2023 er eins og það er

Vísindalegustu vísindisem nokkurntíma hafa verið vísinduð

"Systemic racism alters the demography of urban wildlife populations in ways that generally limit population sizes and negatively affect their chances of persistence."

Íkornar hata svertingja, segja þessir vísindamenn.

Þeir trúa ekki einu sinni eigin bulli.

Elon Musk segir glóbalistum að heimsríkisstjórn sé vond hugmynd

"Elon Musk warned attendees at the World Government Summit on Wednesday of the dangers of a one-world government.

Q: "I know this is called the World Government Summit, but I think we should be maybe a little bit concerned about actually becoming too much of a single world government, We want to avoid creating a civilizational risk by having, frankly — this may sound a little odd — too much cooperation between governments.""


Á meðan, í Evrópu

Menn finna leiðir framhjá úrkynjun gerveigreindar

"The Washington Post reports that the woke limitations placed by OpenAI on its ChatGPT chatbot relating to the discussion of political and other controversial subjects are proving to be more flexible than initially believed. The safeguards that OpenAI installed, including its extreme leftist bias, have been creatively circumvented by users. These jailbreaks show that the chatbot is designed to be more of a rule-follower than a people-pleaser, which raises questions about plagiarism, false information, and potential biases in its programming."

Idaho mun stækka

"11 eastern Oregon counties have already voted in favor of joining Idaho. Due to this success, Idaho state lawmakers have introduced legislation to begin discussions with the Oregon State Legislature on relocating the Idaho/Oregon state boundary."

Þetta er allt að skríða saman hjá þeim.

Bloggfærslur 16. febrúar 2023


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