Hótanir á hótanir ofan

Það hitnar í kolunum

"We the people know what happened to Chicago Ray. Despite his denials, the enforcers of the Deep State made a phone call or left a message under the windscreen wipers of his truck like, "Boycott Boy, you gonna have a bad accident before your haul is over." Or they made a call to his cell phone like, "If you don't end this boycott bullshit your family and home will be gone when you get back home.""

Hótanir núna.

Frekari hótanir

"Exxon has warned the European Union that it will leave and take billions of dollars in climate investment with it unless Brussels makes it easier to spend those billions on transition-related projects."


N1 kommúnista hryðjuverkasamtökin

"Migrantifa’ — of course a portmanteau neologism of migrant and Antifascist Action — protested in Berlin on Friday night, a demonstration that devolved into scuffles and arrests after police attempted to shut down banned antisemitic chants. Establishment German newspaper Die Welt gives a rundown on the group which has bubbled under the surface for a few years but now gains new prominence."

Skjótið þá bara.  Lang einfaldast.

Ætlar einhver að segja þeim?

"Seattle’s homosexual intifada flyer is a stark oxymoron as brazen as it is ignorant. It signals LGBT Seattle activists are willing to become more violent in support of a terrorist organization that would order them tossed from the highest rooftop the moment they accuse someone of misgendering them."

Ég segi ekkert.

Stór snákur

"Scientists have discovered the world's biggest snake in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.

The remarkable species can grow up to 7.5m and weighs close to 500kg, making it the largest and heaviest snake known to man."

Klöppum þessu dýri.

Í úkraníu

Birnir vs UFO

"The bears definitely took notice of the drone. The animals’ heart rate skyrocketed when the UAV flew overhead, and their stress response was stronger when the quadcopter flew in windy conditions that masked the sound of its approach — apparently bears do not like being surprised. One bear started moving faster after the quadcopter flew by."


Hugljúf kvöldmúsík

Bloggfærslur 21. febrúar 2024


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