Žeir munu brenna einhvernvegin

Twitter files paródķan:

"Former Twitter employees have confirmed that the inconsistent treatment afforded Jesus and Satan was common knowledge and widely accepted within the company."


Vķetnam II. Žetta er lélegt en dżrt framhald.

"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy headed to Washington on Wednesday to meet President Joe Biden, address Congress and seek "weapons, weapons and more weapons" in his first overseas trip since Russia invaded Ukraine 300 days ago."


NY Post hefur višvaranir fyrir fólk


"A United Kingdom doctor is raising eyebrows across social media by warning people of the dangers of masturbating with ornaments come Christmastime — which is apparently an actual trend."


... aha.

Twitter Files, 8 hluti

"On July 26, 2017, Nathaniel Kahler, at the time an official working with U.S. Central Command — also known as CENTCOM, a division of the Defense Department — emailed a Twitter representative with the company’s public policy team, with a request to approve the verification of one account and “whitelist” a list of Arab-language accounts “we use to amplify certain messages.”

In his email, Kahler sent a spreadsheet with 52 accounts. He asked for priority service for six of the accounts, including @yemencurrent, an account used to broadcast announcements about U.S. drone strikes in Yemen. Around the same time, @yemencurrent, which has since been deleted, had emphasized that U.S. drone strikes were “accurate” and killed terrorists, not civilians, and promoted the U.S. and Saudi-backed assault on Houthi rebels in that country.

Another CENTCOM account, @althughur, which posts anti-Iran and anti-ISIS content focused on an Iraqi audience, changed its Twitter bio from a CENTCOM affiliation to an Arabic phrase that simply reads “Euphrates pulse.”"

Žaš eru engar "samsęriskenningar," bara samsęri.

Žetta er tįkn frį Guši:

"For all the liberals who couldn't handle Elon Musk's liberation of Twitter and the end of widespread censorship of their opposition touted over the last few months about ditching their Teslas for other electric vehicles. One EV that progressives fell in love with was the Chevrolet Bolt. 

For those who made the switch to the Bolt ... we have bad news: General Motors Company has recalled 140,000 Bolts in North America because of fire risk."

Žeir žurfa aš brenna.  Einhvernvegin, einhversstašar.  Ef ekki ķ Teslu, žį ķ Chevrolet.

Gešveikin er slķk aš ég veit ekki hvort žetta er brandari eša ekki.

Bloggfęrslur 21. desember 2022


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