Er bókmenntaþáttur Egils enn á dagskrá?

Veit ekki, horfi ekkert á sjónverp lengur.

Tilgangslaust en afslappandi.

Hérna, fáið annan:

Nóg komið af þessu í augnablikinu.

Stutt yfirferð um helsta verk George RR Martin.

Ágætt að hlusta á þetta fyrir svefninn.  Eins og að telja kindur.

Þessi ræma er byggð á bók sem fæstir hafa lesið.

Hin sívinsælu vísindi


Kóvitleysan er gjöf sem heldur afram að gefa

"Cause of death data show increased cardiac mortality in all ages.

As COVID-related causes declined in 2022, others rose, particularly stroke, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases."

Mig grunar að krabbinn sé byrjaður að láta á sér kræla líka, eins og spáð var.

Kanadísk yfirvöld reyna að fela hversu marga þeir myrða með Action T4

"Canada plans to hide its skyrocketing euthanasia deaths as a result of its Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) program by listing fatalities on the basis of “the disease or injury that initiated the train of morbid events.”"



Kolefnistrúarmaður reynir að eyða ósonlaginu í beinni útsendingu

"The Biden Administration’s climate envoy was discussing US policy on coal power plants at the Climate Change Conference in Dubai on Sunday when Kerry may have unleashed a burst of wind energy.

Before Kerry can complete his thought, the crude sound of passing gas can be heard over the microphone. The crowd breaks into applause, apparently oblivious to the crude theatrics."

Við vissum svosem öll að hann væri fullur af heitu lofti.


Nýr forseti Argentínu með áhugaverðar áætlanir

"His shock package entails a considerable shrinking of the state structure, reducing the current 18 ministries to eight or nine portfolios.

Besides the traditional ‘ministry law’ – that establishes the organizational chart of each new administration – he is preparing a ‘shock package’: deregulation of economic laws, simplification of the tax system, labor modifications, and the privatization of state companies."

Allt mjög áhugavert og nýtt.


Einn á undan með flugeldana

"A home exploded on Monday in Arlington, Virginia, after a suspect inside discharged several rounds of a flare gun, Arlington County Police said.

Officers were trying to execute a search warrant when the suspect allegedly fired multiple rounds inside the home on the 800 block of North Burlington Street, according to authorities."


Þetta rafbíla-dæmi gengur ekki alveg upp.   Á fleiri en einn hátt.

Conor McGregor verður konugur Írlands

"Potential competition if I run. Gerry, 78. Bertie. 75. Enda, 74. Each with unbreakable ties to their individual parties politics. Regardless of what the public outside of their parties feel. These parties govern themselves vs govern the people. Or me, 35. Young, active, passionate, fresh skin in the game. I listen. I support. I adapt. I have no affiliation/bias/favoritism toward any party. They would genuinely be held to account regarding the current sway of public feeling. I'd even put it all to vote. There'd be votes every week to make sure. I can fund. It would not be me in power as President, people of Ireland. It would be me and you."

Hljómar vel.


Þessi fyrirsögn:

"Pussy Riot co-founder denies vagina performance"

... ég hefði haldið að' eitt leiddi nú af hinu...

"Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, one of the founders of the feminist punk band ‘Pussy Riot,’ has strongly denied allegations that she had ever inserted a dead chicken into her vagina as performance art."

Hef engu við þetta að bæta.

Kaninn ætlar sér að eyða eigin hagkerfi sem fyrst

"John Kerry, special presidential envoy on climate matters, announced Saturday that the United States has "proudly" committed to not to build any new coal plants and to get rid of existing ones entirely.

"To meet our goal of 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035, we need to phase out unabated coal," Mr. Kerry said in a Dec. 2 statement, in which he announced that the United States had officially joined a coalition of 56 other countries who all plan to ditch coal in the name of climate change."

Yfirvaldið vill svelta og frysta alþýðuna.


Allt verðpur vitlaust ef maður segir eitthvað rétt

"A Ministry of Health employee-turned-whistleblower and another individual have been targeted by police raids on Sunday. The whistleblower’s actions in exposing a connection between certain Pfizer vaccine batches and a series of deaths have led to a dramatic confrontation with law enforcement."

Það fer að verða mjög erfitt að segja að hann hafi rangt fyrir sér.



"The map, created in 2019, plotted nearly 120,000 case reports of human feces on the streets of San Francisco between 2011 and 2019 using the city's open records portal and 311 call information posted by city officials."

Sósíalismi í hnotskurn.

Flón eru hættulegasta fólk í heimi.

Jólabókaflóðið, 2. hluti

Hér er önnur,

frí þessa viku,

Þið vitið, vélmenni og framtíð og slikt,

Sci fi, sem er óplægður akur í íslenskum bókmenntum.

Það geta ekki allir verið að skrifa einhverjar glæpasögur,

Það væri að bera í bakkafullan lækinn.

Jólagjöfin í ár:


Ef þú þekkir einhvern sem er á móti landbúnaði, ferðafrelsi fólks svona almennt, eða vill bara sýna í verki stuðnig sinn við útlend hryðjuverkasamtök, þá er þetta tilvalin jólagjöf fyrir þann mann/konu/kynlausa furðufyrirbæri.

Lím!  Ekki bara til að sniffa.  Munið: VG finnst límið betra en bjór.

Sitt sýnist hverjum um Kissinger

"Beginning in the Spring of 1969 through 1973, the Nixon and Kissinger conducted a secret and illegal and extensive bombing operation (codenamed MENU) of purported North Vietnamese routes and alleged headquarters in Cambodia. The architect and overseer of this plan was Kissinger.

It is estimated that as many as 150,000 civilians were killed – all at the direction of Henry Kissinger."

Mogginn segr eitt og annað...

Enginn Lenin, en samt... þetta er ekki ekkert.

FBI handtekur heila fjölskildu fyrir engar sakir

"The Rufini family’s peaceful life was shattered when a late-night FBI operation saw them hauled at gunpoint from their home and detained in a van while agents combed their house for evidence of what was presumed to be a potential violent plot by their 15-year-old son, who was a volunteer firefighter and an altar boy, American Greatness reported.

The boy’s interest in history and theology led him to online group chats, and he was “recruited” into chat groups “targeting teenage traditionalist Catholics with extreme political content.”"

Þetta er það sem lögreglan hér á landi mun gera við auknar rannsóknarheimildir.  Og hefur þegar gert, eins og málferli sanna.

Páfinn fremur trúvillu

"Pope Francis sent a message Saturday to the COP28 United Nations climate summit decrying the “unbridled exploitation” of the environment by first world nations."

Þetta er ekki katólska.

Disney heldur áfram að kalla yfir sig vandamál

"On Thursday, calls #BoycottDisney grew on X, formerly known as Twitter, after Elon Musk called out advertisers for blackmailing the company at the New York Times Dealbook Summit.

Mindy: I honestly thought we were already boycotting Disney for firing Gina Carano, ruining every new movie by being woke, and employing a suspicious amount of pedophiles."


Pöddur herja á Ástralska bændur.

Geta þeir ekki fengið kolefnistrúarmennina til þess að borða allar þessar pöddur?

Sósíalistar leysa upp byggingar með þvagi

Þvaglát leysa upp opinberar byggingar í Baltimore

"When you think of a blue city, it's easy to get caught up in the mass-looting, the violence, the corruption, the drugs, the homelessness, etc.

But let's not forget the public defecation and urination.

In addition to being public health hazards, it turns out that historical buildings weren't made to be constantly peed on. Democrat-run Baltimore is currently facing a crisis in that its historical buildings are slowly being eroded away by public urination."

Ekkert segir "Félagshyggju-útópía" eins og mannaskítur á götunni og þvag um alla veggi.


Þotur kolefnistrúarmanna frusu við malbikið

"While world leaders spoke at a 'global warming' conference in Dubai, located in the heart of the Arabian Desert, discussing the usual: banning gas stoves, cow farts, and petrol-powered vehicles, a powerful snowstorm grounded all flights at Munich Airport in Germany. 

"Private jets in Munich on the way to Dubai global warming conference are literally frozen on the runway, which has turned into a glacier," said Ryan Maue, a meteorologist and former NOAA chief scientist."

Hnattræn hlýnun strækar aftur!

Þeir þurfa ljóslega að borða fleiri pöddur.


Venezuela pælir í að gera innrás í Guyana

"In a move that has prompted many to wonder which is the bigger banana republic, Venezuela or the US, Joe Biden's new BFF, Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro [...], on Sunday Caracas is set to hold a referendum among Venezuelans on annexing (i.e., invading and taking over) a whopping 160,000 sq km of extremely oil-rich land in neighbouring Guyana."

Sósíalistar geta ekkert nema fara um ránshendi og myrða fólk.

Von Der Leyen vill milljarða til þess að fjármagna hungursneið og örbyrgð

"Leaders from around the world descended (many of whom on private jets) upon the oil-rich Arabian nation of Dubai for the 28th instalment of the United Nation’s top annual climate summit, in which politicians demand that ordinary citizens bankroll their lofty visions of a so-called green future.

Despite people suffering across Europe under an energy crisis as a result of the war in Ukraine and the years of dumping money into dubious ‘renewable’ energy sources, EU Chief Ursula von der Leyen’s takeaway was to double down on the very same policies that precipitated Europe’s precarious energy situation.

The EU chief also said that there needs to be an expansion of carbon pricing, a central feature of the European Green Deal that imposes taxes on emissions to incentivise businesses to lower their so-called carbon footprint. She said that in the two decades of carbon pricing, the EU has taken in 175 billion euros in revenues from companies, which was then directed to climate change projects."

Ekki bara eru okkar úrkynjuðu vanvitar að verða okkur til skammar þarna, heldur eru úrkynjair vanvitar frá öllum evrópulöndum að verða sér til ævarandi skammar þarna.

Ætli Von Der leyen leggist líka undir úlfalda?

Úkranía, fyrir þá sem hafa áhuga.

Jólabókaflóðið, 1 hluti

Þessi bók er frí þessa vikuna,

Sem svona rafbók

Ef menn eru græjaðir upp með svona e-bóka lesara

Vissulega jólabókin í ár.

Uppfull af nekrófóbíu og öðru anti-LGBTQ+ góðgæti.  Meira að segja myndskreytt.

Hver tók við af Epstein?

Kata Jak stundar kynlíf meðp kolefnisjöfnuðu kameldýrir [myndskeið]

"Áætlað er að rúm­lega 92 þúsund taki þátt í lofts­lags­ráðstefnu Sam­einuðu þjóðanna COP28 og tengd­um viðburðum í Dúbaí."

Við vitum öll að þetta er bullshit ráðstefna, sem hefur það eitt markmið að sóa peningum skattgreiðenda um allar jarðir í að veita einhverjum gæðingum vín og snittur.

Og leggja undir þá 7-13 ára krakka sem arftaki Epsteins hefur fundið fyrir þá.

Nema Belgar hafi tekið þá hlið málsins að sér?  Þér eru miklir Sigurgeirar, ég man vel þegar eir voru svo hræddir um að apa-kynsjúkdómur bærist um allar jarðir, að þeir vildu láta sprauta alla við apa-bólu.

Kannski kemur okkar hópur með kindur með sér, til afnota fyrir sig og aðra?  Það er vissulega þjóðlegur pervertismi.  Kolefnis-Guðlaugur er örugglega með sína eigin persónulegu kind.

Kannski er hann og Kata búin að fara í treesome með kameldýri.  Eða drómedara.  Það er jú það sem íslenski skattborgarinn er búinn að greiða upp í topp fyrir þau, þau geta eins klárað það dæmi.  Ef þau eru ekki þegar búin að því.


Trigger viðvörun: í þessari færzlu voru reifaðar Sigurgeirs-fóbískar ídeasjónir.

Írar, og fleira


Klósett-píratinn, væntanlegur á salerni skemmtistaðar nærri þér.

Í baráttu írska ríkisins gegn Írum, er Elon Musk í liði með Írum:

"The Irish government colluded with Big Tech to censor Irish citizens following the Dublin stabbing attack. X was the only platform that did not comply. Now they are calling for new laws that would force X to take down posts they don’t like."

Það var og.  Fasista-andskotar, allt saman.

Áfram Írar:

"Residents of villages in Ireland have resorted to establishing barricades and road checkpoints around their communities to prevent the government from relocating asylum seekers to the area.

Protesters have expressed their discontent in recent days at the possibility of new arrivals to the town, citing security and the saturation of public services as their primary concerns."


Það sem Írska ríkið óskar þegnunum:

"The Fianna Fáil councillor said, per the report:

I strongly believe that this is not the face of Ireland. This is just some criminals looting the shops. I don’t think they follow any ideological purpose. They come to the streets and just rob. They should get punishment.

Not even an animal does these kind of thing. It is very shameful and they should get public punishment. I’d like to see them shot in the head or bring the public in and beat them until they die."

Fjandans kommúnistar, alltaf eins.

Einhevrjir hægri öfgar hér í gangi

"“Our government will rebuild the economy to ease the cost of living, and deliver tax relief to increase the prosperity of all New Zealanders,” Luxon announced in Wellington, public broadcaster Radio New Zealand reported.

“Our government will restore law and order and personal responsibility so that Kiwis are safer in their own communities,” he added."

Æ-æ.  Hvað eiga barnanauðgarar þá að gera?  Flytja til Bretlands, kannski?

Allir í fýlu vegna þess að indjáni klæddi sig upp eins og indjáni

"Holden is actually of authentic Native American descent, belonging to the Chumash tribe, with his grandfather serving on the Tribe board in Santa Ynez."

Ekkert má.

Þessir kanar...


"The Democrat Mayor of Denver had his vehicle stolen amid a growing number of auto thefts in Colorado."

Karma lögreglan nær þér alltaf.

29 Nóvember

Hernaðaryfirvöld plotta ritskoðun um allan heim

"A whistleblower has come forward with an explosive new trove of documents, rivaling or exceeding the Twitter Files and Facebook Files in scale and importance. They describe the activities of an "anti-disinformation" group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League, or CTIL, that officially began as the volunteer project of data scientists and defense and intelligence veterans but whose tactics over time appear to have been absorbed into multiple official projects, including those of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)."

Hvergi til fyrirmyndar.

12 ára peyi stelur skotbómulyftara.

"A 12-year-old boy led law enforcement on a unique and slow-speed chase in Ann Arbor, Michigan, after stealing a heavy construction forklift and accidentally hitting around ten parked cars during the prolonged pursuit.

The chase, which hardly exceeded 20 miles per hour, created an unusual spectacle that resulted in substantial property damage but, fortunately, no physical injuries."

Áhugaverðir hlutir gerast á hverjum degi í USA.

Enginn sleppur undan "Community Notes

"Notorious left-wing funder Alex Soros was Community Noted on X on Monday, after making the absurd claim that murder rates are down in progressive-run cities. They are not, and that was pointed out. Readers added the note that the cities with the highest murder rates in the US are Democrat run."

Ekki einu sinni svona augljósar lygar fá að vera í friði.

Daglegt brauð.

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