Rússar hafa meira ammó en við.


White Supremacy.

Rússneska kjarnorkusprengjuvarpan er osom

"Russian forces, who have reportedly suffered considerable losses on the front line, have now deployed additional units of the world’s most powerful mortar, which is capable of using a nuclear warhead on the battlefield.

Dubbed the “Sledgehammer,” the self-propelled 2S4 Tyulpan mortar, known as the Tulip in English, has a 240mm cannon — twice the caliber of NATO mortars, which are just 120mm — making it by far the largest caliber mortar system in the world."

Kalashnikov Koncern græðir tá & fingri

"In what they described as “the biggest deals in the history” of the company, Kalashnikov fulfilled 45 state military contracts, 24 military-technical cooperation agreements, and one deal to license production elsewhere.

These include the 5.56x45 mm AK-19 assault rifle, the 9mm PPK-20 submachine gun, as well as the Saiga-9 and TR3 semi-automatic hunting carbines, for the civilian market. The TR3 is a civilian model based on the AK-12 and AK-15 military rifles."



Á meðan í USA:

"Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro acknowledged before a naval warfare conference in Arlington, Virginia on Wednesday that the US within the next six months could face a decision of whether to arm itself or Ukraine, due to rapidly depleting stockpiles due to supplying Ukraine."

... ehm?

Brazzarnir eru ekki einu sinni með byssur

"Federal Police hear 1,843 Bolsonarista suspects and arrest 1,159 for terrorist acts. The biggest operation in history “was not arresting corrupt people, trafficking or organized crime, but arresting an elderly person camped in front of the Army barracks.

We left our homes all over Brazil to come and defend our Constitution, which has been torn and trampled on by the Brazilian “Justice System” who released a criminal from prison and had him elected."

... og það versnar bara.

Hinn almenni Kínverji á enga byssu heldur

"The Washington Post last week described Beijing cranking up “the powerful surveillance state built over the past decade and fine-tuned during the pandemic” to target alleged leaders of the lockdown protests, in a crusade that has subjected far more people than the eight described by NPR to harassment, detention, and interrogation."

Nazistarnir færast alltaf neðar á listanum yfir verstu stjórnvöldin.

Óvopnaður almenningur lendir skuggalega oft í útrýmingabúðum.  Og það er kominn sá tími aftur, sé ég.


Virðist slæmt, en er í raun verra.

Svisslendingar vernda fjöldasamtök Fasista

"Roughly 5,000 Swiss Army soldiers have been deployed to Davos, Switzerland to guard the attendees of this year's annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, an organization according to their website that engages" with leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.""


Bloggfærslur 13. janúar 2023


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