Stórfótur á geimskipi

Menn eru með einhverjar hugmyndur um Google

"On Aug. 5, US District Judge Amit Mehta, Washington, DC, ruled that Google violated antitrust law by spending billions of dollars to create an illegal monopoly as the world's default search engine on smartphones, computers, and tablets. The ruling paved the way for antitrust enforcers to submit a 32-page document on Tuesday that explained the potential remedies for the judge to consider as the case moves into the remedy phase."

Hefur lítil áhrif á okkur... fyrst um sinn.

Evo Morales bendlaður við fólks-smygl

"Leaked Documents Accuse Evo Morales of Leading a Child Trafficking Network

The case began to unravel when a young woman from Tarija, identified by the initials ESNV, accused Morales of rape and sexual abuse, claiming the incidents occurred when she was still a minor. According to the investigation, she became pregnant at the age of 15, with Morales allegedly being the father."

Ég yrði meira hissa ef hann væri ekki bendlaður við eitthvað svona. 

Rússar monta sig

"Russian troops have destroyed two Ukrainian armored vehicles with the help of explosives-laden FPV drones in Kharkov Region, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said, releasing footage of the attack."

Þetta mjakast allt hjá þeim.

Musk á leið burt, lengst út í geim

""Mars will make science fiction real. It doesn't have to be fiction forever. It's the biggest space race in history. Awesome! The Star Fleet academy should be real!"

In a September post on his X platform, Musk provided a view of his plans for space travel to Mars as he discussed sending unmanned spacecraft to the Red Planet over the next two years before sending a manned flight in four years."

Þangað sem enginn maður hefur áður farið.


Elon Musk vs UFO

"SpaceX CEO Elon Musk believes that the alleged UFOs seen zipping around the United States are not extraterrestrial life but are more likely the US government’s “new weapons programs” that are highly classified.

Musk, 53, revealed that he has “not seen any evidence of aliens” while in charge of his Space Exploration Technologies company during an interview with Tucker Carlson on Monday."

Þetta útilokar ekki tilvist Stórfóts.

Hljómar undarlega, en á sama tíma þurfum við að átta okkur á því að Demókrtar "týndu" fleiri en 30.000 börnum á eið yfir landamærin.

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Bloggfærslur 9. október 2024


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