Vírusa fréttir

Vírusa síðan

Hér eru skemmtilegar fréttir: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/03/27/822407626/mystery-in-wuhan-recovered-coronavirus-patients-test-negative-then-positive

"A spate of mysterious second-time infections is calling into question the accuracy of COVID-19 diagnostic tools [...] It's also raising concerns of a possible second wave of cases."

Upplýsingar frá Kína eru ekki áreiðanlegar vegna þess að þeir eru með mjög léleg verkfæri.  Með þessum afleiðingum:

"But some Wuhan residents who had tested positive earlier and then recovered from the disease are testing positive for the virus a second time.

Based on data from several quarantine facilities in the city, which house patients for further observation after their discharge from hospitals, about 5%-10% of patients pronounced "recovered" have tested positive again."

Og það batnar bara:

"Some of those who retested positive appear to be asymptomatic carriers ..."

Skemmtileg tilhugsun, ekki satt?

"Under its newest COVID-19 prevention guidelines, China does not include in its overall daily count for total and for new cases those who retest positive after being released from medical care. China also does not include asymptomatic cases in case counts."

Semsagt, Kínverjinn sleppir viljandi úr talningunni.  Af einhverjum ástæðum.  Hvað græðum við á þessu?

"Another theory is that, because the test amplifies tiny bits of DNA, residual virus from the initial infection could have falsely resulted in that second positive reading."

Ekki traustvekjandi.  inhversstaðar heyrði ég að Kínversku prófin væru bara 30% nákvæm.  Sem er mjög slappt.

Bloggfærslur 28. mars 2020


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