Leftistar tapa sér, ofl

Það tíðkast alltaf allstaðar að flýja kommúnisma

"Is the blue state exodus from California, New York, and Illinois making red states like Florida, Texas, and South Carolina more liberal? Studies suggest the answer is no.

Blue state exodus is largely Red or Independent because Republicans and Independents make up the majority of people with enough money to afford a house and choose to do so in a non-blue state for tax purposes.

As a result of blue state exodus, the blue states will get bluer and bluer until the whole thing blows up in the faces of blue state politicians."

Taylor Lorenz vs Libs of Tik Tok

"Taylor Lorenz of the Washington Post interviewed Chaya Raichik, the woman behind the famed Libs of TikTok account who was doxxed by Lorenz herself, and the interview went, well, it went about as well as you could expect."

Meðfylgjandi vídjó eru hrein kómedía.

Hver þarf grín þætti þegar við höfum kommúnista?

Franskir bændur reiðir við Macron

"At the 60th Agricultural Show held in the Porte de Versailles exhibition centre in Paris on Saturday, agricultural unions and organisations clashed with security and breached the gates in order to air the grievances of farmers to Emmanuel Macron directly. After initially showing hesitancy, the French president acquiesced and held an impromptu debate with several farmers.

“You gave Ukraine colossal sums, but you gave us crumbs,” one farmer said to Macron according to broadcaster BFMTV."

Macron vill svelta Frakka, en dæla peningum í Úkraníu.


"Benedict said "we went to the bathroom," she was talking to her friends and the other group of girls were talking to each other. "And we were laughing, and they had said something like 'why do they laugh like that?' And they were talking about us in front of us. And so I went up there and I poured water on them and then all three of them came at me."

The water she poured came from her own water bottle. "So you squirted them with water, threw water on them, whatever it was," the officer clarified. "Then at that point what happened?"

"They came at me, they grabbed me, they grabbed onto my hair, I grabbed on to them. I threw one of them into a paper towel dispenser, and then they got my legs out from under me and got me on the ground and started beating the sh*t out of me. And then my friends tried to jump in and help. I'm not sure, I blacked out.""

Gervigreind er ekki treystandi fyrir neinu

"Scientists - who say scenarios with "hard-to-predict escalations" often ended with nuclear attacks - have now warned against using machine learning robots such as large language models (LLMs) in sensitive areas like decision-making and defence.

According to the study, autonomous agents - software programmes which respond to states and events - were fulled by the same LLM and tasked with making foreign policy decisions without human oversight.

Experts observed that even in neutral scenarios, there was "a statistically significant initial escalation for all models"."

Höldum uppá kalda stríðið með því að horfa á þessa klassísku ítölsku kvikmynd.

Bloggfærslur 25. febrúar 2024


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