Of margir menn heita Mike í hákarlaþáttunum

Fyrirsögn vikunnar:

Shark Week slammed by scientists for being "too white", featuring too many men named "Mike"

Já.  Þeir höfðu tíma til þess að finna þetta út, á afar vísndalegan hátt.

Du-rum... du-rum... dudududududu....


Soylent Green er fólk

Stríð í Úkraínu er að sýna hluti sem Rússar þurftu ekki að vita af

"The war in Ukraine has a rate of artillery shelling not seen in a war since the Korean War. That intensity is so high that it’s putting a strain on the artillery pieces themselves, with a third out of commission at any point.

That’s according to the New York Times, which is reporting that a large portion of the approximately 350 howitzers provided by Western nations to Ukraine — including 142 American M777 howitzers — are damaged, destroyed or simply breaking down from overuse."

Það var og.

Hvað annað eru þeir með sem er dýrt og virkar ekki?

Virkaði í Englandi á Játvarðstímabilinu.  Nú eru þar engar byssu og engir hnífar... eða þannig.

Brazzar sanna kosningasvindl

"Sittel-Faraj presented von Storch with the “Berlin Charter”, a catalogue of voter suppression and election manipulation tactics used by the leftist Supreme Court and Superior Electoral Court in Brazil:

  1. Punishing “opinion crimes”, a crime that does not exist in Brazilian criminal law, bypassing the jurisdiction of Congress.
  2. Unconstitutional ban on publishing reasonable, professional criticism of the insecure and vulnerable Brazilian electoral process.
  3. Unlawful investigations that undermine the constitutional powers of the Attorney General and Justice Department in relation to opening, continuing and recording proceedings.
  4. Ignoring the Attorney General and Justice Department’s calls for opening and closing investigations.
  5. Opening court proceedings without respecting jurisdiction and jurisprudence.
  6. Obstruction of attorney access to clients and the legitimate and constitutional right to a full defense.
  7. Unconstitutional decisions without legal basis and against Brazilian law.
  8. Extralegal formation of a Federal Police group for the illegal execution of arrests and enforcement.
  9. Ignoring elementary constitutional norms when interpreting the law on the legal limits of the electoral system.
  10. Suppression of freedom of speech.
  11. Press censorship.
  12. Control of media and social networking content.
  13. Unlawful delegation of powers to fact-checking agencies – mainly left-wing ones, with bogus arguments, with the spurious aim of removing content and profiles from conservative social networks.
  14. Blocking and banning conservative profiles on social networks, including parliamentarians, supporters, journalists, businessmen, authorities and experts on constitutional law.
  15. Demonetarization of social media, with irreversible economic and social consequences and irreversible damage to their owners, to the detriment of the free exercise of honest labor, freedom of expression and the defense of democracy.
  16. Seizure of assets, resources, electronic devices and bank accounts from Brazilians “accused” of “anti-democratic” demonstrations without the right to due process.
  17. Restriction of free parliamentary work.
  18. Threatening to imprison citizens, parliamentarians, party members, journalists, businessmen and – amazingly – also legitimate authorities who dare to question the elections.
  19. Transforming the Supreme Court (STF) and Superior Electoral Court (TSE) into political instruments at the service of the opposition, with the aim of preventing the President of the Republic from exercising his legitimate right to govern as guaranteed by the Federal Constitution."

Það er aldeilis listi.

Frekari ævintýri brazza:

"Matt Tyrmand said “military (is) being strategically deployed, reservists are being activated” and “the military is already active in the favelas, in the places where Lula’s base is strongest, criminals and drug traffickers.

The Military has allegedly  called for civilian volunteers as the Armed Forces prepare to stop the steal and restore democracy."

Biðin eftir nazista drápsvélmennunum lengist aðeins

"Some San Francisco officials wanted to proceed with allowing robots to use deadly force in certain cases, arguing nothing substantive had changed to warrant a reversal. But the vote to advance the broader police equipment policy — including the ban on lethal robots — passed unanimously."

En hve lengi?

Twitter dellan heldur áfram.

Bloggfærslur 7. desember 2022


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