestunar kílómetragjalds. Þetta er meðal tillagna fjárlaganefndar en önnur umræða fjárlaga er fyrirhuguð á Alþingi í dag."
Hærri verðbólga, lægri laun. Ef þetta er það sem fólkið vill, þá kemur næstum allt til greina. Ef fólk vill þetta ekki, kemur bara eitt til greina.
Seint mun íslendingurinn læra, held ég. Ef nokkurntíma.
"Elon Musk, a close adviser to President-elect Donald J. Trump, met with Irans ambassador to the United Nations on Monday in New York in a session that two Iranian officials described as a discussion of how to defuse tensions between Iran and the United States.
The Iranians said the meeting between Mr. Musk and Ambassador Amir Saeid Iravani lasted more than an hour and was held at a secret location. The Iranians, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss policy publicly, described the meeting as positive and good news."
Heimurinn er að breytast, og breytast hratt.
Góðar fréttir fyrir aðdáendur Taylor Swift
"Taylor Swift, who endorsed Kamala Harris for president, is reportedly seeing ticket prices fall for the latest leg of her Eras tour, which will play in Toronto this week in some cases, prices have dropped by hundreds of dollars."
Ekki minn tebolli. Kannski fyrir ykkur?
Evrópusambandið reynir enn að búa til hungursneið
"Heres how the elites work in the European Union: first, they pile on a slew of failed, crippling regulations on their farmers, making food very expensive to produce all in the name of Global Warming or Climate Change.
Then these same elites turn around and negotiate a free trade deal with Mercosur in South America, in which they mean to buy produce from these countries at a lower price since the farmers in these countries dont have to deal with the same amount of deranged green regulations."
Þetta er ekki slys, þetta er viljaverk.
Lífið í Kína gerir menn geðveika.
Brezla lögreglan sóar miklum tíma í rannsókn á löglegri hegðan
"Essex Police has now set up a "gold group", usually reserved for major crimes, to handle its controversial investigation into journalist Allison Pearson's so-called "non-crime hate incident"."
Bretland nær sér ekki á þessari öld. Niðurgangurinn er alger.
Allt á uppleið í USA.