Engir otrar, engir íkornar

Fyrstu 3 síðurnar af tranna manifestóinu

"The first three pages of transgender school shooter Audrey Hale's manifesto has been leaked to the press, following a March 27 attack that left three 9-year-olds and three adults dead - just days before a "Trans Day Of Vengeance" was scheduled for April 1st.

The manifesto, which one official described as "astronomically dangerous," was originally to set for release in May, until the Nashville Police Department (MNPD) reversed course, and said it would be released 'soon.'"

Fuck það. Hlustið. 27:20 og svo framvegis...

Hvað eru þessir hálfvitar að gera?

"As tensions continue to build in the Middle East, the United States is making a resolute show of force. Over 17,200 military personnel from the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps are heading towards or have already arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean in what is widely viewed as a clear message to U.S. adversaries."

Um að gera að taka þátt.  The more, the merrier.


Þegar stórt er spurt...

Kommúnistar styðja þessa

""If necessary, we must use violence to institute an Islamic state once Muslims are a majority," the young man said."

Þeir myrða alla kommana.  Kommarnir virðast ekki átta sig á því.

Mjög kvenlegt viðhorf.

Talandi um kommúnista...

"The two anti-humanist radicals who want no oil production in England used hammers to smash the glass cover of a painting once famously slashed by a suffragette. They are demanding the government immediately halt all new oil and gas projects in the UK."

Kommar gera komma hluti.


"Late Friday night, Indianapolis police say 34-year-old Ruba Almaghtheh intentionally drove her car into a building that she thought was a Jewish school as a terrorist act meant to hurt Jewish individuals due to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

As it turns out, she actually crashed into a building owned by an antisemitic hate group."


Erjur hafa borist út um allar trissur

"Anti-Americanism has become louder in Turkey in the past month in response to the unprecedented terrorist attack against civilians in Israel by Hamas on October 7, which left over 1,400 people dead. Hamas terrorists invaded Israel from their stronghold in Gaza and went door-to-door in residential communities killing entire families. Israeli responders have documented evidence of the terrorists raping, torturing, and gruesomely murdering civilians, including the bodies of infants found decapitated and burned.

“Hamas is not a terrorist organization, it is a group of mujahideen defending their lands,” Erdogan proclaimed at a meeting of his Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP) on October 25, objecting to Israeli operations to defend its territory against Hamas."

En.... hvað eru erjur milli Ísraela og Gaza-búa að gera í Tyrklandi?

Fuck það.


Menn sjá húmorinn í þessu.

Meiri húmor.

Vandinn við jútúb núna er hinn hugræni strigi 40 bet sem við þurfum alltaf að heyra um, með þessari gellu sem iðar um þarna, haldandi á priki, á meðan einhverjar flöskur fljóta um í lausu lofti.

Allt eins vitrænt og það getur orðið, auðvitað.

Bloggfærslur 6. nóvember 2023


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