Kommúnismi veldur niðurgangi

Hvernig gengur í Úkraníu.

Kommúnistar vilja nauðga börnum.... vegna þess að auðvitað.

"SB1414 is a proposal to make it a felony to purchase chiIdren for s*x in California. Woke activist groups OPPOSE this bill by complaining that it will harm the LGBTQ community and people or color."

Þeir segja: "We're particularly concerned that the harsher penalties proposed in this bill will disproportionately impact marginalized communities, especially members of the LGBTQ community, who already suffer from systematic biases within the criminal justice system, particularly when it comes to sexually-based offenses. Studies have shown that LGBTQ people, particularly gay and transgender individuals, are more likely to be charged with sex offenses compared to their heterosexual counterparts."


JK Rowling vs breska ríkið

"J.K. Rowling, who has been very firm on protecting the rights of women to have their private spaces not invaded by men claiming to be women, said last month Labour had “abandoned” women to appease its woke base on the transgender question. The lifelong Labour supporter, who had been an ally and mega-donor of the left-wing party earlier this century during the Prime Minister Gordon Brown era, appeared to back the Communist Party of Britain this past election instead."

JK fer frá liði sem veit ekki vað kona er, yfir í lið sem vill nauðga börnum.  Og "outsourca" þá hegðan til Múslima.

Ekkert breytist í raun.

Á meðan, í Mexíkó

"A Mexican “witch” who reportedly had cartel ties was killed June 30 after trying to kidnap a baby from his parents to use him as a sacrifice.

... the woman’s 23-year-old nephew, whose name is Carlos Gabriel C.R., reportedly killed the woman with a baseball bat."

Harmur kommúnista er mikill.

Spurningin er ekki hvort það verður svindlað, heldur hvernig.

NASCAR er ekki hrifið af hryðjuverkamönnum

"As one of the protestors attempted to hold his signs up while sitting atop the fence, the unknown man leaped onto the fence, scaled it, and forcibly ripped the signage out of the protestor’s hands to the cheers of those in the vicinity."

Jafnvel Magga Stína er í felum núna, og tjáir sig ekkert.

Talandi um hryðjuverkamenn: Evrópa er mjög fucked

"For many years, I have testified and written about Antifa and its growing anti-free speech philosophy. Some Democratic leaders have embraced this violent movement, which continues to gain strength on campuses and its cities across the nation. It is also a global movement. That is reflected in the alarming election of Antifa candidates to the French National Assembly as well as the European Parliament

 An Antifa leader who is on France’s national security watchlist was elected to the National Assembly as a member of the New Popular Front leftist bloc.  Raphaël Arnault will represent Vaucluse in Provence in the French parliament after winning with 54.98 per cent of the vote, according to Le Figaro.

 While convenient allies now to win elections, these same leaders could soon find themselves the next reactionaries denounced by these same radical groups as they gain greater power."

Niðurgangur Frakklands verður mikill og ofbeldisfullur. (Eins og núverandi ástand sé ekki nógu slæmt.)

Bara til að leggja áherzlu á að þetta er alvöru.

Maður bítur snák og fljúgandi flóðhestar

Maður bítur snák

"According to local reports, Santosh Lohar, a worker employed on a railroad project in Rajouli, was sleeping at his base camp earlier this week when the incident occurred. A snake, presumed to be venomous, decided to snack on the sleeping man, entering the tent and biting him.

Santosh woke up and attacked the reptile, slamming it with an iron rod and biting it back several times. The snake was fatally injured and died on the spot."

Það var og.

Bretar eru fucked.

Kommúnistar mótmæla eigin sigri

"Black bloc Antifa-style radicals were filmed setting fire to street furniture and bicycles, as well as shooting fireworks and other projectiles at police as they ran ruff shot through the French capital. Demonstrators were seen waving Palestinian and Antifa flags."

Aldrei ánægðir.

All the things.

Frakkar og USA tapa ítökum í Afríku

"In a milestone symbolizing the loss by the Western colonial powers of political and military influence in the African Sahel region, the military leaders of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger signed a new confederation treaty that they celebrate as a step “towards greater integration” between the countries.

Westerners consider that we belong to them and our wealth also belongs to them. They think that they are the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our states’, he said. ‘This era is gone forever. Our resources will remain for us and our population’s’."

Glóbalistarnir klúðruðu þessu.

Ríkið flytur inn nauðgara handa okkur

"Í svari Guðrúnar Hafsteinsdóttur til Ingibjargar Isaksen, þingmanns Framsóknarfólksins, um fjölda kynferðisbrota þar sem hún óskaði þjóðerni og kyni meintra þolenda og gerenda.

Fjöldi erlendra karlmanna sem voru meintir gerendur í slíkum málum fór úr 52 árið 2020 í 86 árið 2021 og í 100 árið 2022."

Umsækjendur um alþjóðlega vernd 2022, PDF

Sama, frá útlendingastofnun, fyrr 2023

"Umsóknir frá ríkisborgurum annarra ríkja voru innan við þúsund talsins, flestar frá ríkisborgurum Palestínu (221), Nígeríu (116), Sómalíu (77) og Sýrlands (65)."

Fljúgandi flóðhestar

"Hippos, which weigh around 1.5 metric tons, are capable of getting airborne – but only for a very short period of time, scientists at the London-based Royal Veterinary College (RVC) have discovered."

Menn bara dunduðu sér við að skoða þetta.

Mmmhmm... It's a feature, not a bug.

Þetta er skoðun.



Lítraverð: 10.856.

Bragðast eins og málningarþynnir.


Fyrir 100 kall auka færðu þetta.  Miklu betra efni.  Og alvöru tequila, en ekki bara eitthvað bragðbætt aceton.

... þjóðhátíð nálgast.

Fátt getur stöðvað niðurgang Evrópu

Konungur Evrópu tilkynnir okkur hvað skal koma:

"Speaking at the WEF’s ‘Annual Meeting of the New Champions’, often dubbed the “Summer Davos,” in China, Schwab stated that in order to drive the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” forward, elites must aggressively drive their agenda home.

Klaus Schwab: ‘We Must Force’ Humanity into ‘Collaboration’"

Joe Pedo... já.

Það sem fólkið vill harmónerar ekki við vilja kommúnista

"Via European Conservative (emphasis added):

German bank Berliner Volksbank has closed the donation account of the right-wing antiglobalist opposition party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) following a petition by a group calling itself Grandmothers Against the Right (Omas gegen Rechts)."

Fasisminn rís aftur.

Frakkar vilja ólmir láta múslima nauðga sér.

"While the populist right-wing party would have become the largest party if last week’s results were final, the second round of voting gave the government and political establishment the ability to rally their supporters, sparking the highest turnout in decades to thwart the Le Pen party. Macron’s faction reportedly made deals in some 200 constituencies with the far-left to undermine the populist party’s ability to gain a majority."

Verði þeim af þvi.

Niðurgangur Bretlands er fullkomnaður:

"Conservative activists saw a Trans flag flying in Conservative Party Headquarters, GB News can reveal.

While covering my first Conference in 2021, Carrie Johnson delivered a speech to the LGBT+ Conservatives, who hosted the opening dinner and closing party attended by Cabinet ministers.”

“At it, she thanked Mermaids and Stonewall -- two organisations responsible for the damaging policies and climate of censorship at Tavistock, and toxicity of the broader trans debate -- for supplying the drinks.”

Tomlinson continued: "If you cannot conserve the fundamental distinction between the sexes, which are the foundation of the family unit, then what exactly can you conserve?"

"Funnily enough, one suspects that both Putin and Corbyn would be thrilled to learn—albeit for different reasons—that the Tories have not only embraced the sterilising sexual politics of woke progressivism, but drape their own headquarters in its liturgical symbols.""

Rishi Suna ætlar að láta skera undan sér.

Fram Kristmenn Krossmenn

"This group is mobilizing an army of Christians and worshippers to flood the streets of San Francisco with a message of hope, true freedom, and the light of Jesus Christ.

“California Will Be Saved” is a movement that envisions a future where California is recognized for the Gospel of Jesus Christ."


Þeir óttast þig því þú vilt ekki limlesta börn.

Hvernig skal skrifa vinsæla bók

Laxness er í hávegum hafður.  Af einhverjum ástæðum.

Ágætur maður leiðbeinir okkur um hvernig skal rita vinsæla bók.

Sjónvarps fígúrur eru ekki nauðsynlega bestu höfundarnir.

Bækur um ferðalög fyrir fólk sem nennir ekki að ferðast sjált.  Held ég.

Eitthvað allt annað.

Ein gömul og góð

Ekkert nýtt undir sólinni

Sitt sýnist hverjum um nýjan leiðtoga Breta.

Það verður lítill munur.

Á meðan í USA.

Sósíalisminn virkar eins og venjulega.

Viktor Orban hefur allskonar aðrar hugmyndir

"I have concluded my talks in #Moscow with President Putin. My goal was to open the channels of direct communication and start a dialogue on the shortest road to #peace. Mission accomplished!"

Ég ætla að halda með Orban.

Uhm... nei.

USA er enn hápúntur siðmenningarinnar

"Cleveland.com reported on the vending machines, noting they are currently in six locations and “[use] artificial intelligence technology to verify a buyer’s identification and age through card scanning and facial recognition software.”"

Betur má ef duga skal, en þetta er vissulega byrjun.

Á meðan er hinn úrkynjaði Íslensdigur hræddur við ryksugur.  Aldrei sérðu afríkunegra með prik óttast ryksugu.

Besti fuglinn

Biden sýnir það enn og aftur að hann er íslenskasti stjórnmálamaður sem USA hefur nokkurntíma haft

"Biden attempted to deflect, saying he was working with Israel and had "shut Putin down."

Biden said he wouldn't be running if he didn't think he could handle it and claimed he wanted to take the nation "to a new level."

Biden complained that Trump wants to "undo every single thing I've done." Biden reversed dozens of Trump's executive orders on day 1. Stephanopoulos said that Biden' supporters appreciate him but are hoping he step aside. Biden dismissed these reports."

Kaninn fílar ekki íslensku verðbólguna.

Menn eru ekki með það á hreinu hvað orð þýða.

Peningavaldið er farið að vilja Biden burt

"A group of 168 Democratic Party supporters, including major donors and academics, sent a letter to US President Joe Biden on Friday, urging him to drop his bid for reelection, the Washington Post has reported, citing anonymous sources."

Af hverju ekki fyrr?


1: Abe Lincoln, fyrir ansi löngu.

2: gerðist í WW2.

3; Aftur, WW2

4: Hefur gertst ansi oft.

5: Þeir eru enn að röfla útaf Obama vegna einmitt þess.

Menn fara yfir allskyns komandi vitleysu.

Það má alveg nota krókódíla í hitt og þetta

Trannyfestóið er höfundarréttarvarið

"Tennessee Judge I’Ashea L. Myles has ruled that not one page of the writings by the Covenant school shooter, Audrey Hale, will be released for public review.

What Hale wrote in her diary must be a humdinger or why else would it be so protected. It’s already been leaked that Hale wanted to kill her father. Is there more detailed information about that incident that the parents want withheld?"

Um að gera að rifja upp reglulega að trannar séu morðóðir.

Mússilmaður ræðst á furry á tranna-hátíð

"Man Attacked Trans Victim with Sword as They Awaited Furry Convention, Screamed ‘Allah Does Not Approve’"

... gamanið heldur áfram.

Geðveikir stuðningsmenn útlendra hryðjuverkasamtaka eru með uppsteit

"Over 100 anti-Israel activists spent July 4 burning American flags in Manhattan’s Washington Square Park, as part of a coordinated protest called “Flood Manhattan for July 4.” Activists chanted, “F*ck Israel! F*ck America!” as other radicals cheered. Some chanted, “Death to America!” Freedom TV News was on the scene capturing footage of the protests."

Þeir geta alveg flutt.  Það má.

41%... eða 42.

Hizbolla ræðst á Ísrael

"Lebanese militant group Hezbollah claims to have launched more than 200 rockets and drones targeting Israeli military positions on Thursday in response to the killing of a senior commander."

Hisbolla eru einu gaurarnir á svæðinu sem eiga eitthvað í IDF.  Svo fá eir stuðning frá Íran... verður áhugavert.

Þessi bók er til á Amazon, held ég.

Krókódílar eru til margs nýtilegir

"No can opener? No problem. A reveler is going viral after using a wild alligator’s jaws to open a beer in what viewers are dubbing “the most Florida thing” ever."

Flórída er staðurinn.

Það er 4. Júlí. Hvernig hefur Kaninn það?


Ekkert grunsamlegt að gerast hér

"The 880,000-square-foot weapons factory, located about 86 miles south of Little Rock, is a "leader in the high-rate production" of weapons, including "Hydra-70 2.75-inch rocket, Hellfire and Javelin missiles, the Modular Artillery Charge System and various mortar munitions," according to the defense firm's website."


Sæljón ræðst á fólk

"in La Jolla Cove, chaos ensued, and dozens of beachgoers in San Diego were left running for their lives when a sea lion charged at beachgoers who apparently approached its pups."

Sæljón geta bitið.

Leftistar líta ekki á þetta sem vandamál

"The Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) is fighting California’s Senate Bill 132, which went into effect in the state in 2021 and allows biological males to transfer into female prisons if they self-identify as women."

Allt með vilja gert.

Fyrirsjáanlegt, kannski

"Gingerella said it appeared that Ziegenfuss and others were messing around with fireworks at a home on Pound Road when a mortar-style firework was put on his head and set off.

That type of firework is illegal in Rhode Island, the chief noted. However, Gingerella said the manner of his death has been deemed accidental."

Konungurinn yfir Frakklandi er í felum


Það er þannig.

Kopar-þjófar herja á Seattle

"Over the past 12 months, thieves in the Seattle metro area have stolen over 100 electric vehicle charging cables, driven mostly by soaring copper scrap prices. This is incredibly frustrating for EV owners who arrive at these charging stations only to find severed cords and unable to charge."

Þetta er Seattle, svo... já.

Einhver þarna úti er hlaupandi um með þjóðsagnakennt sverð

"After remaining 1300 years wedged into a 32-feet high rock in the pleasant little French village of Rocamadour, Durandal, the sword of fabled medieval Knight Roland has reportedly disappeared, and it’s presumed to have been stolen."

Hinn almenni íslendingur er magnlaus af ótta, lekur úr honum saurinn alveg.  En þetta hefði geta verið verra.  Hefði geta verið þjóðsagnakennd ryksuga.

Fögnum tapi Macrons

"This fake World Davos Made in which fat is beautiful, sloth is a virtue, and pedophilia the pinnacle of human love, should have you just a teensy bit anxious.

... it really doesn’t matter this time what political ring-fencing the various commies in France do to freeze out a National Front majority in the French Parliament. The tide has turned against them."

Gaurinn sem tók sverðið þarna tekur við af honum.


Matreiðzluþáttur RFK er ágætur

"Last year Robert Kennedy Jr. texted a photograph to a friend. In the photo RFK Jr. was posing, alongside an unidentified woman, with the barbecued remains of what appears to be a dog. Kennedy told the person, who was traveling to Asia, that he might enjoy a restaurant in Korea that served dog on the menu, suggesting Kennedy had sampled dog. The photo was taken in 2010, according to the digital file’s metadata—the same year he was diagnosed with a dead tapeworm in his brain."


Fólk er ekki öruggt í frumskóginum

"A man in Indonesia made a horrific discovery yesterday when he stumbled upon a snake in the jungle - and realised it had tried to eat his wife. ...she was set upon by a gargantuan 30ft-python that sank its teeth into her leg as she trekked along a jungle trail.

Adiansa retrieved a weapon to kill the snake, stabbing a wooden stake through its body and beating it. He called villagers to help cut open its stomach, where they found Siriati's lifeless body."



Þannig fór það.  Það stendur ekki hvort þeir átu svo snákinn.


Heimsbókmenntirnar eru meira en bara Twilight

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