Litið til baka; 4 Júlí - 19 Júlí

Macron vill ekki að fólk sjái neinar fréttir

"French President Emmanuel Macron appears to have figured it all out – it’s social media and video games that are to blame for the ongoing riots in France!

One cannot help but raise an eyebrow as President Macron pleads with social media giants to erase the “most sensitive” content pertaining to the rioting."


Annar óður tranni að myrða fólk

"Gunman arrested for Philadelphia mass shooting that left 5 dead is BLM activist who wore women's clothes: sources via @nypost"

Svartur líka.  Trannar, ljóslega hættulegri en Múslimar.

Þetta var á þessu æári.  Fjarlæg minning...

Hmm... af gefnu tilefni:

"The pedo-loving propagandists at the once-great Rolling Stone are at it again, this time seemingly defending child traffickers with a scathing review of Jim Caviezel's anti-child-trafficking film, Sound of Freedom - which they described as a "QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking" which is "designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.""

Maður spyr sig...

1 af hverjum 5 dauðsföllum er vegna "bóluefna"

"Í maí og júní lét­ust 240 til 250 ein­stak­ling­ar í hvor­um mánuði sem merk­ir að Ísland er með yfir 20% hlut­fall um­framdauðsfalla í báðum mánuðum. Að meðaltali lét­ust 198 lands­menn í hverj­um mánuði á ár­un­um 2018 til 2022. Að 40 til 50 ein­stak­ling­ar hafi lát­ist í maí og júní um­fram meðaltal síðustu fimm ára er skelfi­legt. Með sama áfram­haldi myndu 500 til 600 ís­lensk­ir ein­stak­ling­ar hljóta ótíma­bær­an dauðdaga á 12 mánuðum miðað við reynslu liðinna ára."

Ríkið er búið að myrða fleiri en 600.

Darwin mun sigra.

Baulað á mann fyrir að vera á móti glæpum

"Variety reported on Tuesday that CMT had pulled Jason Aldean's latest video, "Try That In A Small Town", accusing it of being a pro-lynching song."

Hlustið bara sjálf:

Glæpir eru mjög Inn núna.

Litið til baka; 2 Júní - 16 Júní

Hal úr Space Odyssey er ekta

"An AI-enabled drone turned on and “killed” its human operator during a simulated U.S. Air Force (USAF) test so that it could complete its mission."

Varið Dave við.


Meiri sönnunargögn vegna glæpa Hunter Biden líta dagsins ljós

"Nearly 10,000 photos from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop were uploaded to a new website -, which has been intermittently unavailable since launch due to overwhelming traffic."


Loftslags-Gollum spáir heimsendi... aftur

"A reminder from United Nations climate envoy @GretaThunberg that the world will end in seventeen days due to the burning of fossil fuels.

I’m trying to decide how to handle it if it goes badly for Greta’s side – you know. Like, we’re all still here?

I’d use “The Great Disappointment,” but The Millerites already stole that one. At least I have a couple weeks to think of something snappy."

Á meðan, í Kanada

"Based on already available state-level figures, the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition assessed MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) cases rose from just over 10,000 in 2021 to around 13,500 in the next year, a 34 percent increase nationwide.

That number is forecast to rise again before this year is out with euthanasia already the 3rd leading cause of death in Quebec — seven percent of all deaths."

Ríkið að gera það sem ríkið gerir best.


Þetta gæti útskýrt sitthvað...

"The WhatApp group includes former Prime Ministers Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert, former Chiefs of Staff Dan Halutz and Bogie Ya’alon, Crime Minister founder Yishai Hadas, and Antifa-style terrorist Black Flags founders Roy Neuman, Shikma Bressler, and Eyal Schwarzman. The Black Flags are financed by former prime minister Ehud Barak, Israeli Channel 13 reports.

Former Prime Minister and convicted criminal Ehud Olmert demanded “head-to-head and hand-to-hand combat.” He noted that  “there were reservations concerning the wording because it sounded too aggressive.” Olmert called for “war as in war” but “without violence and breaking the law.”"


... já.

Jólabókaflóðið, 6. og síðasti hluti

Ljóslega besta bók sem skrifuð hefur verið

Hentar vel 12 ára og uppúr

Fyrir þá sem eru fyrir svona ævintýri

Hasar og læti

Litið til baka; 17 Maí - 1 Júní


Í þetta fór neyðarsjóðurinn.  Meðal annars.

Flórída bannar fólki að skera kynfærin af börnunum sínum

"Florida is officially banning the mutilation of minors in the name of “gender affirmation,” as Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Wednesday signed legislation addressing issues associated with the radical left’s transgender agenda."

Trannar reiðir.

Kolefnistrúarmaður vill rífa hús til þess að laga veðrið

"Angelini revealed the shocking response, remarking in an interview with Politico: "They told me: If you allow us to tear down all our historical buildings and build energy efficient ones, then we can do it.""

Ja hérna.  Kolefnistræúarmenn eru svo mikil fífl að það er ekki einu sinni hægt að hæðast að þeim, maður bara birtir ó-editað það sem þeir segja og gera í alvöru.  Það er nóg.

Njósnir aukast á Íslandi

"Myndavélar sem keyptar voru í tilefni leiðtogafundar Evrópuráðsins verða ekki fjarlægðar. 24 nýjar vélar voru keyptar að sögn upplýsingafulltrúa lögreglunnar á höfuðborgarsvæðinu."

Og þessi lína fær íróníu-verðlaunin:

"Borgarfulltrúi Sósíalistaflokksins hefur miklar áhyggjur af auknu eftirliti."

Yeah, right.


Brezka lögreglan kemst ekki viku án þess að gera sig að fífli

"Just Stop Oil, a lawless climate change activist and terror group in the UK, was blocking traffic on a major road and one citizen had enough of it and did his civic duty to try to get traffic moving again.

He got arrested for his trouble."


Þetta er eðlilegt á Facebook

"David Fuller, 68, murdered Wendy Knell, 25, and Caroline Pierce, 20, in 1987, before going on to sexually abuse 101 corpses at his workplaces from at least 2007. 

The father-of-four was not linked to the murders until 2020, which led investigators to search his home and uncover almost 900,000 files of him abusing corpses of females aged between nine and 100."

Ljóslega gróf aðför að LGBTQ+ samfélaginu.

Hafiði séð hvíta hvalinn?

Í fréttum undanfarið:

Zuckerberg býr sig undir dómsdag

"Wired investigation reveals Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is building a massive underground bunker with a "blast-resistant door" to survive the end times. 

Building documents also showed the compound would be self-sufficient, with its own power generation, food supplies, and a 55-foot-diameter and 18-foot-tall water tank."


Demókratar búa til hommaklámmynd í þingsal

"A Democratic Senator deserves to be in some serious hot water after one of his staffers was caught engaging in a highly inappropriate and explicit act in the halls of Congress.

The Spectator broke an explosive story Friday that a young male staffer for Maryland Senator Ben Cardin engaged in multiple graphic sex acts with his older boyfriend in the Hart Senate Office Building.

The news site accessed the man’s X account to obtain the footage. Yes, he was showcasing X-rated pornography for the entire world to witness."

Nú veit ég ekki hvernig Píratar ætla að toppa þetta.

Auðvitað eru til mím.

Vivek alltaf með eitthvað áhugavert

"Too bad for CNN, we’ll take the TRUTH on Jan. 6 mainstream. There is clear evidence that there was at the very least entrapment of peaceful protestors, similar to the fake Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot & countless other cases. The FBI won’t admit how many undercover officers were in the field on Jan 6, Capitol police on one hand fired rubber bullets & explosives into a peaceful crowd who they then willingly later allowed to enter the Capitol. That doesn’t add up & the actual evidence turns the prior narrative upside down: if the deep state is willing to manufacture an “insurrection” to take down its political opponents, they can do anything. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it."

Hlustið og lærið.

Pútín vígir löng göng til Síberíu

"The longest tunnel along the Trans-Siberian railway was opened in a ceremony that Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in via video link on Friday. The passage, which is called the Kerak Tunnel, spans 927 meters and is in Amur Region."

Ekki það löng.


Litið til baka; 24 Apríl - 16 Maí

Svarti markaðurinn glæðist vegna stríðs í Úkraníu

"Western-supplied arms are being sold by Ukrainian commanders to smugglers in Poland, Romania and other states, veteran American journalist Seymour Hersh has claimed."

Þau birtust seinna í Ísrael.  Það var gaman.





íslenskasti pólitíkus bandaríkjanna.

Fox rak Tucker

"On Monday, Fox News executives announced that they were parting ways with Carlson, who consistently scored the highest-rated show on the network and beat all major media competitors like CNN and MSNBC in the prime time 8:00 p.m. time slot.

Within the first hour of Carlson’s posting to Twitter, the video received some 1.8 million views — more than the 1.7 million views that his old Fox News time slot at 8:00 p.m. got the night before."

Ekki þeirra besta hugmynd.

Hamingjan er í pilluformi

Rússar vilja ekkert með Tinder hafa

"Match Group, owner of the dating app Tinder, has announced plans to leave Russia more than a year after Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing the company’s annual impact report."

Fólk er ekkert nauðsynlega með innri mónólóg

"Earlier this year, a lot of people were surprised to discover that some people don't have an internal monologue, while those people who don't were surprised to learn other people do."



WHO vs Apabóla

"W.H.O. declared a PHEIC in July 2022 after convening an emergency panel to study the unprecedented spike in European and American infections. Monkeypox, an unpleasant and sometimes disfiguring but rarely fatal disease, was previously almost unknown outside of Africa, where it is indeed spread by contact between monkeys and humans.

The Biden administration followed suit in August 2022 by declaring a public health emergency, a move that made more funding and personnel available to combat monkeypox."

Brúna línan er fyrir zoo-fíla.

2023 í hnotskurn.

Jólabókaflóðið, 5. hluti

Annað meistaraverk heimsbókmentanna

Frítt þessa vikuna, á rafrænu formi

Sci-fi, því allir eru örugglega leiðir á glæpasögum

Allir voða hrifnir af tækni og vísindum og svoleiðis

Og framtíðinni, og Kanada

Eða fólk vill bara lesa stofudrama með mörgum persónum.

Litið til baka; 11 Apríl - 23 Apríl

Dylan Mulvaney rústar Anhauser Busch.

Twitter var fasista fyrirtæki

"Musk told Carlson during a segment which is set to air tonight that he was shocked as to the level of penetration the feds had with Twitter.

“The degree to which government agencies effectively had full access to everything that was going on on Twitter blew my mind, I was not aware of that,” said Musk.

“Would that include people’s DMs?” asked Carlson.

“Yes,” responded Musk."

Samruni ríkisins og einkafyrirtækis.  Fasismi.

Kolefnistrúarmenn óttast hrísgrjón

"Rice is to blame for around 10 percent of global emissions of methane, a gas that over two decades, traps about 80 times as much heat as carbon dioxide. Scientists say that if the world wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, rice cannot be ignored.

— AFP News Agency (@AFP) April 16, 2023"

Þeir boða eyðingu mannkyns.  Þetta er frá því núna, til samanburðar:

"a new study claims the gases in air exhaled from human lungs is fueling global warming.

Methane and nitrous oxide in the air we exhale makes up to 0.1 per cent of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say. 

And that's not even accounting for the gas we release from burps and farts, or emissions that come from our skin without us noticing."

Lögmál Poes.

Fleiri útlendir leftistar

"The Gateway Pundit reported in October 2020 on Hunter Biden’s Russian orgies, his many nights with Russian hookers, his father wiring him money for his prostitutes, and his fears of being blackmailed by the Putin regime."

Þetta þykir normal.


Hin æðislegu ævintýri löggæzlu vélhundsins

"The New York Fire Department (FDNY) $75,000 Dalmatian-spotted robot dog was sent to survey a collapsed parking garage in Manhattan but immediately fell over."



Maður í vinnu.


Litið til baka; 28 Mars - 10 Apríl

Óður tranni myrðir 6 manns í skóla

"Nashville PD has released another clip from bodycam footage, this time of officers neutralizing female-to-male transgender shooter Audrey Hale, who killed three children and three adults at a Christian school.

At an earlier press conference, police said the 28-year-old, who'd reportedly attended the school herself, had left behind a "manifesto" and maps which noted security camera locations, doorways and other details.

"We have a manifesto," said Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake. "We have some writings that we're going over that pertain to this date, the actual incident. We have a map drawn out of how all this was gonna take place.""

Nokkru seinna var hluta af þessu manifestoi lekið:

"Hale: “Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots w/ your white privileges”•"

Svona verður fólk ef það hlustar of mikið á RÚV.




Samtökin Ísland Palestína segja að þetta sé allt í lagi.  Hún var nefnilega undirokuð og átti engan Mustang.


"UK Oncologist warns Cancers are rapidly developing post-Covid Vaccination – "I am experienced enough to know this is not coincidental""

Kíkið á tölurnar hjá Lnadlækni Íslands.  Bara að segja...


Berlínarbúar eru ekki sömu sauðir og Íslenska Ríkið

"Berlin’s rejection of the climate neutrality by 2030 mandate is a massive body blow to the the radical Fridays for Future and Last Generation movement in Germany, and it will take months for the radicals to recover, it ever, from this setback.

The Berlin initiative to make the city climate neutral by 2030 was led by rich, upper class youths like Luisa “Longhaul” Neubauer. But Berliners, having been harassed for months by activists gluing themselves to the streets and blocking traffic, saw the folly of the initiative and the high costs it would entail politically and financially. They decided resoundingly they’d wanted no part of it."

Á meðan eru Íslenskir ráðamen á fullu að reyna að sýna börnum klám, rukka fátækasta fólkið um kolefnisgjöld til þess að svelta það í hel, stela neyðarsjóð til þess að borga fyrir kampavín og snittur, og smitast svo af apabólu á þartilgerðum ráðstefnum.

Sjáið þetta bara:

"Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir hefur verið ráðin sem loftslags- og sjálfbærnifræðingur hjá Seðlabanka Íslands en um er að ræða nýja stöðu hjá bankanum."

Loftslags- og sjálfbærnifræðingur.  Hjá banka.  Þette vlæri reyndar gagnslaust embætti hvar sem var, segi ekki annað...

Eini munurinn á þessum þursum og bakkabræðrum, er að bakkabræður voru fyndnir.

Þeir í Ecuador eru líka greindari en Íslendingar

"Reuters noted that crime has reached a point where it is hard to curtail, and Lasso hopes to find some degree of respite in allowing citizens to be armed for self-defense."

Hér á landi er ríkið að taka menn fyrir ímynduð hryðjuverk.

Sumir vilja að ríkið hafi meiri völd, til þess að taka jafnvel fleiri fyrir upplognar sakir.

Fólk gáir svo sjaldan að því hvað það biður um.

Litið til baka; 10 Mars - 27 Mars


Hollenska ríkið var dauða-költ

"The Dutch government plans on seizing 3000 farms to meet climate goals.

According to Peter Imanuelsen, military vehicles are already arriving in the Netherlands in preparation for the farmers’ protest."

Þess vegna er Geert Wilders nú aðal gaurinn.

Hin morðóða Jane Fonda

... já.

Rasisti segir sig úr VG vegna þess að VG er ekki nógu rasískur flokkur

"Daníel E. Arnarsson, varaþingmaður og framkvæmdastjóri Samtakanna '78, hefur sagt sig úr Vinstri grænum. Hann greinir frá þessu í færslu á Facebook síðu sinni og segir að ástæðuna vera þingmenn flokksins greiddu atkvæði með útlendingafrumvarpi Jóns Gunnarssonar dómsmálaráðherra."

Daníel trúir á byrði hvíta mannsins.  Kommúnistar gera það mikið.


Sam Bankman Fried stal meira en 2 milljörðum

"Intelligencer reports that Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the failed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, received a staggering $2.2 billion in loans and payments while allegedly committing a massive fraud within the business, according to a late-night announcement made by liquidators on Wednesday. As federal investigators construct their case against Bankman-Fried, who is currently facing 12 charges, including money laundering and bank fraud, the revelation may have a significant impact on his case."

Þessi var í Úkrainu peningaþvottavélinni.

Fólk vill vernda sína barnanauðgara

"Students shouted at Judge Kyle Duncan, a Trump appointee, and made it impossible for him to speak.

The far-left students were reportedly upset about Judge Duncan’s refusal to use a transgender sex offender’s “preferred pronouns” in a 2020 opinion, the Free Beacon reported."

Blóð er betra en kartöflur til þess að búa til múrsteina í geimnum

Segja vísindamenn.  Sem hafa rannsakað þetta.  Vegna þess að auðvitað.

21. aldar Hrói Höttur og félagar

"Opponents of London's ULEZ expansion have launched a guerilla war against the very cameras that will be used to police the controversial scheme.

Shopping bags and cardboard boxes have started to appear over the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras set up by Transport for London (TfL) across the capital."

Hin sígilda barátta góðs og ills.

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