Ęvintżri fólks į jöršinni

Žetta er gjöf sem heldur įfram aš gefa

"Please see attached officer safety / awareness bulletin from the Albuquerque Police Department (APD). APD received information from federal partners regarding possible "green light" attacks on law enforcement from the Tren de Aragua (TdA) criminal organization operating in Denver, Colorado. Credible human sources from Colorado provided information on TdA giving a "green light" to fire on or attack law enforcement."


Mikill fólksflotti undan kommśnistum yfirvofandi

"The Venezuelan socialist regime, which has been in power since 1999, has already resulted in the exodus of nearly 8 million people from what was once Latin America’s wealthiest nation. Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, and Chile in particular have taken in hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans in the past decade, straining their already delicate political and law enforcement structure. Venezuelans have also fled en masse to the United States, Spain, and Italy, among other Western nations.

Dictator Nicolįs Maduro renewed fears of yet another migrant wave by declaring himself the “winner” of a sham election on Sunday in which his regime ensured citizens were presented with no meaningful choices on the ballot."

Žeir sem ekki sleppa verša myrtir.

Elon vs Maduro

"Elon Musk accepts Venezuelan Dictator Nicolįs Maduro's challenge to a fight. Just when you thought 2024 couldn't get any crazier."

Žetta ętti aš verša gott.


... og svo einn Sigurgeir:

"A man who stuffed a live eel up his backside was left in agony when the sharp-toothed sea creature tried to bite its way out of his digestive tract.

But initial attempts to remove the fish with a probe through his anus were thwarted when medics at Viet Duc Hospital, in Hanoi, found a lemon stuffed up there too."

Ég skil ekki fólk.

Žaš veršur meira af žessu.

Helgi Magnśs er Mašurinn

Skošiš žetta bara

"Sig­rķšur J. Frišjóns­dótt­ir rķk­is­sak­sókn­ari seg­ir aš Helgi Magnśs Gunn­ars­son vara­rķk­is­sak­sókn­ari hafi, ķ kjöl­far įminn­ing­ar­bréfs sem Sig­rķšur veitti hon­um fyr­ir tveim­ur įrum, ekki bętt rįš sitt."

Gott.  Hann hafši rétt fyrir sér žį, hann hefur rétt fyrir sér nś.  Hann er ķ rétti, hśn ekki.  Hvaš er hśn aš vilja upp į dekk?

"Stjórn hjįlp­ar­sam­tak­anna kęrši Helga vegna um­męla sem hann lét fjalla um inn­flytj­end­ur, flótta­fólk og sam­tök­in sömu­leišis."

Hann tilkynnti um moršhótanir ķ sinn garš.

Sólaris er alveg hlynnt moršum og naušgunum og Guš veit hverju öšru. Žeir eru jś ķ žvķ aš flytja inn ofbeldismenn, og žagga nišur alla umręšu um žaš.  Samansafn af illmennum.

Sigrišur er aš varpa rżrš į embęttiš.

"Įminn­ing­in sem Helga var veitt įriš 2022 kom til eft­ir kęru Sam­tak­anna '78."

Samtökin 78 eru lķka į annarlegri vegferš.  Farnir aš stypja barnageldara og annaš slęķkt sem mér og fleirum lżst afar illa į.  Žau samtök eru allrar gagnrżni verš.

Nśtķma vandamįl kalla į nśtķma lausnir.

Maduro vs Musk

"Musk, who owns social media platform X (formerly Twitter), took to it on Monday to accuse Maduro of “major election fraud.”

The Venezuelan president responded to the claims by challenging the billionaire to a fight, during an address he made on national television."

Žetta žarf aš gerast.

51,2+44,2+4,6+4,6+4,6 = 109,2%


Stušningsmenn Maduro snśast gegn honum

"The “Tren del Llano” is a criminal organization based in Venezuela, specifically in the Llanos region, which encompasses several central and southwestern states. The name “Tren del Llano” translates to “Train of the Plains,” reflecting their base of operations in the plains region of Venezuela.

Once considered allies of the Maduro administration, criminal gangs like Tren del Llano have historically benefited from the regime’s protection and complicity. However, as discontent grows among Venezuelans suffering under economic collapse and political repression, even those who once supported Maduro are beginning to turn against him."

Žaš veršur bara meira.

Menn kalla ķ frammi fyrir Keir Starmer

"During the Prime Minister’s brief visit to the police cordon at the end of the road where the attack took place, there were terse words from the public appealing for action on public safety. A video record preserving the event shows several people jeering the Prime Minister, with anger becoming clearest as, just moments after having arrived, the Prime Minister turned away and got back into his car to leave."

Eins og allir vita žį myrti óšur mśslimi 3 börn žarna, allt ķ boši glóbalista.

Eins og hinn įgęši Helgi hefur żjaš aš aš gęti veriš vandamįl.

Žetta er fyrirboši įframhaldandi vandręša

"A large crowd gathered outside a mosque on Tuesday evening and clashed with police as riot vans and officers swooped in.

The violence follows a vigil attended by thousands who gathered to pay their respects to the victims of the attack which claimed the lives of three young girls."

Glóbalistar bjuggu žetta til.

Musk vs Drottning óšu kattakvendanna.

Rafbķlar seljast illa

"The ZF CEO added that creating motors for electric vehicles produced “low margins,” and that the company has been struggling to “cross-finance purely electric drives” from its conventional and hybrid vehicle initiatives.

Moreover, switching to EVs was eroding demand for “transmissions for conventional and hybrid vehicles,” an area in which German manufacturers typically do very well.

Concurrently, the present “glaring weakness in demand for purely electric vehicles” caused ZF to be left with an excess of production on areas that had strong investments."

Aš einhveru leiti ķnverjum aš kenna, en ekki öllu.

1: Žaš žarf aš nišurgreiša rafbķla til aš fólk hafi efni į žeim.

2: Žaš į aš fara aš rukka kķlómetragjald - til žess aš' borga fyrir nišurgreišzluna, held ég.

3: rafbķlar virka bara sem farartęki ķ Vestmannaeyjum, eša innan stór-Reyjkavķkursvęšisins.  Gefiš aš žś farir ekki mikiš śt fyrir žaš. 

Fólk į ķ miklum erfišleikum meš aš skilja žetta.  Vegna žess aš žaš er vitlaust.

Munurinn į Woke og venjulegum:

"This guy went into a Kamala Harris event with a Trump shirt on and then to a Trump event with a Kamala shirt on The difference in the way he was treated is just jaw-dropping

The hateful, violent reaction he got from the Kamala camp came as no surprise. People screamed in his face, swore at him, and this old goober threw water at him"


Żmislegt er yfirvofandi

Séra Vigano er skemmtilegur

"Viganņ says it's "no coincidence" that the ceremonies were presided over by French President Emanuel Macron, an 'emissary of the World Economic Forum,' who 'passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig.'"


Stundum bķtur Zebradżriš til baka

Bķókvöld Tommy var hryšjuverk... segja yfirvöld

"After hosting a protest to save Britain with 100,000 attendants at London’s Trafalgar Square, British patriot Tommy Robinson was ARRESTED Sunday on behest of a Soros NGO on charges of TERRORISM for screening his documentary “Silenced”. Tommy has been released and has left the UK with his family on a scheduled vacation."

Barįttan gegn barnanaušgurum er erfiš ķ Bretlandi.

Óš kattakona fśl yfir aš vera kölluš óš kattakona

"Chelsea Handler, who touts lifestyle of getting high and masturbating, complains about JD Vance's 'cat ladies' comment"

Fyrirsögnin segir allt sem segja žarf.

Google er aš ritskoša į fullu

"Google has hidden autocomplete suggestions related to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. By removing autocomplete suggestions, the Masters of the World are trying to make it more difficult for users to access information about the attempt on Trump’s life."

Žeir neita žessu aušvitaš.

Bretar óttast eiturefnaįrįs

"Two people have been hospitalised in Bath after a "woman approached people with a bag" leaving several locals "feeling unwell".

Some 14 ambulances, six police cars, and emergency responders in Hazmat suits were seen in the centre of the Unesco World Heritage city just after 2.30pm today."

Žetta er žó eitthvaš nżtt.

Kommśnistar gera hvaš sem er til aš halda völdum

"The opposition is claiming victory and that the election has been stolen amid reports that Maduro's security forces have deployed significant numbers of armored vehicles and heavily armed-police to the streets of Caracas ahead of likely unrest."

Trśir žś Maduro?

Annars munar hann ekkert um aš myrša žessu 70% landsmanna sem voru į móti honum.

Alistar MacLean döbbśl feature

Garšar Hólm į ferš & flugi

Eitthvaš allt annaš

Fólk žrįir ekki breytingar

Moorckock.  Held aš hann hafi veriš ķ Hawkwind.  Gott band.

... einmitt.

Kvikmynd byggš į reifara

Meira śr sömu smišju

Aš móšga nįrišil


Žessi fęrsla móšgaši nįrišil svo mikiš aš hann stökk śt śr nįrišla-skįpnum alveg stórhneikzlašur og móšgašur, og fór aš śtksżra fyrir mér allskoner nįrišla deep-lore.

Hneikzlašur, vegna žess aš ég er ekki nįrišill, (hvernig žaš getur veriš baseline-hegšan einhversstašar aš vera nįrišill er svo mér hulin rįšgįta) og móšgašur vegna žess aš hann hélt ég hefši kallaš sig kķnverkst eldhśsįhald.

Vegna žess aš nįrišlar eru ekki bara lélegir ķ fingrasetningu, heldur er oršskilningi žeirra lķka mjög įbótavant.

Seinna sagši nįrišillinn mér aš žaš vęri einstaklega móšgandi fyrir nįrišla aš vera kallašir nįrišlar, žaš er vķst einskonar N-orš, eins og Niggari.  Žaš er semsagt jafn móšgandi fyrir nįrišil aš vera klallašur nįrišill og fyrir niggara aš vera kallašur niggari.

Žaš mun žykja einstaklega pervertķskt ķ nįrišla heiminum aš vera ekki nįrišill.

En hvaš um žaš.  Ég fékk ekki svar viš žessari įleitnu spurningu į FB, frį nįrišlunum og barnanaušgurunum sem žar halda til, en vinnufélögum mķnum ber helst saman um aš žaš sé meira "woke" aš vera barnanaušgari.

Ķ dag er vissulega dagur


"A 22-year-old man was arrested this week after allegedly stealing a Seattle Fire Department truck, according to KOMO

On Wednesday morning, the man rode a scooter to the truck, entered it, activated the lights and sirens, and attempted to drive away around 3:30 a.m. on the 9200 block of Second Avenue Southwest.

The suspect couldn't deactivate the parking brake and only managed to drive around the corner before exiting the vehicle, the report said."

Tilraun var gerš.

Leftistar hugsa žetta aldrei alla leiš.

Žaš verša engin eftirköst af žessu

"On Thursday, three young teens arrested for bringing loaded guns modified to be fully automatic to a crowded Seattle parade pleaded not guilty in court. Despite the charges, a judge released one of the suspects to home monitoring."

Alls engin.

Į mešan ķ Frakklandi

"The Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics sparked outrage last night after the iconic painting of The Last Supper was reimagined by drag queens."

Allt sem ég heyri af ólymp“+iuleikunum er furšulegt og óskiljanlegt.

Ofbeldishneigšir kommśnistar stefna į fjöldasamkomu andstęšinga barnanaušgara

"Anti-racism protesters have started to march towards a thousands-strong Tommy Robinson rally in central London.

The counter-demonstrators will end up in less than 400 metres from a 'patriotic rally' amid a heavy police presence and warnings from the Met that any troublemakers will be arrested.

The 'Uniting The Kingdom' event, which has been billed as a 'patriotic rally' has seen people gather on The Strand, before marching to Trafalgar Square.

There was a sea of British, English, Scottish and Welsh flags, as well as people waving symbols of Israel, the former Shah of Iran and the military heraldry."

Žessi Tommy Robinsson aftur, sem hefur lengi veriš hatašur fyrir aš mótmęla barnanaušgunum.

Žaš er vķst ekkert meira woke en aš vera barnanaušgari.

Ameręiskur geimfari į fyrirtęki sem framleišir kķnverka njósne-loftbelgi

"Mr. Kelly has also not faced the harsh spotlight of a national campaign, and has potential political liabilities like a high-altitude surveillance balloon company he helped found with Chinese venture capital"


Heimurinn ķ dag.

Beinlaus meš beinum

7 dżrustu fyrirtękin hafa falliš smį ķ verši undanfariš

"Since peaking on July 10th, the market cap of the Magnificent 7 stocks has dropped a mind-numbering $2 trillion.

And the biggest three week underperformance of Nasdaq vs Small Caps since the very peak of the DotCom bubble."

Karma lögreglan er į sveimi

"Matt Driscoll, a 43-year-old columnist and opinion editor for The News Tribune (TNT), died unexpectedly at his Tacoma home this Sunday.

It was reported that he had received a COVID-19 vaccination.

In recent times, Driscoll had been vocal about NFL star Aaron Rodgers’ controversial views on COVID-19 vaccines. He accused Rodgers of engaging in “performance art” after the latter warned people about potential side effects of mRNA vaccines."


Fólk hefur ekki lengur efni į kampavķni

"when champagne sales drop, as they have in 2024 across the globe, the experts start asking why people are less cheerful.

The CFO of luxury holdings company LVMH, which owns brands like Louis Vuitton and Moėt et Chandon, believes it has to do with consumers feeling happy enough to celebrate.

‘Champagne is quite linked with celebration, happiness, et cetera.'

‘Maybe the current global situation, be it geopolitical or macroeconomic, does not lead people to cheer up and to open bottles of Champagne. I don't really know,' Guiony said."

Žeir segja allskonar hluti.

Beinlaus kjśklingur, nś meš beinum

"Consumers must be aware that “boneless chicken” may actually have bones in it, the Ohio Supreme Court has ruled after a man sued a restaurant and poultry processors when a piece of a bone he was not expecting went down his windpipe and caused serious medical problems."

Menn gera żmislegt fyrir flott jśtśbvķdjó

"A teenager has been charged in connection with a train derailment that occurred in Lancaster County, Nebraska earlier this year. The 17-year-old , who was arrested on Wednesday, faces two counts of criminal mischief over $5,000, both class IV felonies.

He is accused of having deliberately flipped a switch to derail the train in order to capture the ensuing carnage that caused $350,000 in damages. Film of the carnage was later posted on a YouTube channel believed to belong to the teen where it was called it the “MOST INSANE VIDEO I’VE EVER TAKEN!”"

Ekki clickbait ķ žetts skifti.

Kofi til sölu ķ NY ef einhver hefur įhuga

"Known as the “Little House,” the Flemish-inspired carriage house has become one of Gramercy’s most iconic buildings in recent decades, its charming single-story facade in increasing contrast with the surrounding buildings and borough at large."

Getur veriš žitt fyri $7 milljónir.

Ekki gott fermetraverš.  Og ķ NY, sem er ferleg stašsetning.

Heimurinn ķ dag er ekki svangur

Evrópusambandiš heldur įfram aš sóa pening ķ vitleysu

"Politico quotes an unnamed diplomat who says that “Everything that costs anything — for example, Ukraine defense,” will prove “problematic” during von der Leyen’s second term. While von der Leyen is throwing around figures like 500 billion over the next decade, another diplomat said, “We didn’t see spreadsheets, we didn’t see details, this is pie in the sky money.”

EU leaders are determined to reimpose austerity on bloc countries beginning in 2025. That’s a return to the annual limits of 3 percent of GDP for public deficits and 60 percent for public debt, which were suspended in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

These rules will make it close to impossible to spend more on defense without completely cutting social services to the bone.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, childishly reprimanded by the EU for talking peace with world leaders, keeps warning about the levels of delusion in Brussels. His latest in a Magyar Nemzet op-ed:

The Brussels bureaucrats want this war, they see it as their own, and they want to defeat Russia. They keep sending the money of the European people to Ukraine, they have shot European companies in the foot with sanctions, they have driven up inflation and they have made making a living difficult for millions of European citizens."

Fólkiš sem er viš völd er žaš versta...

Mśslimar halda óerišir ķ Bretlandi aftur

"Hundreds of enraged Muslims are said to have descended upon Rochdale’s Greater Manchester divisional police headquarters in the late hours of Wednesday night, with the crowd chanting “Allahu Akbar” [God is great/Our God is the Greatest], “fuck the police,” and “GMP shame on you.”"

Endalaus stemming.

Fjöldasamtök Hamas stušningsmanna aš mótmęla žvķ aš ekki tókst aš myrša alla jśšana ķ fyrra

"Pro-Palestine protesters in Washington, DC, were arrested as activists were seen tearing down the American flag displayed outside Union Station and replacing it with a Palestinian flag on Wednesday and burning the US flag on the ground."

Alltaf eins.

Įtvagl springur

"A 24-year-old binge-eating live-streamer died while broadcasting a 10-hour food binge on cake, chicken fingers, and seafood to thousands of her followers.

Pan Xiaoting, from China, died last week from a suspected stomach tear while gorging on 10kg (22lbs) of food, including what appeared to be chocolate cake.

Autopsy results revealed that her stomach had become severely deformed and filled with undigested food, suggesting that her stomach could have burst, causing stomach acid and food to leak into her abdomen."

Ķ Kķna...

Smį 'Nam flassback

"The Russian military has destroyed another deployment point housing Ukrainian soldiers and foreign instructors in the industrial part of the city of Kharkov, according to a report released by the Russian Defense Ministry on Thursday."

Śtlendir rįšgjafar.

'Nam mśsķk.

Sešlar ķ hendi eru mikilvęgir

Sumir hafa bara ekki ķmyndunarafl

"Last week’s global IT outage appears to have shaken some British media outlets’ confidence in the idea of a fully cashless society.

This is one of the most important arguments in favour of cash: the resilience it provides to a country’s overarching payments system. Put another way, cash does not crash. It does not fail in a power cut or seize up during a cyber attack or software outage (though, of course, ATMs might). By contrast, digital payment systems generally need a stable and continuous internet connection and power supply to process transactions.

This is a lesson central bankers in Sweden, one of the world’s most cashless economies, are apparently relearning. From our recent piece, “The World’s Oldest Central Bank Keeps Sounding Alarm on Fragility of Cashless Economies. Are Other Central Banks Listening?”"

Žaš er meira sem męlir meš reišufé.  Ef žiš hugsiš...

Žetta var alltaf vitaš.

Hvers vegna geta žeir ekki fundiš einhvern betri?

Biden ruglar, žessi ruglar meira

... og meira...

Hafa demokratar virkilega engan sem getur hnošaš saman oršum ķ merkingarbęrar setningar?

Rśssar hafa minni įstęšu til žess aš hella ķ sig

"The official specified that since 2009 alcohol intake in the country has declined from 14 to eight liters per capita, while the share of smokers among Russians dropped from 40% to 19%."

Nś hafa žeir eitthvaš annaš aš gera en aš drekka.

Hįkarlarnir eru allir kókašir upp

"The researchers rounded up a baker's dozen of sharp nosed sharks off the coast of Brazil and every single one of them tested positive for coke.

Cocaine levels were around three times higher in muscle tissue than liver tissue, according to the study, while female sharks had higher cocaine concentrations in muscle tissue compared to males."

High below.

Nazistar herja į Washington DC

"Capitol Police in Washington, DC, have deployed pepper spray against anti-Israel protesters who fail to obey police orders to move back from the police line. The confrontation between law enforcement and protesters came as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress regarding the ongoing conflict with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas."

Kommśnistar meš įherzlu į eyšingu gyšinga = nazistar.

Forseti El Salvador byrjar aš selja kaffi

"President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele launched his own personal luxury coffee brand, Bean of Fire, this weekend, describing the venture as a “passion project.”"

Allir og amma žeirra eru aš selja kaffi nśna.

Žetta var fljótt aš gerast.

Vampyrur & Laxness

Byrjum į žessu:

Klassķskt verk.


Menn hafa sinn smekk

Žessi aš velta sér uppśr auka-atrišum


Nęsta sķša »


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