10.11.2023 | 20:19
Allskonar fóbískar ídeasjónir
Ég hélt að vandinn væri að séra Friðrik hefði verið pedó
Helgi Áss er á öðru máli:
"Helgi segir woke-æði ráða því að séra Friðriki er steypt af stalli"
Ef Séra Frikki var pedó, þá er hann LGBTQ+ persóna, sem er mikilvæg woke týpa, undirokuð allstaðar af hægri-öfgamönnum.
Þá eru þetta pedófóbískar ofsóknir. Sem er alls ekkert woke. Það er hægri-öfgamennska af verstu sort.
Ef Séra Frikki hefði hinsvegar verið annálað pedófób, jafnvel hómófób, nekrófób og transfób, á móti fósturmorðum og barnageldingum og ég veit ekki hvað og hvað, jafnvel haft getu til þess að leggja saman 2 og 2 og fá út 4, þá væri þetta vissulega mikið woke-æði.
Veruleikinn hermir eftir listinni.
En að öðru;
Enginn lánar bandaríkjastjórn lengur...
"Yesterday, the federal government issued 30-year treasuries to quickly borrow $24 billion dollars.
Our usual lenders China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Russia didn't show up, and 25% of the debt had to be bought by the primary dealers on Wall Street, the buyers of last resort.
Of course, they demand a bigger yield on investment than foreign governments do. Meaning we'll be paying more in interest via our taxes."
Það mætti halda að USA væri rekið af íslendingum.
Einhver Amerískur Sigurgeir að tjá sig
"On Wednesday, a professor at Princeton University tweeted that he considered the idea of humans having sex with animals to be "thought-provoking."
In the tweet in question, Singer posted a link to a journal article titled "Zoophilia is Morally Permissible," which he described as thought-provoking and said challenges one of society's strongest taboos."
"This piece challenges one of society's strongest taboos and argues for the moral permissibility of some forms of sexual contact between humans and animals. This article offers a controversial perspective that calls for a serious and open discussion on animal ethics and sex ethics, Singer posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter."
Um daginn var ég kallaður perri vegna þess að ég er ekki náriðill. Það er fólk þarna úti...
Maður handtekinn fyrir að koma í veg fyrir glæp
"According to police, John Rote, 43, of Queens, is accused of firing multiple shots into the air to scare off an attempted mugger on the 49th St N, W, R subway platform on Wednesday evening, Fox News reports."
... enda glæpir nauðsynlegir lýðræðinu... eða eitthvað.
Bretum hefnist fyrir eigin heimsku
"Metropolitan Police officers have begun a 24-hour guard at the Cenotaph as 1,850 officers are mobilised to control hundreds of thousands of protesters pouring into London for a major pro-Palestinian march on Armistice Day."
Þetta er endalaust tilhlökkunarefni
"Veterans have been told not to wear their medals on the way to Remembrance Day services across the country, as a retired British Army officer has laid bare the reality of Britain.
Theres clearly a great deal of discontent, not only about the potential for clashes with Remembrance events but also about intimidation we have seen of poppy sellers by pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas supporters."
Þeir gerðu þetta við sjálfa sig, viljandi.
Eitthvað allt annað.