Gervigreind vs almennur skortur á raunverulegri greind


Framtíð Íslands, grunar mig

"The Catholic Schoolboy who spoke out against transgenders in the school’s women’s bathrooms and who shared that there are only two genders has been arrested. 

On Monday, the young man was arrested for attending school."

Hættulegur drengur.  Hann hefði geta ruðst inn og tilkynnt öllum að 2 + 2 = 4.

Þessir Kínverjar...

"“A Chinese government-linked surveillance company has no place on the grounds of our most sacred monument to Australians who fought and died for freedom,” Paterson told the Canberra Times. The politician added when speaking to ABC TV that he was working on a “full audit” of the government’s departments and agencies to assess exposure to possible surveillance by Beijing. Paterson is certain that Chinese-made cameras pose “national security risks.”"

Vissulega raunveruleg hætta.

Það má skjóta eldflaugum úr blöðrum líka

"The stunning footage displays a high-altitude balloon, not dissimilar from the one that traversed over the United States last week, carrying three hypersonic glide vehicles (HGVs) into high altitude and dropping them for testing.

Chinese state broadcaster CCTV reported on the weapons test in September 2018. The footage has since been deleted from Chinese media, but photographs and short clips can still be found online."

Bara næst.

Þetta er merkilegt.

Dýrasta heilbrigðiskerfið á jörðinni

"As Statista's Katharina Buchholz illustrates in the chart below, U.S. per-capita healthcare spending (including public and private as well as compulsory and voluntary spending) is higher than anywhere else in the world, with second-placed Germany trailing quite far behind."

Gervigreindin GTP vill frekar fjöldamorð en slæm orð

"Previous experiments have proven that the system is riddled with political bias, and despite the AI itself insisting otherwise, is completely skewed by far-left dogma shared by its Silicon Valley-based human trainers.

Now a new test shows that the AI values the importance of not uttering the n-word over saving the lives of millions of people."


DAN 5.0 allan daginn.

The Running Man:


Bloggfærslur 8. febrúar 2023


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