Tķminn lķšur til aukinnar heimsku

Hvaš varš um manninn sem talaši um kartöflu?  Gleymdist hann alveg?  Um hvaš er hann aš tala ķ dag?  Er hann enn aš tala um kartöflu, eša er hann farinn aš ręša um eitthvaš annaš mešlęti, t.d. Iceberg eša sveppi?


Bara spyr...

East bound and down.

"In the US, a convoy of truckers, calling themselves "God's Army," is preparing to embark on a journey from several locations across the Lower 48 to the southern border as tensions soar between Texas and the Biden administration. Meanwhile across the Atlantic, farmers are bearing down on Europe's capitals - from Bucharest to Warsaw to Brussels - venting frustrations about climate policies. These social instabilities are breaking out ahead of key European and US elections this year. 

The convoy plans to "send a message" to government officials at all levels about the need to secure the board amid the multi-year invasion of millions of illegals. Chambers believes Americans are "besieged on all sides" by evil "dark forces.""

Fólk mį alveg rķsa upp h+er į landi.  Rķkiš er aš stela öllum peningunum og hefur veriš aš hafa ķ frammi allskyns skuggalega hegšun.

Allir reyna aš maka krókinn į Śkranķustrķšinu

"Security officials say that the current investigation dates back to August 2022, when officials signed a contract for artillery shells worth 1.5 billion hryvnias ($39.6 million) with arms firm Lviv Arsenal.

After receiving payment, company employees were supposed to transfer the funds to a business registered abroad, which would then deliver the ammunition to Ukraine.

However, the goods were never delivered and the money was instead sent to various accounts in Ukraine and the Balkans, investigators said."

Tilgangurinn meš strķšinu er aš stela pening.

Soros fjįrmagnar innrįs

"The progressive billionaire — who has poured a fortune into electing prosecutors who have destroyed criminal justice systems across the United States — is turning his attention to Texas, according to a Fox News report."

Heimurinn veršur ekkertvitręnni eftir žvķ sem tķminn lķšur.

Franskir bęndur umkringja Parķs

"The widespread farmers’ protests happening all over Europe are having in France one of its most dramatic chapter, as tractors and cars are set to block all highways around Paris, and the security forces are on alert.

Macron’s government is a succession of never ending crises and mass protests, from Yellow Vests to Tyrannical Pension Reform to immigrant riots and Islamist rage over Gaza – so they decided to cave, and drop plans to reduce state subsidies on agricultural diesel.

Too little, too late, responded the farmers, not incloined to stop now. So France’s interior ministry Darmanin ordered a large deployment of security forces around Paris."


Bara efst į lista youtube... leitiš endilega sjįlf.  Žetta er snišugt.

Hįlfvitar sem hafa stöšugar įhyggjur af vešrinu tapa fljótt gešheilsunni

"A new study published in Nature on Jan. 15 by Harvard researchers and scientists from the University of Chicago, Oxford University, and Yale University claims that slower-moving climate change factors have a negative impact on mental health.

The paper notes that worrying, grief, and frustration are emotions that are elicited when asked by researchers about chronic climate change."

Įrstķširnar herja į gešheilsu vitleysinga allt įriš.

Bloggfęrslur 29. janśar 2024


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