Er eitthvað sniðugt að gerast?

Newsweek spjallar við Lavrov

"...he reaffirmed the official position that Kiev should comply with Putin’s ceasefire request from over the summer and that Moscow wants to address the root causes of this conflict, not just freeze it for some time.

The spring 2022 draft peace treaty could form the basis for resuming talks with Ukraine if the latter revokes its decree on banning them, though some details would have to change. He also warned against letting Ukraine use Western long-range weapons deep inside of Russia.

Lavrov doesn’t expect that anything will change in Russian-US relations after the election regardless of who wins since both parties are committed to countering his country."

Það verður ekkert samið fyrr en í fyrsta lagi eftir mánuð.

Meiriháttar lestarrán

"A video taken by ABC Chicago’s Chopper 7 shows a large group of thieves stealing from a parked freight train on the West side of Chicago.

The video shows dozens of thieves stealing boxes from a parked freight train in Chicago’s South Austin neighborhood.

According to CBS, the looting went on for hours before police were called to the scene."

Vestrið er villt í dag.

Ahh... 2020-2022.

Bretar hafa unnið að því hörðum höndum undanfarna áratugi að egra sig að fórnarlömbum

"As the video progresses, the young man is left dismayed by French authorities squandering their opportunity to make the trip across the Channel.

But he is undeterred, as he is seen preparing himself for another attempt to cross the Channel on another day.

Perhaps the most shocking part of the clip is where he is seen posing with a gun, an image made more shocking by the firearm tattoo emblazoned across his face."

Þer settu Luty í fangelsi.  Þeir hafa verið að svara til saka fyrir það síðan.

Musk lofar Roomba leigubílum

"Elon Musk unveiled Tesla’s latest autonomous vehicle concept, the “Cybercab” robotaxi, with his signature flair and ambitious timelines that have become all too familiar to investors. Promising driverless transportation in a few years with scant details, Musk’s presentation has fallen flat as Tesla shares are down seven percent in morning trading."

Sitt sýnist hverjum.

Krókódíll reynir að snæða bíl

"The operator of a sanitation company in North Fort Myers, Florida, captured the moment when an alligator popped out of the water and bit at his van’s tire early Thursday morning as he traveled down a flooded street during Hurricane Milton."

Aligator. Það er annað kvikyndi.

Bloggfærslur 12. október 2024


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