Þetta hefði allt geta verið unnið fagmannlega

Fyrir ekki löngu:


Þetta er allt mjög vandræðalegt

"In this video:

-I was locked in a restaurant (possible Unlawful imprisonment)

-I was Assaulted

-Had our IPad destroyed -Pfizer director said "I’m literally a liar"

-He confirmed hes Boston Consulting and Pfizer

-He said he's trying to help the public"

Hefði geta gengið betur.



Þessu tengt.

"According to the report from local media, Estrella had a routine Tuesday training session before being found unresponsive in her home by her parents on Wednesday."


Þeir sem tóku 3 sprautur lifa áberandi skemur, (dánartíðnin hefur hækkað um meira en 10% í eirra hópi) þeir sem taka 4 munu ekki endast sérlega lengi, og það er útséð að þeir sem fá 5 munu allir með tölu deyja innan 2 ára.

Segi ég.


Sýra vikunnar

"Can a charity representing gay, lesbian and bisexual people be criticised for pointing out that puberty blockers may lead to life-changing consequences? Dr Bell: 'Well, yes, but it might lead to a - you know, I don't know, falling off the planet or something - whatever.' 7/"

... ha?  Barnageldarar eru ekki skiljanlegir.


Úkraínumenn eru hræddir við flóttamenn

"An exposé report released this week from the British state-owned Channel 4 broadcaster on the status of the integration of Ukrainian refugees in the UK revealed that some of those forced to flee their country as a result of the war with Russia were shocked and even frightened by the ethnic makeup of the parts of England they found themselves living in, namely the paucity of native English people."

Það er ekki sama, flóttamaður og flóttamaður.  En þetta skilja fáir.

Bloggfærslur 27. janúar 2023


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