Rómantískar langanir WHO í garð apa

Stutt í mesta fjöldamorð mannkynssögunnar

"The CNN report alleges – surprise, surprise! – that Foxconn tried to solve the lockdown delays by lying to new hires about their pay and benefits, then treated them like animals with gross living conditions and poor wages. When the government locked the workers in their factory for more Covid insanity, it was the final straw."

Klukkan tifar...

Sumt er of slæmt fyrir Flórída manninn

"Florida’s Chief Financial Officer said on Thursday his department would pull $2 billion worth of its assets managed by BlackRock Inc (BLK.N), the biggest such divestment by a state opposed to the asset manager’s environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) policies."

Þeir hjá WHO hafa meira en bara líkamlegan áhuga á öpum

"The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) has dismissed the term monkeypox as inherently racist, decreeing “mpox” should be used instead..."

Nógu mikinn ugg sótti að þeim apariðlum þegar apabólan fór að breiðast út.  En nú er farið að verða ljóst að samband þeirra við apa er rómantískara í eðli sínu en við héldum.  Þeir hafa einhverjar hugmyndir um að aparnir móðgist, og móðgast fyrir þeirra hönd eins og elskhuga er siður.  Og þeir hafa vald til þess að a.m.k reyna að vernda ástæra apa sína.


Hvenær kvænist svo Dr. Tedros apanum sínum?


Frakkar að díla við kolefnistrúarmenn

"Word to the wise: Do not mess with the French Butterbean."

Lítil trú á Úkraínumönnum

"Ursula von Der Leyen’s did the unthinkable today — she told the truth. During a speech condemning Russia for committing war crimes, she noted in passing that 100,000 Ukrainian “officers” (sic) have been killed since the start of the SMO.

If the 100,000 dead number is true, then that means Ukraine’s total casualties — i.e., killed and wounded — is approximately 400,000. In other words, Ukraine has suffered almost 40% casualties since the start of the fighting. During the 20th Century, this type of modern warfare normally saw 3 wounded soldiers for every man killed. Using that ratio we get the 400,000 number for total casualties."


Bloggfærslur 1. desember 2022


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