Hátt á himnum

Ekkert sem við vissum ekki

"Project Veritas on Thursday released a new segment of undercover footage of Pfizer director Jordon Walker in which the Director of R&D within the company's mRNA operation expressed concern over how the COVID-19 vaccine may be affecting women's reproductive health."

Aha... "Walker also hopes we don't discover that "somehow this mRNA lingers in the body and like -- because it has to be affecting something hormonal to impact menstrual cycles," adding "I hope we don’t discover something really bad down the line…If something were to happen downstream and it was, like, really bad? I mean, the scale of that scandal would be enormous.""

Þessi blaðra er með því skoplegra sem ég hef séð lengi

"Photo from KSVI-TV shows a massive Chinese spy balloon over Montana. The U.S. military is tracking it"

Þetta er á öllum rásum.

High in the sky

"As part of Justin Trudeau’s effort to reduce the number of fatal drug overdoses, the province of British Columbia on the country’s Pacific coast is the first province to adopt a policy of decriminalizing possession of small amounts of fentanyl, cocaine, heroin, and other narcotics."

Trippy, man.

Kanadamenn ættu að slappa af í eiturlyfjunum

"Government making a Dairy Farm in Southern Ontario dump 30,000 litres of milk because they have gone over quota. Can’t donate it to a food bank, or to a hospital, or to a homeless shelter. Right down the drain so we can pay $7 per litre for milk."

Hlýtur að vera þynnir.  Þeim finnst þynnir betri en bjór hér heima allavega.

Í slæmu formi, eða eitthvað annað?

"According to WSBTV, Officer Williams, 23, was assisting with a routine traffic stop when the suspect who was pulled over ran from the car.

A foot chase immediately occurred which led to Williams collapsing mid-pursuit."

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Bloggfærslur 3. febrúar 2023


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