10.6.2024 | 17:36
Dýr merkurinnar
Maríúana iðnaðurinn stendur ekkert of vel
"Colorado's cannabis market is in free-fall, going from peak revenues of $2.2 billion in 2020, to $1.5 billion just three years later. The drop has had a substantial impact on the state's economy - with cannabis tax revenues decreasing more than 30% over the past two years to just $282 million last fiscal year, Politico reports.
The causes are manifold, and include an oversaturated local market, regulatory burdens, and increasing competition from nearby states such as New Mexico and Arizona..."
Gekk betur þegar þetta var ólöglegt.
"Two women have been detained in Russia on suspicion of killing a man who refused to have a threesome with them.
The suspects, 29 and 37, were drinking with the 63-year-old in a churchyard in Stavropol.
The female friends are accused of beating the man to death when he refused to have sex with them, say reports in Russia."
... ok. Ég segi ekkert.
"The 45-year-old mother of four was found dead inside the belly of a 20-foot reticulated python after her husband reported her missing...
Graphic footage obtained by TMZ appeared to show locals opening up the snakes body and finding the missing woman."
Þetta er víst einhverskonar draumur vestrænna feminista. Veit ekki með Asíubúa.
"It was originally thought that Ms Miller - who lived in the small town of Downieville - had died before the bear arrived, and the animal had been lured to the property by her scent.
An autopsy and DNA testing recently confirmed that the bear had killed the 71-year-old."
Nammi namm.
Þetta er nánast plottið í gamalli Eddie Murphy kvikmynd
"A State Representative in New Jersey, Donald Payne Jr., died of a heart attack just weeks ago, but that didn't stop him from winning the nomination for his New Jersey seat again."
Þeir ættu að grafa hann upp og láta hann gegna embættinu. Hann á það inni.
9.6.2024 | 17:45
Nazistar nútímans hafa hafnað Hugo Boss
"Chants of "Free Palestine!", "Genocide is our red line", and "Israel bombs, your taxes pay" could be heard from protesters - many of whom were bussed in from over two dozen cities.
BREAKING: Activists from Boston Coalition for Palestine, Boston's chapter of Party for Socialism & Liberation, Boston South Asian Coalition, and Palestinian Youth Movement Boston are boarding multiple buses to show up for the Surround the White House for Gaza protest in Washington D.C."
Það er engan veginn jafn mikill stýll yfir nútíma Nazistianum, og þeim upprunalega.
Popúlisti stunginn af Vinstri-öfgamanni
"A populist AfD politician was stabbed in Mannheim, Germany earlier this week after confronting Antifa goons who were ripping down his posters.
The violent leftists are threatened with the growing approval of the AfD party as the German left continues to support mass immigration policies."
Kommarnir hætta ekki fyrr en þeim hefur verið skift út fyrir múslima. Og gerum okkur hér grein fyrir því að múslimarnir munu drepa þá alla.
Múslimar hóta að drón-stræka Ólýmpíuleikana
"The terrorist organisation has shared a picture of a faceless person operating a drone carrying a package marked 'gift' towards the Eiffel Tower.
The resurgent Islamic State militant group had urged attacks against host venues of the Champions League semi-finals, including with drones."
Þrátt fyrir þessa hótun, þá sér enginn árásina fyrir .
"'That was a bad period in Sweden September to October last year. Today it's a little bit better, but it's very insecure still because it can turn on and start with a new wave of violence at any time,' he said.
'Sometimes we make arrests of gang members and when they are put away, a vacuum opens, and then new gang members try to take over,' he said. Then 'they are fighting each other and you have new shootings and a new explosion of violence.'
Deadly violence linked to feuds between criminal gangs has escalated in recent years against the backdrop of high levels of migration into the country.
In all of 2023, 53 people were killed in shootings across Sweden, which is home to around 10.5 million people. In 2022, that figure stood at 62 - and Stockholm's per-capita murder rate was roughly 30 times that of London's.
The killings have turned Sweden, seen for many years from the outside as a peaceful Scandinavian welfare state, into the European Union's gun-homicide capital."
Telja þeir bara þá sem eru skotnir til bana?
Hvað eru þá eiginlega margir myrtir í heildina? 200? 1000?
"Pointing to his 2020 study 'Migrants and Crime in Sweden in the 21st Century', he said someone with a migrant background can be two, three or even four times more likely to be involved with or a suspect in criminal activity than an average Swede."
Hlutfallið virðist alltaf vera 13-50. Eða 13% af þýðinu fremur 50% af glæpunum.
En fólki mislíkar að heyra svoleiðis.
8.6.2024 | 17:11
Islömsk árás á KFC og varðeldur í lofttæmi
Einhver lak flerii blaðsíðum af Trannyfestóinu til fjölmiðla
"The Tennessee Star has obtained dozens of handwritten pages authored by Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who committed the horrific Covenant School shooting on March 27, 2023.
The Star reviewed nearly four dozen images of notebook pages written by Hale that were recovered from the vehicle she drove to the Covenant School which were obtained from a source familiar with the Covenant investigation."
"Metro-Nashville Police learned that the killer was a patient with Vanderbilt for mental health reasons for more than 20 years before she committed the mass killing.
[The shooter]'s diary or journal entry begins with the title 'My Imaginary Penis' and includes a crude drawing.
'My penis exists in my head. I swear to god I'm a male,' wrote [Redacted] in the diary or journal recovered by police. She then wrote about her desire to have a penis for the purpose of heterosexual sex with a woman."
Og svo framvegis.
"In filings made to a Texas bankruptcy court on Thursday, Jones lawyers requested that the Chapter 11 bankruptcy be converted into a Chapter 7 liquidation, as there is no reasonable prospect of a successful reorganization of his debts."
Hver á þá að segja okkur hverjir eru að gera froskana samkynhneigða?
"It was the third mob attack on a KFC in Baghdad in a week, apparently inspired by Iran-backed Shiite militias calling for boycotts and assaults on American brand names."
Ég hitti um daginn náunga sem segist hafa hitt Kernel Sanders.
Fólk má alveg ógna hryðjuverkamönnum í USA
"A judge has cleared the misdemeanor convictions of a St. Louis couple who displayed firearms to protect their home against Black Lives Matter protesters outside their residence in 2020."
Sko: ekki allar fréttir eru slæmar.
Þetta eru upplýsingar sem gætu nýzt ykkur seinna.
7.6.2024 | 15:56
Það má ekki einu sinni framleiða lesbíu klám í vinnunni
Ástralskir kommúnistar fá ekki að ritskoða X
"As we previously highlighted, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his government went to war with Musk, after the X owner refused demands to remove all copies of a video of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel being stabbed during a live streamed mass.
Australias so called eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman-Grant, an unelected official, ordered X to remove footage of the attack under the Online Safety Act, passed in 2021, which empowers the eSafety department to demand the removal of so-called class 1 material.
In response, Musk urged that no president, prime minister or judge has authority over all of Earth! This platform adheres to the laws of countries in those countries, but it would be improper to extend one countrys rulings to other countries."
Kolefnistrúar-áróður frá 1900.
"Oversize model Sara Milliken has won the title of Miss Alabama, sparking a torrent of criticism and support online. Critics have claimed that Millikens victory bolsters negative stereotypes about Alabama.
Some 37.9% of adults in Alabama are obese, making the southern state the US seventh-fattest, according to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention."
Mannvinsamlegur flokkur sigrar kosningar í Hollandi
"Despite having only been formed in 2019, the tractor protest party is building a history of success, having won a stunning upset last year in the provincial elections to become the largest party in the Dutch Senate on the heels of an outpouring of anger at the green agenda of Brussels and the neoliberal Rutte government in The Hague. The party will also be one of the chief partners of Wilders as he seeks to form a coalition government later this month after having won last years elections, meaning that the farmer party will also likely have a large influence over the future governance of The Netherlands."
Engin hungursneið, engin nauðgunargengi.
Engin furða að RÚV sé á móti þessu.
"This sexually transmitted form of ringworm has been increasingly diagnosed throughout Europe, with 13 instances reported in France in 2023, mostly in men who have sex with men, the news alert stated."
Ekkert má á þessum síðustu og verstu
"A Mississippi state trooper was fired for allegedly filming a sexual encounter with another woman and sharing the video with fellow officers of the highway patrol, according to a report."
Ýmislegt dettur fólki í hug.
7.6.2024 | 14:28
Laxness & mannýgar pöddur
Byrjum á Laxness
Hljómar vel
Held ég nenni engu af þessu
Hef lesið þessa. Er spes.
Sagan af Gilgamesh, í fullri lengd.
Ef þið hafið 12 tíma aflögu... hva, í bílnum, í og úr vinnu. Tekur 2-3 vikur.
Bækur | Breytt s.d. kl. 14:29 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
6.6.2024 | 18:27
Rússar og fleiri á ferð og flugi
"In a show of force perhaps prompted by President Biden's authorization of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using US weapons, a group of Russian warships is en route to the Caribbean, a senior US official has told McClatchy and the Miami Herald."
Sunsine reggae...
Eitt helsta náttúruundur Kína reynist vera gervi
"The Yuntai Mountain waterfall is claimed to be China's tallest uninterrupted waterfall at over 1,000 feet high.
Pictures and videos of the waterfall are absolutely gorgeous, but one hiker who scaled the mountain discovered that they are all a lie.
The water is being pumped up 1,000 feet and pushed out of an old rusty pipe."
Allt er feik í Kína.
"A Florida man wearing a womens shirt and no pants crashed into the Martin County Jail on Monday and threw motor oil and rubber snakes all over the floor."
Lefty losing it.
Án málfrelsis væri þetta ekki mögulegt
"A wild video has surfaced showing an enraged Spanish father punching a comedian on stage for making a vile, unacceptable sexualized joke about his 3-month-old son on social media.
Nothing and no one can prevent the possibility that he is gay and when he grows up he gets tired of sucking black ck, Caravaca tweeted back, according to a since-deleted screenshot being circulated online.
Pugilato quickly fired back, I assure you that you are going to apologize for what you said about my 3-month-old son and you will discover that real life is not Twitter.
Those were not idle words, because Pugilato jumped on stage during Caravacas monologue and landed a couple of blows on his head."
Menn lifa allir sínu besta lífi þarna.
Tokyo vill að fólk eyði tíma í rúmi öðruvísi
"The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is preparing to launch its own dating app as part of a national effort to boost the countrys dwindling birth rate,"
og þetta er leiðin til þess?
"The Kremlin dictator for the first time threatened to supply his advanced weapons to enemies of Britain and other Western counties who are providing long range arms to Kyiv.
Putin said there could be an 'asymmetrical response' for Western long range missiles deployed by Ukraine to hit Russian territory."
5.6.2024 | 17:06
5. Júní 2024
Menn útlista þetta opinberlega...
"NATO has a plan in place for rapid deployment of its forces in the scenario of a future Russian attack on Europe. It includes the development of "land corridors" which can be used to rush some 300,000 troops mostly American soldiers to front line positions in order to defend against a Russian invasion."
Þá gera þeir þetta ekki.
Fólk er smám saman að viðurkenna þetta
"The researchers also noted that side effects linked to vaccination against Covid-19 included ischaemic stroke, acute coronary syndrome, brain haemorrhage, cardiovascular diseases, coagulation, haemorrhages, gastrointestinal events and fatal blood clotting."
Þessi fer betur yfir þetta.
Menn eru að tímasetja heimskupör sín vel
"Ghebreyesus told the audience, You know the serious challenge thats posed by anti-vaxxers, and I think we need to strategize to really push back.
He continued, I think its time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers. I think they used COVID as an opportunity, and you know all the havoc they are creating."
Rússar gera okkur vesturlandabúum mikinn óleik með því að drón-stræka ekki alla yfirmenn stofnana okkar.
"The Colorado Republican Party marked the start of Pride Month with a mass email attacking "godless groomers" and a social media post calling for the burning of all Pride flags ..."
Svörtu Pardusarnir styðja Trump núna
"On Monday, writer and TikToker Carol Mitchell sat down with Black Panthers founding member David Hilliard to discuss his support for Donald Trump. The 82-year-old former revolutionary said he wanted to see the former president back in charge, calling him an ally of the black population."
... ok.
Kommúnistar í vandræðum með fólk í Bretlandi
"Since the Ulez boundary widened to cover the whole of London in August last year, motorists have been avoiding paying the penalties for driving a non-compliant car.
In total, out of the 1,348,938 penalties issued since the expansion, 974,590 have still not been paid."
Gott hjá þeim.
Talandi um Breta...
4.6.2024 | 13:55
Skoðum nú þessa mjö svo skemmtilegu frétt á Vísi.is:
Icelandair misþyrmi íslenskri tungu (sic)
Strax í fyrirsögn fer höfundur fram á að fyrirtæki sem heitir útlensku nafni misþyrmi Íslenskri tungu. Hann segir ekki hvers vegna hann vill að það gerist.
Höldum áfram:
Maríu Helgu Guðmundsdóttur, sem fengist hefur við þýðingar og prófarkalestur, varð beinlínis illt í íslenskunni sinni þegar hún ferðaðist nýverið með Icelandair og fór að skoða afþreyingarkerfi flugfélagsins. (sic)
Höfundur er enginn Dostoyevsky. Þarna notar hann sársaukafullt líkingamál, sem er, svo ég sletti nú, ansi írónískt.
Maríu Helgu rann kalt vatn milli skinns og hörunds. Ekki ein einasta setning sem þar var þýdd stóðst lágmarks skilyrði íslenskunnar. (sic)
Háfleygt orðalag, hálfgerður "Harðjaxlastíll," eins og ég og einn annar maður í veröldinni köllum svona texta.
Svo virðist sem Icelandair sé vargur í véum þegar tungmál Íslendinga er annars vegar. (sic)
... það var og. Hér hefur höfundur náð að hnoða saman heilli setningu með því að nota eingöngu útjaskaða frasa.
María Helga segist hafa starfað við þýðingar milli íslensku og ensku í tvo áratugi og sé því ágætlega vön að finna manngerðar þýðingarvillur og vélrænar. En sú íslenska sem við blasti var augljóslega ekki runninn undan rifjum manneskju. Og heldur ekki afurð hefbundinna þýðingarvélar. (sic)
Mig grunar að þessi texti, sem minnir mig á "The Eye of Argon" sé nú skrifaður af mannveru.
Google Translate er oft klaufi en leggur það almennt ekki í vana sinn að búa til orð eins og Fimmtítalshúsfreyju eða leðursteikjuskeiði. (sic)
Ég veit ekki hvað þessi orð þýða, en þau eru frábær.
Í það dugar ekkert minna en gervigreind, sá sískapandi bullukollur. (sic)
Ósamræmi milli kynja... gervigrein...in, KvK, bullukollur..inn, KK.
Gervigreind skapar í raun ekkert, heldur er þetta líkindareiknir. Sem bent er á seinna:
Sú gervigreind sem hér hefur verið notuð hefur ekki einu sinni verið þjálfuð sæmilega á íslensku gagnasafni, eins og sjá má á því hvernig hún flakkar á milli rithátta sem minna á íslensku og blandinavísku (eventýralega). Garmurinn er enda bara að geta í eyðurnar út frá líkindum, segir María Helga sem ritar grein á Vísi um þessa reynslu sína. (sic)
En þetta er ekki allt:
María Helga skorar á öll þau sem umhugað er um málrækt að vera vakandi fyrir þeirri raunverulegu ógn sem steðjar að málinu. Fátt er hættulegra fyrir framtíð íslenskunnar en að flaggskip á íslenskum fyrirtækjamarkaði skuli sjá hag sinn í því að taka upp vélbullað íslenskulíki í sparnaðarskyni. (sic)
"Öll þau" er ekki í samræmi við íslenska málvenju. Það er óþarfi að vera raunveruleg ógn við íslenska tungu.
Við tökum þó eftir vélbullinu, og það er létt verk að laga.
4.6.2024 | 13:04
Flórída maðurinn veit hverjir óvinirnir eru
"The Lee County Republican Assembly, which is a grassroots conservative Republican organization, passed a resolution introduced by Joseph Sansone, declaring the UN, WHO, and WEF, terrorist organizations."
Þetta er byrjun.
"Germany is considering allowing deportations to Afghanistan of dangerous criminals following the frenzied stabbing attack in Mannheim that left a police officer dead.
Footage of the incident shows a police officer tackling the wrong person, one of Stürzenbergers campaign workers, before being stabbed in the neck from behind."
Þetta var svona: óður afgan réðist á fólk, einhver hindraði hann i þvi, löggann handtók gaurinn sem vara að hindra morðingjann í ódæðisverkum sínum, og morðingonn tók sig á til og drap lögguna.
Hljómar jafn heimskulegt og það er.
"In our analysis of Nevadas statewide voter list dated April 9, 2024, we identified numerous addresses listed as residential that appeared to be commercial buildings where no one resides, PILF lawyers state, asking that a clean-up of Clark County voter rolls be conducted by June 17.
Among the seemingly faulty voter registrations listed by PILF lawyers are those where registrants listed Larry Flynts Hustler Club, a 7-Eleven, a Nevada-based gas station, Chavelos Mexican Bar and Grill, Harry Reid International Airport, and a Mini Mart and Smoke Shop, among others, as their primary addresses."
Ég þekki engan sem býr á bensínstöð.
Hryðjuverkamenn ryðjast inn í Ísraelska sendiráðið í SF
"Anti-Israel agitators occupied the Israeli consulate in San Francisco on Monday, demanding that all of Palestine be liberated and claiming they are coming for the right-wing white nationalist Zionist organizations.
The building occupiers held up signs, wore masks, and donned pride flags as they demanded a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war."
Ekki skörpustu hnífarnir í skúffunni.
Það nýjasta af þessu.
3.6.2024 | 14:26
Texas & Flórída skara framúr
mRNA lyfin valda hjartabilunum, ekki Kína Kvefið
"Researchers at Oxford University evaluated over one million English children aged 5 to 11 and adolescents aged 12 to 15 for incidents of myocarditis and pericarditis in relation to the COVID-19 infection and the COVID-19 vaccine.
According to the preprint, myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection.