Verkfall & óveður


Smá verkfall

"More than 45,000 International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) members from over three dozen facilities across 14 Gulf and East Coast ports went on strike early Tuesday, marking the largest labor action at US ports in nearly 50 years.

Supply chain management company Flexport founder and CEO Ryan Petersen noted on X that the Teamsters Union released a statement in solidarity with ILA, informing the Biden administration to "stay the f**k out of this fight"..."


Smá Grindavíkur flassbakk

"According to Grok, the United States has committed approximately $175 billion in aid to Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion began in February 2022.

On Monday Joe Biden told suffereing Americans in the flood disaster zone, “No,” there won’t be more resources coming… “We’ve given them all we can.”

And then later, during a live video feed from the White House, Joe Biden told the American public they need to help the recovery in North Carolina and, “It’s gonna take a hell of a lot of money.”"

USA er bara stærri útgáfa af Íslandi.

Eftir náttúruhamfarir eru samkynhneigð og fóstureyðingar víst það mikilvægasta af öllu

"Leftist journalist Jessica Kutz at The 19th News posted a list of different efforts for LGBTQ people as well as pregnant women wanting to get abortions, saying, "We put together a list of resources for those looking to donate in the wake of Hurricane Helene. We focused on mutual aid groups and organizations on the ground that are helping LGBTQ+ people and people seeking an abortion.""

... ekki það fyrsta sem mér datt í hug, ef ég á að segja eins og er.

Á hverjum degi sökkva bretar dýpra í úrkynjun

"People who have chickens in their garden and don’t comply with the mandatory register, the purpose of which is to allow “more effective surveillance”, risks “being fined or even imprisoned”."

Hænsnaeftirlit.  Þarf það eins og krabbamein í augun.

Á meðan, í Sjanghæ

"Three people have been killed and 15 wounded in a knife attack at a supermarket in Shanghai, police said on Tuesday. The incident happened just before China’s week-long National Day holiday.

Eighteen people were taken to the hospital, of whom three succumbed to their injuries. The lives of the other 15 are not in danger, the police report noted. According to preliminary findings, Lin flew into a rage due to “personal financial reasons.”"

Ef þeir eiga ekki byssur þá nota þeir hnífa, ef þeir eiga ekki hnífa þá nota þeir eiturgas.


Glóbalistar hlaupa til og verjast andstæðingum barnanauðgara

"on the one hand, the right-wingers all around the ‘old continent’ are celebrating yet another evidence of a new European mindset; on the other hand, the ‘mainstream’ parties in Austria (a.k.a. Globalist servants) are scrambling to find a way to block the FPO victors out of power, denying the people’s will as they are wont to do."

Barnanauðgarar og pödduætur vs Hægri-Öfgamenn.  Veldu þér lið.

Bloggfærslur 1. október 2024


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