Góðar fréttir fyrir Nýsjálendinga

Kommúnisti segir af sér

"Jacinda Ardern resigned knowing full well her days were numbered. For some time now the people have rallied against her. Opposing her tyrannical covid dictates which had destroyed civil liberties and the economy.

New Zealand's prime minister was asked if vaccine regulations are meant to create "two different classes of people" and she happily confirmed that yes, they are

The prime minister of New Zealand says world leaders "cannot ignore" the "threat" posed by unregulated political discourse online..." og svo framvegis.

Sennilega mesti skúrkurinn í pólitík nútímans.  Svo, samgleðjumst Nýsjálendingum með þessa miklu lukku sína.



Hvernig gekk svo Kína Kvefs alræðisstjórnin?

"The high number of excess deaths in 2022 up to the end of September (2,864) is unusual. There were records broken. Week 30 (end of July) was 26% above the historical average, even after adjusting for New Zealand’s increase in population."

Meira hér:

"In July of this year, New Zealand excess all-cause deaths rose to record levels. The last week of the month was 26% above historical levels. So far in 2022, the number of NZ excess all-cause deaths exceeds the historical trends by over 2,800 for the first nine months of the year. In turn, this far exceeds the estimated number of deaths related to Covid."

Kommúnismi bjargar ekki lífum.  Það er aldrei tilgangurinn.

Austur evrópumaður tjáir sig um kommúnista.

Talandi um Davos sokkabrúður:

"perhaps the most clear and present danger from Davos is something you haven't heard about before: Safety by design, a global censorship program run by world elites in order to control speech around the world.

“Safety by Design” is the notion that government regulators cannot possibly keep up with innovation, so liberals' regulatory preferences need to be built into the technology itself.

The desire, and what is being implemented in Australia, is essentially "pre-banned" speech. They decide what you can and cannot post in order to protect "minority" targets of harmful speech."

Þetta fólk er mjög illt.

Þetta er bókstaflega fasismi


"Director of FBI Christopher Wray says the level of collaboration between the private sector and the government, especially the FBI has made significant strides"

Skólabókardæmi.  Ekki íslenskt skæolabókardæmis samt... þar eru orð notuð eitthvað öðruvísi.

Drekkið meira kaffi

"In their analysis researchers concluded "Limiting your contribution to climate change requires an adapted diet, and coffee is no exception. Choosing a mode of coffee preparation that emits less GHGs (greenhouse gases) and moderating your consumption are part of the solution.""

Kaffi er ekki bara bæði hollt og gott.  Það er líka móðgun við kommúnista.

Einhverjum er mjög í nöp við ameríska rafkerfið

"Another power substation in North Carolina has been damaged because of apparent gunfire, energy officials said Tuesday. The damage occurred at a power substation in Thomasville, about an hour away from Moore County, where just weeks ago two other substations were attacked by gunfire."

Ykkar mistök, ekki mín:

"Mice who received more than four Covid vaccine jabs had a collapse in their ability to fight the coronavirus, Chinese researchers have found.

The damage extended past antibodies, the immune system’s front line of defense against viruses and bacteria, to the T-cells that form the crucial backup."

Sú fimmta lýkur þér.


Bloggfærslur 19. janúar 2023


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