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Heimurinn verður smám saman minna hungraður.

WEF heldur samt öðru fram.

FTX gaurinn vill ekki að það fréttist hver borgaði hann úr fangelsi

"FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried has requested that the identities of the two people who helped to secure his bail be kept hidden, Bloomberg reports.

Lawyers for the disgraced former billionaire have argued that there is no need for the public to be aware of the identities of the guarantors, saying that allowing so would unnecessarily place the two individuals under the media spotlight."

Ég er algerlega ósammála.

Tengt mál

"As we noted last weekUS Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan for allegedly reaping financial benefits from Jeffrey Epstein's sex-trafficking operation - less than a month after George secured a $105 million settlement with Epstein's estate, which agreed to liquidate Epstein's islands and cease all business operations in the region.

The suit against JPMorgan Chase was not the whole scope of George’s pursuit of the remnants of Epstein’s network of conspirators. Although Little St. James ("Pedo Island") and its adjacent island owned by the Epstein estate went up for sale in March 2022, action taken by George kept the premise of any sale from going through. Acting in her former capacity as US Virgin Island Attorney General, she placed criminal activity liens on the islands from a civil racketeering lawsuit. That lawsuit was filed in 2020 following Epstein’s “death” in August of 2019. The suit alleged that Little St. James Island was used as part of a network of shell companies that Epstein manipulated to conceal the activities of his human trafficking network.

The civil suit against Black alleges that the disgraced financier raped the plaintiff in 2002 at a mansion owned by Epstein. A spokesman for Black told Forbes that the claims made against their client were “categorically” false. Their response to Forbes follows one of a similar like from Deutsche Bank who told the publication that the suit filed against them “lacks merit.” Despite the magnitude of these lawsuits, the gravity of George’s suit against JPMorgan Chase surely made the biggest splash in the once-stagnant waters of the cesspool of the Epstein debacle. However, the firing leaves little hope that the waves caused by her last act as Attorney General will wash any truth to shore."

Jordan Peterson ógnað af yfirvöldum

"Here's what happened. The Ontario College of Psychologists is an organization that, quote, "protects your interests by monitoring and regulating the practice of psychology." Jordan Peterson is a registered psychologist. Twelve people complained that Jordan Peterson was harming people.

Not through practicing psychology. None of these people were patients. Peterson was harming people with his WORDS by having political opinions opposed by these twelve people and the OCP.

What harmful words did Peterson use to require such a re-education? Good question. Pretty much all of them:

"Criticizing climate change models. Objecting to surgery on gender dysphoric minors. Warning Canadians it was wrong for social service workers and police to threaten to apprehend the children of the Trucker Convoy protestors. I'll provide all the details legally allowed to me.""


Þetta var slys

"One of the freaky things about the Damar Hamlin hit is that it looked so routine. Blow to the upper chest. Slight glance off the helmet. Then he stands up and completely collapses. Disturbing stuff."

Hey, svona lagað gerist.  Bara óheppni.

Þetta er vandræðalegt

"Former Purdue and Jacksonville Jaguars offensive lineman Uche Nwaneri died suddenly on Friday. He was 38.

Uche may have died from an “enlarged heart with sudden heart failure,” as stated by the coroner..."

Og hans eigin orð: "Ok so lets get these vaccine mandates and Vaccine passports up and running ASAP. We seeing children DIE daily from the unvaccinated selfishness. Pregnant women at risk too. PROTECT LIFE. MANDATE THE VACCINE. Jail anyone who refuses, to protect LIFE"

... já.

Chat GPT, AI sem getur logið að þér.

Zelensky verður meiri og meiri einræðisherra

"President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a new bill into law which strengthens government control over public access to news in Ukraine. Zelensky has already nationalized the country’s media under martial law powers invoked after Russia’s invasion last year, stoking criticism from press freedom groups."

Þetta er alveg ferlegur maður.  Svo og allir vinir hans.

Bloggfærslur 3. janúar 2023


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