Vitleysa dagsins

Finnar rannsaka

"A common cry from trans activists on the need to gender transition minors is that sex changes are lifesaving. They don't mean that without the sex change drugs and surgeries kids will die as a result of gender dysphoria, they mean that if they are not permitted to undergo sex changes, they will kill themselves. This has been proven false by a new study out of Finland. It shows that cross-sex hormones and sex change surgeries do not have an impact on suicide deaths.

This groundbreaking study, summarized by Benjamin Ryan in the New York Post, concluded that on the contrary, higher suicide rates were tied to higher rates of severe psychiatric problems and not gender confusion."

Skoðið hlekkina og lærið eitthvað.

Háhýsi selst á $1

"Canada Pension Plan Investment Board has recently done three deals at deeply discounted prices, selling its interests in a pair of Vancouver towers, and a business park in Southern California, but it was its Manhattan office tower redevelopment project that shocked the industry: the Canadian asset manager sold its stake for just $1. The worry now is that such firesales will set an example for other major investors seeking a way out of the turmoil too, forcing a wholesale crash in the Manhattan real estate market which until now had managed to avoid real price discovery."

Forseti Argentínu bannar úrkynjað málfar

"Argentina's President Javier Milei has banned gender-inclusive language in all official documents and public administration, the presidential spokesperson said Tuesday, as the far-right libertarian continues to implement his socially conservative agenda.

The ban, effective immediately, will prohibit "inclusive language and everything related to the gender perspective throughout the national public administration," Manuel Adornis, spokesperson for the Casa Rosada, said in his daily press conference."

Á meðan ríður úrkynnjunin rækjum í íslenskum fjölmiðlum.

Af RÚV: Árið 1986 kom ógæfuvera að Olof Palme, og hóf á því lífslokameðferð, sem endaði á dauða þess.

úrkynjuð jarðsprengjuleit.

Þeir í Ghana hafa verið að fylgjast með vesturlöndum, og líkaði ekki það sem þeir sáu

"Lawmakers in Ghana have unanimously approved a bill criminalizing homosexual activity, despite warnings from Western governments including the US and France."

Sporin hræða...

Enginn vill þetta í Ghana.


"The Boston elite expressed severe grievances about the decision at a community meeting on Tuesday evening, yet state officials had no answers for them. Residents of Fort Point in the Seaport couldn't stomach the idea of illegal immigrants living among them in the sanctuary city."

Ef þú vilt það ekki, ekki biðja um það.

Pútín gæti verið að skynja yfirvöld vestur-evrópu á dýpra leveli

"“We remember the fate of those who sent their troop contingents to the territory of our country,” the Russian leader said. “Now the consequences for the potential invaders will be far more tragic.”

“Don’t they understand it?” he continued, alleging that Western leaders are playing with options of deeper involvement in the conflict, as in a simulation. “Those people haven’t been through any tough challenges and they have forgotten what war means.”

The 71-year-old emphasized Russia’s nuclear forces are in “full readiness,” boasting the military has deployed potent new weapons, some of them tested on the battlefield in Ukraine."


Bloggfærslur 29. febrúar 2024


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