Færsluflokkur: Vísindi og fræði
28.3.2025 | 16:16
"Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has made it an agency's mission to reverse the chronic disease epidemic by implementing the "Make America Healthy Again" initiative, which aims to eliminate toxic food dyes and processed foods from the nation's food supply chain. In response to the incoming HHS policy, one of the world's top players in the spices, herbs, and seasonings industry has announced plans to reformulate its products to align with the MAHA agenda."
Kryddið verður ekki lengur eitrað. Jákvætt.
Frakkar óttast að fjölmenning valdi borgarastyrrjöld
"A survey from Ifop published in Le Figaro to coincide with the 120th anniversary of the passing of the Secularism Act of 1905 and the 10th anniversary of the Bataclan Islamist terror attacks in Paris in 2015, has found that the French public is increasingly sceptical of the multicultural project foisted upon the nation, with many fearing that their society may devolve into full-on chaos.
According to the poll, a record eight in ten people in France believe the country is at risk of experiencing a social explosion in the coming months."
Hvort landið fer fyrist til helvítis út af fjölmenningu: Frakkland eða Brteland?
Maður með tattú sem sýnir að hann er ekki villimaður
"Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseths latest tattoo is triggering Muslim activists.
In photos circulating across social media, Hegseth appears to have a new tattoo that says kafir, an Arabic term used by Muslims to describe unbelievers.
The choice of tattoo has triggered Muslim activists, who have accused Hegseth of being Islamaphobic."
Svona gerir maður þetta: móðgar leiðinda imbasúlt með táttúum.
Atvinnumálaráðherra veit ekki hvernig rekstur virkar
"Atvinnuvegaráðherra segir að ef fiskvinnslum verði lokað verði það ekki vegna hærri veiðigjalda heldur vegna þess að eigendur þeirra geri það til þess að lýsa óánægju sinni. Hann trúi því ekki fyrri en á reyni að sjávarútvegsfyrirtæki grípi til slíkra aðgerða."
Hún hlýtur að hafa sniffað mikið lím á uppvaxtarárum sínum.
Það sem gersit, fyrst árið, er að svona 500-1000 manns missa vinnuna. Það orsakar tap fyrir ríkið uppá 1-2 milljarða, og útgjöld uppá 2-4, í formi bóta.
Það er svipað og ríkið tapar á rekstri RÚV á ári. Svo það yrði að selja það batterí til þess að standa á sléttu.
Áður en aðal tapið hefst.
Við skulum ekki flækja málin með tapi á útflutningsverðmaætum.
"Segir hún Alexöndru hafa öskrað á móður sína, sett bringuna fram og baðað út höndum með kreppta hnefa."
Við þessu að búast.
27.3.2025 | 17:42
Evrópumenn þrá ekkert heitar en heimsendi
"Ex-FBI agent and federal whistleblower Kyle Seraphin has uncovered a fake Polymer80 website selling illegal Glock Switches (devices that convert pistols into machine guns), which he describes as a likely honeypot operation set up by the ATF."
Entrapment, er orðið.
"The Barton County Sheriff's Office says that as she was checking under the bed to alleviate the child's fears, she came face to face with an intruder.
The man sprang out, knocking over her and the child in the bed before fleeing the house."
Ég er viss um að hún bjóst ekki við þessu.
"... it seems both Kiev and Europe are setting up the Trump-backed partial ceasefire to fail before it even gets off the ground.
French President Emmanuel Macron is hosting nations in Paris who make up a 'coalition of the willing' in their continued support to Ukraine, and on Thursday he has announced that sanctions on Russia will not be lifted, as unanimously agreed to among participants.
"What came out was strong from the meeting was so many countries standing, as theyve stood for over three years now, with Ukraine in this crucial moment for as long as it takes for" he said. This certainly pushes peace back further on the horizon - but at this point Moscow is probably OK with that, as its forces gobble up more territory. The longer this drags on, the worse the ground reality gets for the Ukrainian side."
Það er ekkert í lagi með Evrópsk yfirvöld
"...the flower of the Liberal-Globalist elites has fully invested themselves in a prepper-like effort, as the European Union today (26) urged citizens in the old continent to stockpile food, water, and other essentials to last at least 72 hours.
The reasons for that are the perceived (by the EU establishment) threats of war, cyberattacks, the inevitable climate change, and also disease pandemics."
Stríð, kvef og koma sumars. Allt miklar ógnir, að sjálfsögðu.
"We are, of course, concerned by the fact that NATO countries as a whole are more frequently designating the far north as a bridgehead for possible conflicts, practicing the use of troops in these conditions, including their new recruits from Finland and Sweden, he declared.
Moscow has been closely monitoring the situation in the region, and has taken an adequate response approach by increasing the combat capabilities of the armed forces and modernizing military infrastructure facilities, the president explained.
I would like to emphasize that Russia has never threatened anyone in the Arctic, he said, adding that Russia will not tolerate any encroachments on its sovereignty and will reliably protect its national interests."
Pútín á ís
26.3.2025 | 13:38
Nær ríkisstjórnin að rústa landinu endanlega fyrir næstu áramót?
Efnahagshryðjuverkamaður réttlætir glæpi sína
"Veiðigjaldið var um tíu milljarðar í fyrra. Hanna Katrín segir þetta auðvitað gríðarlega aukningu en hún hafi ekki trú á því að þúsundir starfa muni tapast. Muni það gerast verði það ekki vegna þessarar breytingar."
Tilgangurinn er náttúrlega að fækka framleiðandi störfum um 10.000, svo ríkið fari í meiri skuld en áður.
Ríkið mun nefnilega eyða öllum þeim pening sem það segist græða á þessu, pening sem kemur þá ekki neinstaðar frá, svo það þarf að taka lán til þess að standa undir áframhaldandi þjófnaði ráðamanna og fleiri úr ríkiskassanum.
Ekki gæfulegt.
... og lögreglustjóri heldur að hann geti draftað menn úti á götu. Jæja...
Úrkynjaður maður skilur ekki hvers vegna enginn er hræddur við veðrið
"Senator Angus King of Maine is an independent, but he caucuses with the Democrats. He seemed dumbfounded that Tulsi Gabbards Annual Threat Assessment Report didnt include climate change as it has in years past."
Færri treysta "vísndasamfélaginu" vegna vísindisma
"Look back at that chart and notice the timing of the spike (upward and downward). It correlates to the years 2019-2022: the COVID era - a period that will forever be associated with the demise of scientific credibility in the United States, and probably around the world. Unelected researchers were thrust into policymaking positions. That led first to a crisis of humility. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And if nationwide travel bans, economic shutdowns, school closures, and mask mandates aren't absolute power, I'm not sure what is."
Það er meira, en þetta er stórt atriði. Fólk er enn að deyja fyrir þetta.
Brekku-Vilhjálmur fer til Grænlands
"Speaking for President Trump, we want to reinvigorate the security of the people of Greenland, because we think it's important to protecting the security of the entire world. Unfortunately, leaders in both America and in Denmark, I think, ignored Greenland for far too long. That's been bad for Greenland. It's also been bad for the security of the entire world. We think we can take things in a different direction. a different direction, so I'm gonna go check it out."
Segir Brekku-Vilhjálmur.
"Rachel Reeves laid out a fresh wave of spending cuts to offset stalling growth today as she battles to balance the government's books.
The unemployment rate is seen as peaking at 4.5 per cent this year, 160,000 higher than predicted before. After growing by 1.4 per cent in 2025, real earnings are set to stagnate in 2026 and 2027, before struggling to a 0.5 per cent improvement in 2029.
'If the projected recovery in UK productivity growth fails to materialise, and it continues to track its recent trend, then output would be 3.2 per cent lower and the current budget would be 1.4 per cent of GDP in deficit by the end of the decade."
Kommúnismi eyðir.
Kaninn getur nú forvitnast um eitur í matvælum
"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and one of its offices have released a new tool that lets people see the levels of contaminants in various foods, such as fruits and vegetables."
ameríks matvæli eru meira og minna eitur.
25.3.2025 | 16:11
Valkyrjurnar valda niðurgangi
Ríkisstjórnin hyggur á frekara niðurrif hagkerfisins
"Ríkisstjórn Kristrúnar Frostadóttur tilkynnti í dag að til stendur að breyta fyrirkomulagi innheimtu veiðigjalda. Reiknað er með því að allt að tvöfalt hærri upphæð verði innheimt á ári miðað við eldra fyrirkomulag.
Atvinnugreinin búi við skattlagningu umfram aðrar greinar, takmörk á umsvifum og eignarhaldi sem þekkist ekki í öðrum greinum og óvissuálags vegna stöðunnar í stjórnmálunum, sem valdi bæði skorti á fyrirsjáanleika og torveldi ákvarðanatöku."
Færri verða ráðnir, laun munu ekki hækka, umsvif verða minni sem þessu nemur.
Það verður efnahagslegur niðurgangur.
En hverju er svosem við að búast af stríðsæsingamönnum og barnanauðgurum?
Tilgangurinn með ríkinu er ekki að gera heiminn betri, heldur öfugt.
"A North Carolina man decided to take a more creative approach to tackling a persistent bear problem in his backyard by putting on a cartoony bear costume and, somehow, successfully scaring the unwelcome ursid away.
Before he got too close, the black bear appeared to have been spooked. It scampered away, but not before pausing at the edge of the property to stare down his faux counterpart before giving up and making its way back into the woods."
... það má reyna hvað sem er, býst ég við.
Allir nazistarnir í Argentínu sýndir almenningi
"Unlike Canadas former PM Justin Trudeau, who refused to release documents registering the names of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators in his country, Argentinas libertarian President Javier Milei haw vowed to declassify records regarding the very significant German Nazi migration post-WW2."
Brátt vita allir hvaða Argentínumenn voru í Samfylkingunni.
Hvenær berst þetta hingað?
"A case of fraud was with the Small Business Administration, where they were handing out loans $330 million worth of loans to people under the age of 11, Musk revealed. I think the youngest, Kelly, was a nine-month year old who got a $100,000 loan. Thats a very precocious baby were talking about here."
Það var og.
"British chat forums are shutting themselves down rather than face regulatory burdens recently applied to internet policing laws.
On March 17, the United Kingdoms Online Safety Act, a law that regulates internet spaces, officially kicked into force.
LFGSS (London Fixed Gear and Single Speed), a popular cycling forum and resource for nearly two decades, shut down in December.
Were done ... we fall firmly into scope, and I have no way to dodge it, the site said, adding that the law makes the site owner liable for everything that is said by anyone on the site they operate.
The act is too broad, and it doesnt matter that theres never been an instance of any of the proclaimed things that this act protects adults, children, and vulnerable people from ... the very broad language and the fact that Im based in the UK means were covered, it said."
Viðeigandi lag:
24.3.2025 | 17:07
24.3.25. Semsagt: í dag.
Trump fúll út í Venezuela vegna glæpamanna
"Trump cited "the fact that Venezuela has purposefully and deceitfully sent to the United States, undercover, tens of thousands of high level, and other, criminals, many of whom are murderers and people of a very violent nature," in his 25% tariff on Venezuela, and says the additional 25% tariff punishing anyone buying oil or gas will begin on April 2nd."
Kannski er samt ódýrara að senda krimma til USA.
Ég veit ekkert um það.
Kolefnistrúarmenn hamast eins og rjúpa við staur
"Íslensk stjórnvöld ætlar að taka þátt í að stofna nýtt mengunarvarnarsvæði í lögsögu Íslands og sjö annarra ríkja. Verði tillaga um svæðið samþykkt verða hertar kröfur gerðar til nýrra skipa um losun brennisteins og köfnunarefnis."
Á sama tíma stendur til að drepa allt lífríki Hvalfjarðar með eitri, dæla iðnaðarúrgangi af óþekktum toga niður í jörð við Húasvík, og urða hér sorp sem er flutt guð-veit-hvaðan.
Kolefnistrú: mengun, nema meiri og dýrari.
"A report from CNN indicates FBI director Kash Patel who is also ATF acting director plans to cut as many as 1,000 ATF agents and move them to the FBI."
Á meðan bíðum við hérna eftir næsta skandal ríkisstjórnarinnar.
Kannski uppgötvast að einhver þeirra er náriðill. Nóg er nú af eldra fólki þarna. FB, fullt sf slíkum.
"Ukraine continues to attack Russian civilian infrastructure, proving that Kiev does not actually want peace, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has stressed that despite Kievs repeated violations, Moscow continues to uphold the energy strike truce and that President Putin has not issued any new commands to the countrys armed forces.
However, Zakharova warned over the weekend that Russia reserves its right to respond to Ukraines attacks, including symmetrically, if Kiev continues its destructive course."
Ég er bara ánægður að vera ekki þarna.
23.3.2025 | 11:35
Mjallhvít og önnur vitleysa
"Disney's live-action remake of Snow White starring Rachel Zegler, which has been hit by conservatives as a "woke" version of the original movie, is projected to have one of the worst launches from Disney in recent years. Some reports have shown theatres nearly empty as the film has been mired in controversy."
get woke go broke.
"Nestlé USA is initiating a voluntary recall of a limited quantity of Lean Cuisine and STOUFFERS frozen meals due to the potential presence of wood-like material, the company stated. We are taking this action after consumers contacted Nestlé USA about this issue, including one potential choking incident to date.
The company said the recall is isolated to a limited quantity of batches of Lean Cuisine Butternut Squash Ravioli, Lean Cuisine Spinach Artichoke Ravioli, Lean Cuisine Lemon Garlic Shrimp Stir Fry, and STOUFFERS Party Size Chicken Lasagna produced between August 2024 and March 2025."
Better than bad, it's good.
Indverjar haf aldrei grafið upp jafn mikið af kolum
"Coal production in India has hit a record high of 1 billion tons in the fiscal year ending March 31, according to Mines Minister G. Kishan Reddy. With its rapidly growing economy, the country largely relies on coal for domestic power generation.
The worlds second biggest consumer of coal after China, India generates some 74% of its electricity from coal-based generation. Meanwhile, the share of coal in the nations energy mix amounts to approximately 55%."
Þeir trúa ekki á kolefni eins og einhverjir vitleysingar.
"Swedish buy now, pay later (BNPL) fintech giant Klarna has landed a significant deal with food delivery service DoorDash, further solidifying its position in the U.S. market as the company gears up for its upcoming IPO. Thanks to the deal, Americans with no financial literacy can now finance their meal delivery purchases."
Þetta kemur hingað.
"Demonstrations took place across the country, including in Istanbul and the capital Ankara, the ministry said in a statement. It said the detentions were made to prevent "disrupting of public order" and warned that authorities would not tolerate "chaos and provocation."
The protests began on March 19 after Mayor Imamoglu was detained at his home that morning on terrorism and corruption charges. "I see today during my interrogation that I and my colleagues are faced with unimaginable accusations and slanders," Imamoglu said in his defense during a counter-terrorism police interrogation, a court document viewed by Reuters showed."
Ritskoðun mun bara gera þetta verra.
Menn þykast hafa fundið neðanjarðarborg undir Pýramídunum
"Archaeologists believe they have uncovered evidence of a massive underground city lying beneath Egypts famous Giza pyramids.
Researchers from Italy and Scotland used advanced radar technology to produce detailed images from deep below the surface, revealing possible hidden structures 10 times the size of the pyramids themselves.
The report highlights eight distinct vertical, cylinder-shaped formations stretching over 2,100 feet beneath the pyramids, along with a series of additional unidentified structures located another 4,000 feet further down."
22.3.2025 | 17:15
Demókratar hyggjast leysa vind
Allir anti-Teslistarnir mótmæla fyrir utan Tesla umboðið
1: Spjöldin eru öll á ensku. Ekki nauðsynlega rétt stafsett heldur.
2: Slagorðin eru þau sömu og maður sér í USA... af einhverjum orsökum.
3: Þetta eru ~10 manns. Sennilega allir sem eru á þessari skoðun á landinu.
4: fæstir eru í neinu formi, sumir með grænt hár.
5: "Hópurinn sé andsvar við ógn fasískra afla sem séu á uppleið um heim allan." Rrrrriiiight.
Mongóar. Allt saman.
Ásthildur Lóa er orðinn frægasti pedófíll Íslandssögunnar
"Icelands minister for children has resigned after admitting she had a child over 30 years ago with a 16-year-old boy while she was a 22-year-old church group counselor, according to the New York Post.
The NY Post article says that the teen father, Eirík Ásmundsson, paid child support for 18 years, though Thórsdóttir allegedly limited his access to the child after marrying, according to reports."
Kynferðisglæpir, stríð og fjársvik. Hver saknar Ice-hot?
"@AOC in Colorado on Friday said, We need a Democratic Party that farts.
Gæti virkað:
"Former UFC champion Conor McGregor has again announced that hell run for Irish president in this years elections, and promised to oppose the EU Migration Pact, adopted by the European Parliament last year, if he wins.
The next presidential election must take place by 11 Nov 2025. Who else will stand up to Government and oppose this bill? I will! McGregor wrote on X on Thursday."
Áfram, hann.
Fyndið því það er satt.
Hvalur ræðst á einhverja kellingu
"Cierra Stockard was swimming with the gentle sea creatures during spring break when one of the animals lifted her into the air and she fell, landing on the dolphins dorsal fin, she told Nashvilles WKRN."
Passið ykkur á dýrunum.
21.3.2025 | 12:07
Það er komið bakslag í réttindabaráttu LGBTQ+ fólks
Verið að hylma yfir pedó. Gott lúkk.
Barnamálaráðherra kom of nálægt barni
"Ásthildur Lóa Þórsdóttir, fráfarandi mennta- og barnamálaráðherra, hefur sent frá sér yfirlýsingu eftir umfjöllun um að hún hafi átt samræði við 15 ára dreng þegar hún var 22 ára.
Ásthildur Lóa sagði af sér sem ráðherra í gær. Hún segist ekki munu veita frekari viðtöl vegna málsins."
Aldeilis bakslag fyrir LGBTQ+. Ég held að þetta sé Qið. Pedóisminn er svolítið mikið bedlaður við Qið.
Bara í fyrra eða hitt í fyrra var sett í lög að 15 ára væru "kynferðislega sjálfráð" eða eitthvað svoleiðis, einmitt til þess að gera svona lagað löglegt. Og til þess að gelda börn.
Ekki inn núna. Nú er mikil hægri-öfga sveifla í gangi. Það má ekki riðlast á börnum lengur. Sandniggarar mega ekki einu sinni fremja morðtilræði lengur, án þess að fólk nöldri. Hægri-öfgar! Óttist!
Hér áður fyrr mátti hvaða ráðherra sem er negla ólögráða börn hvar og hvenær sem var, og það þótti bara OK. En ekki lengur. Nú er bara farið framá afsögn. Og það fæst bara í gegn.
Hvað segja Samtökin 78 við þessu?
Það má ekki pedóast lengur. Heimur batnandi fer.
Ah... nógu nálægt.
Úkraníumenn með fjarstýrða bíla
"With losses stacking up -- including the sudden forfeiture of 500 square miles of territory once held in Russia's Kursk region -- Ukraine's military leadership announced on Tuesday that it's deploying machine-gun-equipped robots to the front lines."
Það var og.
Heheh. Vandræðalegt. Þetta mun ásækja þær lengur en peningasukkið til Úkraníu og hvítflibbaglæpir Sæland.
"Ekrem Imamoglu, the mayor of Istanbul and chief rival for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the 2028 election, was arrested on Wednesday in a move denounced by opposition leaders as a coup against the next president.
Imamoglu was just days away from formally receiving his partys nomination for the presidency.
Imamoglu, 54, was among roughly a hundred people targeted by arrest warrants on Wednesday for corruption, bribery, racketeering, and aiding a known terrorist group specifically the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), a Kurdish separatist group that Erdogans government regards as the greatest security threat to Turkey."
Þeir eru með svona "okkar lýðræði" þarna.
"Capital outflow from the EU has reached 300 billion ($325 billion) annually as retail and institutional investors move their money into assets outside the region, European Council President Antonio Costa has announced.
The statement comes as the bloc is considering doubling its military aid to Ukraine and continues to pledge billions of euros in financial assistance to Kiev."
Þetta mun bara versna.
"According to officials, a man decapitated a sea lion on Christmas day and fled the scene on an e-bike with the animal's head.
Officials described the suspect as a 'tan-complexioned male, approximately 30 - 40 years old, dressed in all black.'
The suspect was seen using 'a black 8-inch knife to remove the sea lion's head, placing it in a clear plastic bag, and riding away' on an electric bike, officials wrote in the release."
Ýmislegt gerist.
20.3.2025 | 15:45
Atburðir líðandi stundar
"While the FBI investigates far-left terrorist attacks against Tesla service centers, showrooms, Supercharging networks, and vehicles, the radical Soros-funded non-profit Indivisible is preparing to launch a multi-city offensive against the American company in the coming days.
There has been a series of domestic terrorism incidents nationwide by far-left Democrats targeting Tesla showrooms, service centers, Superchargers, and vehicles. The latest occurred on Tuesday in Las Vegas."
Heimskulegt samsæri.
Vond hugmynd á vondum tíma.
"A few years ago, Greenpeace and other far left activists protested the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, causing all kinds of damage to construction equipment in the process.
Now a jury in North Dakota has ordered them to pay more than $600 million in damages over the protests."
"Berlins move to overhaul its national debt rules in order to boost military spending has jeopardized the economic stability of the euro area, according to Alice Weidel, the co-leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.
The reform, which amends the nations constitutionally enshrined fiscal rules, will hit the countrys future generations the hardest, according to AfDs co-leader, who also warned that what is being done here is the final destruction of Germanys financial stability.
We will lose our AAA rating, our top credit rating, Weidel warned."
Þeir þurfa að afregluvæða alveg helling til þess að fá fólk aftur til þess að framkvæma eitthvað uppbyggilegt, til þess að hafa efni á öllu þessu rugli.
En það verður ekki gert.
"Speaking on Senator Ted Cruzs Verdict podcast, Musk disclosed the existence of what he calls magic money computers.
During the explosive interview, Musk explained how these government computers can conjure up trillions of dollars out of thin aircompletely detached from a synchronized network.
According to Musk, 14 such machines have been uncovered across various agencies, mostly at the Treasury Department, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Defense (DOD), and even the State Department."
Ég vona að þeir séu búnir að slökkva á þessu.
það lítur út fyrir að mRNA kóvid efnið hafi gelt slatta af fólki.
"Frjósemi búsettra kvenna á Íslandi hefur aldrei verið minni frá því að mælingar hófust árið 1853.
Þetta segir í tilkynningu frá Hagstofu Íslands.
Kemur fram í tilkynningunni að frjósemi á Norðurlöndunum hafi minnkað á undanförnum árum, líkt og á Íslandi."
Skoðið grafið og hugsið hvað það var sem gerðist 2021.
19.3.2025 | 16:24
Hver var þriðja skyttan á grösuga hólnum?
"Its anyones guess as to what this protest is specifically against, theres signs about trans troops and a woman with bright red hair and a t-shirt saying Fuck Trump carrying a sign saying Veterans Bow to No King.
Whatever, it doesnt even matter.
The woman in the footage declares that while she isnt promoting violence for one second, because leftists would nevvvvvvver do that, if President Trump isnt removed from office there will be violence."
Þeir eru þegar á fullu að beita allt og alla ofbeldi:
"The very fact that the Democrats and their leftist groups are attacking an American company because they are displeased with Elon Musk's DOGE effort to reform the bloated and corrupt federal governmentcaptured by unelected Deep Statersshows that the so-called party of 'love' is in a massive crisis. Cornered and desperate, Democrats have now resorted to violence."
Þeir brjaálst og byrja að skemma og myrða ef þeir fá ekki að stjórna öllu.
Menn glugga í Kennedy skjölin og finna þar ýmislegt
"These files, part of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection, are accessible online at the National Archives (JFK Release 2025) or in person at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland.
Internet sleuths and researchers have been combing through these files, uncovering what they believe are significant revelations."
MJÖG áhugavert
"- #Serbian Police reportedly used Long Range Acoustic Device, commonly referred to as a sonic weapon, during recent #BelgradeProtest. A piercing noise during a moment of silence caused panic & injuries. Protesters reported hearing loss."
Tæknin er geggjuð
"...compared to something as recent as the 2010s, intelligence markers like basic comprehension, reasoning, and problem solving have taken a dive.
One possible explanation for this decline is the switch in both educational and recreational reading from long texts like books to bitesized blips of information like social media posts."
Eða eins og segir í laginu: only stupid people are breeding.
Á meðan, í Ðe Júkei:
Vísindi og fræði | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:29 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)