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Meiri umfjöllun um morðóðan kynþáttahatara

Ef einhver vill vita hvert styrkir til Gaza fara...

"According to the New York Post, the top three leaders of Hamas in Qatar are worth a combined $11 billion and enjoy extravagant lifestyles. The leaders include Ismail Haniyeh, Moussa Abu Marzuk, and Khaled Mashal.

According to the Embassy of Israel to the United States, Abu Marzuk is worth $3 billion, Khaled Mashal and Ismail Haniyeh both worth $4 billion. Hamas has an annual turnover of $1 billion."

Þetta viljiði ekki vita.

AfD eru ekki barnanauðgarar

"Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution decided recently to classify the AfD party in the state of Saxony-Anhalt as a “right-wing extremist organization.”

The Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, is a Christian Democrat party member. The just got beat by the AfD."

Ef þú veist hvort er meira woke að nauðga barni áður en þú skerð af því kynfærin eða á eftir, þá getur þú ekki veriðí AfD.

Kommúnistar ætla að leggja undir sig internetið

"Next week, the FCC will vote on President Biden’s plan to give the Administrative State effective control of all Internet services and infrastructure.

The penalties can include "forfeiture proceedings," so the government can just take a broadband provider's business as its own no matter what they do."

Þá verður ekkert að marka neitt á internetinu.

Basically Facebook.

Þetta er alvöru.


Á meðan, á Spáni

"It looks like the folks in Spain are getting fed up with being a "multicultural" country, but the jury's out on whether we're about to get El Cid 2.0 or Franco The Reboot.

In response to anti-Israel and pro-Hamas protests, some Spaniards have taken to the streets to let the country's socialist government know they're getting a little tired of its supposedly "neutral" secularism."

Menn verða skiljanlega pirraðir á terroristum úti á götu.

Á meðan, á Íslandi:

"Aukn­ar áhyggj­ur Íslend­inga und­an­farið ár af of­beld­is­brot­um end­ur­spegl­ar hrinu of­beld­is­verka í ís­lensku sam­fé­lagi. 

Þetta seg­ir Helgi Gunn­laugs­son, pró­fess­or í af­brota­fræði við Há­skóla Íslands."

Eru til einhver gögn um þetta sem við getum skoðað?  Kaninn er meða allt svona opinberlega aðgengilegt.  Hér?  Ekki svo mjög.  Helgi gæti þess vegna búið þetta allt til jafnóðum.


""Við lít­um allt of lítið til Fær­eyja," seg­ir Helgi Gunn­laugs­son, pró­fess­or í af­brota­fræði við Há­skóla Íslands, þegar talið berst að vopna­b­urði ís­lensku lög­regl­unn­ar og umræðunni um raf­varn­ar­vopn, í Dag­mál­um.

Helgi vek­ur at­hygli á að þrátt fyr­ir að sam­fé­lagið í Fær­eyj­um þyki afar friðsælt, líkt og það ís­lenska, séu lög­regluþjón­ar vopnaðir skamm­byss­um.

"Það eru all­ir vopn­um bún­ir þar, þeir eru með skamm­byss­ur – hver ein­asti lög­reglumaður þar.""

Allir?  Þá er kannski ekki skrítið að það sé friður í Færeyjum.  Ég held samt að hann meini að það sé bara lögreglan.

Færeyjingurinn fær alveg að bíða þetta korter-hálftíma eftir lögreglunni ef einhverjum dettur í hug að raðast á þá.

Spurningin fyrir almenning er: 

A: Að lögreglan mæti óvopnuð hálftíma eftir að leftistar hafi myrt ykkur og skorið kynfærin af börnunum ykkar, (ekki nauðsynlega í þessari röð)
B: Að lögreglan mæti vopnuð rabyssum hálftíma eftir að leftistar hafi myrt ykkur og skorið kynfærin af börnunum ykkar,
C: Að lögreglan mæti vopnuð skammbyssum hálftíma eftir að leftistar hafi myrt ykkur og skorið kynfærin af börnunum ykkar,
D: Að lögreglan mæti vopnuð vélbyssum hálftíma eftir að leftistar hafi myrt ykkur og skorið kynfærin af börnunum ykkar.

Að lögreglan komi í veg fyrir eitthvað er ekki á borðinu, vegna þess að hún verður vel upptekin við að njósna um og kæra hægri-öfgamenn fyrir einhver ímynduð hryðjuverk.

Lítið á björtu hliðarnar: þegar leftistar hafa myrt ykkur og alla fjölskildu ykkar, þá sparar það ríkinu alveg hellings pening í allskyns styrki, ellílíferyi og skóla og slíkt.

Mega sparnaður.

Allskonar í dag


Tranna-manifestoið hrystir upp í hlutunum

"Conservative political commentator Steven Crowder posted photographs of three pages which he alleged are part of a manifesto written by the now-deceased Audrey Hale, who killed six people inside the Covenant School with a firearm in Nashville, Tennessee, back in March. An officer killed Hale as she continued opening fire on the second floor of the building.

Reddit admins are handing out 3-day sitewide bans to people who post the #NashvilleManifesto because it "Threatens violence or physical harm"

To the surprise of absolutely no one, Facebook immediately censored the Nashville shooter's manifesto. See what happens when these things don't fit the 'white supremacist' narrative?"

Lesið þetta bara sjálf:




Þessu þurfti að leka, með fyrirhöfn.

Allt á sömu bókina lært:

"A trans-identified male academic who was previously criticized for stating that it “would not matter” if women were killed as a result of gender identity policies has been appointed to devise ethical guidelines for therapists."


Þegar hlutir geta ekki bara verið í mið-austurlöndum

"an elderly Jewish man has been killed by a pro Palestinian protestor who hit him over the head with a megaphone at yesterday’s Israel rally."


Mynd ótengd.

"Keeping it real."

"Police were called to the North Fort Myers store on Saturday when the shopper, who has remained unidentified, suspected that a skull for sale was actual human remains, BBC reported

Under Florida law, it is illegal to “deal in dead bodies,” which encompasses buying human remains, selling human remains, or possessing human remains with the purpose of buying or selling human remains."

Talibanar stöðva ópíumframleiðzlu

"Using “almost 900 very high-resolution satellite images on a field-by-field basis,” the UNODC found that, between its 2022 report and the report published on Sunday, “the supply of opium declined by an estimated 95 per cent.” The amount of land being used to cultivate opium fell from 233,000 hectares in 2022 to 10,800 hectares in 2023."


Little Britain, nema alvöru.

Þessu var spáð

"...the anti-vax movement appears to have now have infiltrated the world of online sperm donation, where wannabe mothers seek out samples from men who refused to take the Covid shot.

Women searching for 'unvaccinated sperm donors' specify 'no Covid vax' on their posts looking to find a baby-making partner."


Eru ekki bremsur á þessu?

"According to World Peace Exclusive, the tech’s lauded “100% Electric Bus” took on San Francisco’s iconic hilly terrain, only to lose power midway up, roll backward, and turn into a four-wheeled pinball, colliding with reportedly a total of nine vehicles on its unintended descent."

Greinilega ekki.

Ekkert má.

Engir otrar, engir íkornar

Fyrstu 3 síðurnar af tranna manifestóinu

"The first three pages of transgender school shooter Audrey Hale's manifesto has been leaked to the press, following a March 27 attack that left three 9-year-olds and three adults dead - just days before a "Trans Day Of Vengeance" was scheduled for April 1st.

The manifesto, which one official described as "astronomically dangerous," was originally to set for release in May, until the Nashville Police Department (MNPD) reversed course, and said it would be released 'soon.'"

Fuck það. Hlustið. 27:20 og svo framvegis...

Hvað eru þessir hálfvitar að gera?

"As tensions continue to build in the Middle East, the United States is making a resolute show of force. Over 17,200 military personnel from the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps are heading towards or have already arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean in what is widely viewed as a clear message to U.S. adversaries."

Um að gera að taka þátt.  The more, the merrier.


Þegar stórt er spurt...

Kommúnistar styðja þessa

""If necessary, we must use violence to institute an Islamic state once Muslims are a majority," the young man said."

Þeir myrða alla kommana.  Kommarnir virðast ekki átta sig á því.

Mjög kvenlegt viðhorf.

Talandi um kommúnista...

"The two anti-humanist radicals who want no oil production in England used hammers to smash the glass cover of a painting once famously slashed by a suffragette. They are demanding the government immediately halt all new oil and gas projects in the UK."

Kommar gera komma hluti.


"Late Friday night, Indianapolis police say 34-year-old Ruba Almaghtheh intentionally drove her car into a building that she thought was a Jewish school as a terrorist act meant to hurt Jewish individuals due to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

As it turns out, she actually crashed into a building owned by an antisemitic hate group."


Erjur hafa borist út um allar trissur

"Anti-Americanism has become louder in Turkey in the past month in response to the unprecedented terrorist attack against civilians in Israel by Hamas on October 7, which left over 1,400 people dead. Hamas terrorists invaded Israel from their stronghold in Gaza and went door-to-door in residential communities killing entire families. Israeli responders have documented evidence of the terrorists raping, torturing, and gruesomely murdering civilians, including the bodies of infants found decapitated and burned.

“Hamas is not a terrorist organization, it is a group of mujahideen defending their lands,” Erdogan proclaimed at a meeting of his Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP) on October 25, objecting to Israeli operations to defend its territory against Hamas."

En.... hvað eru erjur milli Ísraela og Gaza-búa að gera í Tyrklandi?

Fuck það.


Menn sjá húmorinn í þessu.

Meiri húmor.

Vandinn við jútúb núna er hinn hugræni strigi 40 bet sem við þurfum alltaf að heyra um, með þessari gellu sem iðar um þarna, haldandi á priki, á meðan einhverjar flöskur fljóta um í lausu lofti.

Allt eins vitrænt og það getur orðið, auðvitað.

5 Nóvember

Lærið meira um það hér.  Saga er skemmtileg.

Islamistar ráðast á Hvíta húsið

"Tens of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched across Washington DC on Saturday to protest US involvement in the Israel-Hamas war, stopping outside the White House to shout "Allahu Akbar" , "Fuck Joe Biden," and "Biden, Biden, you can't hide! We charge you with genocide!" -  while smearing red paint and pushing on the gate."


Bretinn á einhverri undarlegri vegferð

"“Extremism is the promotion or advancement of any ideology which aims to overturn or undermine the UK’s system of parliamentary democracy, its institutions and values,” reads the new definition, reportedly drafted as part of a national counterextremism plan announced by cabinet minister Michael Gove’s Department for Leveling Up, Housing and Communities earlier this year."

Þetta verður notað gegn fólkinu.  Eins og aðrir benda á: "Index on Censorship editor Martin Bright called the move “an unwarranted attack on freedom of expression [that] would potentially criminalize every student radical and revolutionary dissident.” "


Islam & antifa blandast eins og olía og vatn.

"An America or Canadian militant Antifa activist who attended the London Palestine protest called @BillboardChris a fascist for opposing transitioning children. The Antifa man tries to rally Muslim women to his cause but they tell him they disagree with him too."

Hrein illska hittir trúarbrögð.

Þetta er enn í gangi

"Ukraine has destroyed one of Putin's newly-built warships in a daring missile strike in Russian-annexed Crimea. 

The downed vessel was named as the newly-built Askold missile ship, one of the most modern in Vladimir Putin's navy."

Mannýgir otrar ofl...


Rússar eiga við önnur vandamál að etja en allir aðrir

Þessir rússar...

Frekari ævintýrir Rússa:

"A Russian speaker, but with an Israeli passport, the 36-year-old used an app on his mobile phone to write a sentence, in which it seems he was asking for something to do with pomegranate. Possibly a pomegranate juice? Whatever the request, the app translated the Russian for pomegranate into the Portuguese ‘grenade', which immediately set the waiter on alert."

Maður bitinn af otrum

"A California man was swimming in a lake when he was ganged up on by a pair of vicious, angry otters that, according to him, wanted to kill him."


Kaninn að hugsa rökrétt

"Following the shootings in Maine and the Hamas attacks on Israel, Americans are buying more guns.

The 8.3% increase in sales followed the Hamas attack on Israel and the mass shooting by a one-time mental patient in Maine. It also came during a rise in violent crime in cities and as the FBI is warning of an unidentified attack on the homeland."

Þeir geta skotið á móti eða látið lögregluna hirða líkið af sér eftir þrjú korter.

Á Íslandi er stemming fyir því að láta lögguna skjóta sig.  Það er framtíðin sem fólk virðist þrá.

Það er vetur.


Slæm auglýsing, þetta

""Revenue declined by 13.5 percent with revenue per [hectoliter] increasing by 4.9 percent driven by revenue management initiatives," the brewing giant said in a statement. It also noted a 17.6 percent decline in sales to wholesalers and a decline of 16.6 percent for sales-to-retailers.

U.S. dollar sales of Bud Light were down 29 percent in the four weeks ended Oct. 21 compared to the year-ago period, according to Nielsen data compiled by Bump Williams Consulting, the AP reported. Sales are down nearly 19 percent for the year to date."


Í Tælandi

"The Bank of Thailand supports the use of local currencies instead of the US dollar in trade with international partners, according to the regulator’s deputy governor for monetary stability, Alisara Mahasantana.

The official said that use of local currencies should minimize the risk posed by fluctuations in the US dollar, which have recently reached 8-9%."

Kaninn að missa tökin á alþjóðafjármálunum.

Alec baldwin ætlar að gera þætti...

"Alec Baldwin is apparently tired of doing feature films and is pitching Hollywood on a reality TV show starring himself and his family."


"He’s a nice guy and deserves a shot."
"If one of the networks pulls the trigger, I'm sure he'll kill it."
"This will shoot to number one in the ratings with a bullet."
"I heard Alec started by shooting a pilot."
"Can’t wait for shooting to begin!"


Ísrael á við fleiri vandamál að etja... eða fleiri Ísrael...

"Israel Barona, a rising Ecuadorian surfer and Olympic hopeful has died at the age of 34 after suffering seizures."

3?  Sennilega.

Ekki er allur kosningaáróður eins

"Democratic candidate for Virginia’s House of Delegates 71st District Jessica Anderson uploaded a video of herself urinating in the snow to TikTok.

In the video, Anderson whispered, “Yeah, I’m peeing,” as the sound of her urinating could be heard in the background."

Ég veit ekki af hverju þetta er alvöru.  Er þetta það sem koma skal í Íslenskum kosningum?  Ég meina, við erum alltaf bara 2-5 árum á eftir kananum með alla vitleysu.

Aldrei neitt gáfulegt.  Bara vitleysuna.

Á meðan, í Flórída:

"Florida’s Roof EZ is giving away an AR-15 rifle and a turkey to everyone who purchases a new roof during the month of November."

Hmm... meða Ar-15 geturðu náð þér í þinn eigin kalkún.


Lögreglan þykist hafa áhyggjur af öryggi almennings:

"Grím­ur Gríms­son, yf­ir­lög­regluþjónn miðlægr­ar rann­sókn­ar­deild­ar lög­reglu, seg­ir í sam­tali við að lög­regl­an hafi áhyggj­ur af ör­yggi al­menn­ings eft­ir skotárás í Úlfarsár­dal í nótt..."

Enga trú hef ég á þeim, vegna fyrri reynzlu:

"Hryðju­verka­málið er nú í annað sinn fyr­ir dóm­stól­um, eft­ir að því var vísað frá í fyrsta skiptið. Í fyrra skiptið staðfesti Lands­rétt­ur úr­sk­urð héraðsdóms um frá­vís­un vegna mik­illa ágalla í ákæru um til­grein­ingu hinn­ar ætluðu refsi­verðu hátt­semi."

Sú háttsemi að kæra menn af handahófi fyrir hryðjuverk ætti að valda fólki meiri ugg ein einhver einn bófi á fjalli að plaffa á einhvrn kunningja sinn.

Þetta er svona Geirfinnsmál.

Rússar nenna ekki einu sinni að eltast við svona fígúrur

"A Moscow court has refused a request from Russian investigators to arrest, in absentia, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, one of the founding members of the feminist punk band Pussy Riot."

Þessi þykir merkilegt kerti hér á landi.

Ekki verður það gáfulegra handan hafsins:

Hvíta húsið hefur áhyggjur af því að fólk óttist múslima sem eru að drepa gyðinga

"The Biden administration is set to develop the "National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia," the first of its kind, Vice President Kamala Harris announced Wednesday.

Q:"The strategy will be a comprehensive and detailed plan to protect Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim from hate, bigotry, and violence," Vice President Harris said in a video address.

Earlier this year, in May, the Biden administration created the first-ever "National Strategy to Combat Antisemitism.""

Með annan fótinn í fötu, hinn á bananahýði...


Vindmillur reknar með tapi þrátt fyrir milljarða styrk

"A green energy company on Tuesday pulled the plug on two wind projects off the coast of New Jersey which were approved for an estimated $1 billion in taxpayer-funded subsidies by Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy and state lawmakers.

The Danish outfit Orsted cited high inflation, rising interest rates and supply chain issues as their reasons for scrapping its Ocean Wind 1 and 2 projects - both of which were buoyed by tax incentives included in President Biden's so-called Inflation Reduction Act…"

Græn orka er grín orka.

Í öðrum fréttum:

Hvað finn ég í dag:

Musk segir það sem allir vissu:

"...X owner Elon Musk laid out how Twitter was acting as an arm of the government before he took over, and was "completely controlled by the far-left."

"The degree to which Twitter was simply an arm of the government was not well understood by the public," Musk said, adding “And it was whatever, everything was like Pravda basically, a state publication, is the way to think of old Twitter. A state publication.”

"There was basically oppression of any views that, even I would say, be considered middle-of-the-road," Musk continued, adding "certainly, anything on the right, and I’m not talking about far-right, I’m just talking mildly right.""

Virkar líka fyrir RÚV.

Nostradamus spáir í framtíðina

"Peter emphasized that this crisis is much bigger because the problems driving it are much bigger.

They’re the same problems. They just dwarf the size of the problems we had before. Because instead of actually dealing with the problems, we kicked the can down the road and made the problems bigger. Now we have to deal with the consequences of that.”

It also becomes more likely that the government and central bank will have to create more inflation to service the debt.

So, higher interest rates don’t actually make Treasuries more attractive. They make them less attractive. That is a problem. This is a bottomless pit. This is a self-perpetuating collapse that we are witnessing that is going to gather momentum.”"

Lofar góðu.


Særingamaður varar við borðspili

"Ouija boards are sold in the United States as a harmless board game, but according to one Catholic priest who is an actual exorcist, the Ouija is a dangerous tool of divination.

Father Dan Reehil of the Diocese of Nashville, says that demons lie to users and pretend to be dead people speaking to them through the board.

He even suggests that in some extreme cases, this can lead to possession."

Talað um líðandi tíð, dáðst að byggingum...

Lífslíkurnar lækka um áratugi

"A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show.

So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021."

Skoðið bara vef Hagstofunnar til samanburðar, ef þið viljið.  Og landlækni...

Í Austur Evrópu,

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