
Nazistar elta stuðningsmenn Trump

"...some sinister Antifa-like scum decided to cosplay as Neo-Nazi Trump fans to ruin the party and humiliate the Trump campaign. A boat with Trump and Nazi flags is seen approaching the “Trumptilla” event, and they try to make a show of how MAGA they are.

But as one can see below, there are a few red flags that emerge, making it blatantly obvious these losers are no fans of Trump. As one can see, they talk in stereotypical hick accents while bragging about “white power” and shouting “Heil Trump!” This is something you would see out of a garbage movie from Hollywood."

Antifa, Nazistar... hver er munurinn?

Allt er gervi í Kína

"Xiaomeisha Sea World in Shenzhen is being criticized by visitors after trying to pass off a fake whale shark in its aquarium.

This isn't the first Chinese zoo controversy. Earlier this year, a Chinese zoo was criticized for painting dogs to look like pandas."

Kínverjinn reddar sér.

Satan heimtar mannfórnir

"The Satanic Temple has opened a second abortion clinic in the US, this time in Virginia, where expectant mothers can engage in a self-focused abortion ritual, which has been endorsed by Cosmopolitan magazine. The goal of the Satanic Temple in turning abortion into a ritual is so that they can make the claim that practicing abortion is a religious liberty issue that that the termination of pregnancy is a "spiritual" undertaking."

Blóð fyrir blóð-guðinn!

Trump vinnur hjá MacDonald's

"Trump's doing it. He's really doing it. He's going to be working the fryer at a Pennsylvania McDonald's."

Trump.  Sælkeri.

Allir eru þunglyndir og drekka Tequila

""Within overall US alcohol consumption, beer has been steadily losing share to spirits over the last 20 years. Within the spirits category, tequila has been gaining market share at the expense of vodka over recent years.""


Bloggfærslur 16. október 2024


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