Allir žurfa M-16

Armalite er nśna Amerķku-riffillinn

"The text of the bill has not yet been submitted, but according to congressional records it would declare an AR-15 style rifle chambered in a .223 Remington round or a 5.56x45mm NATO round to be the National Gun of the United States."

Žvķ ekki?

Ég vil meina aš žiš öll žurfiš einn svona AR riffil.  Ķ M-16 śtfęrzlunni, žiš vitiš: safe-semi & Fuck You.  16 tommu hlaup, hljóšdeyfi & red-dot, alveg eins og US mil. vill hafa žetta.  NATO standard, allt saman.


Af hverju?

Jś, žiš hafiš lįtiš skrį ykkur sem žįtttakendur ķ 3. Heimstyrrjöldina.  Žaš var sameiginleg įkvöršun ykkar.  Ég var ekki hafšur meš ķ rįšum.  Svo jį, žiš žurfiš M-16.  Lįgmark 300 skot.  Kannski nokkrar handsprengjur lķka.

Rśssarnir hafa AK-12, žaš er voša svipaš tęki, žiš veršiš aš geta mętt žeim į nokkurnvegin jöfnum grunni, ekki satt?

Žiš įkvįšuš žetta.  Žiš völduš ykkur andstęšing.  Af einhverjum įstęšum.

Hvaš žiš viljiš og hvaš žiš žurfiš er ólķkt.  Žiš viljiš WW3, svo nś žurfiš žiš M-16.  Einfalt.

Meira WW3 shit

"the United States is set to more than quadruple its troop presence on the self-ruled island of Taiwan.

The WSJ details of the question of more troops positioned in Taiwan, "The U.S. plans to deploy between 100 and 200 troops to the island in the coming months, up from roughly 30 there a year ago, according to U.S. officials.""


Į léttari nótum

"NATO has been criticised for a bizarre tweet comparing the Ukraine conflict to Harry Potter and Star Wars."

... jį.

Bretar žurfa lķka M-16

"British defence secretary Ben Wallace has predicted that the United Kingdom will be at war yet again by 2030, warning officials and citizens alike that the nation must invest in its military and prepare for the impending conflict."

Algert lįgmark.


Sameinušu žjóširnar eru samansafn af nazistum

"The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), an agency best known for maintaining a list of humanity’s most valuable cultural heritage sites, demanded the establishment of global guidelines for the regulation of social media in a conference on Wednesday to address alleged disinformation."

Illska neitar aš hverfa.

Ekki tala um krimmana

"Describing the assault as a vicious attack by a gang, the family member said that they had found the response of the Gardai to be very upsetting.

"We can't understand it," he said. "We were asked to take down a social media post where we had identified the attackers as foreign nationals, because no one has been arrested and women need to know this information.""

Kökuskrķmsliš er uggvęnlegt

"A suspect dressed as the beloved Sesame Street cooking monster, known for his hunger for sweets, has been terrorizing Santa Cruz, California locals along the coastal city's boardwalk by harassing them to pay him for snapshots with them or their children as well as shouting obscenities and taunts and onlookers."

Allt er til.

Vegna žess aš žaš var hęgt:

Žiš žurfiš... vegna ykkar eigin heimsku.

Bloggfęrslur 23. febrśar 2023


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