
Ef einhverjar veðurfarsbreytingar væru vandamálið, þá væru bara allir sáttir.

Við bíðum...

"where is the evidence of this climate crisis that these well funded scientists and activists keep talking about?  Where are the weather effects?  One can see the very tangible results of our ongoing economic crisis; inflation and high prices, floundering consumers relying on credit cards, mass layoffs in the tech industry spreading to other sectors, etc.  People are experiencing the downturn and they can witness the consequences for themselves.  If the climate cult wants people to take them seriously, they will have to show some kind of visible proof that global warming is real and a legitimate threat.  

The problem is, they have no proof, and so they are forced to dishonestly connect every single bad weather event to "climate change" as a means to frighten the public."

Þessu tengt:

Og meira frá USA:

Ekki beint Miss World, þarna.

Nicola Styrja segir af sér

"Sturgeon’s attempts to push through gender recognition reform is the main source of public dissatisfaction, the paper claimed.

Last month, the UK government intervened to block the controversial piece of legislation that sought to make it easier for Scots to change their gender on official documents."

Allir að verða pirraðir á vitleysunni í henni, svo hún flýr.


Bloggfærslur 15. febrúar 2023


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