Hlutir sem eru ekki eldgos

Þetta er það sem Alþingi er að apa upp eftir hinum enskumælandi heimi

"If things are this bad already, what is going to happen if the election in November does not go the way that leaders on the left want and they give the green light to millions of radicals to cause widespread chaos all over America?  I think that we got a small preview of what this could look like during the riots of 2020.  Unfortunately, since that time the open border policies of the Biden administration have allowed millions of extremely desperate people to come pouring into this country.  The stage is being set for civil unrest on a scale that we have never seen before, and it certainly isn’t going to take much to push our society over the edge."

Fólk almennt virðist þrá fátt heitar en að láta nauðga sér og berja sig svo til bana.

Fólk... skil það ekki.

Maður handtekinn fyrir fréttamennsku

"Toronto Police just arrested David Menzies (@TheMenzoid) for reporting on a Hamas hate rally! When he tried to interview a Hamas protester, police grabbed him."

Kannski þess vegna sem maður fær litlar fréttir á Íslenskum miðlum.  Allir hræddir um að verða handteknir.

Enginn veit hvað Macron er að reyna

"“Maybe at some point—I don’t want it, I won’t take the initiative—we will have to have operations on the ground, whatever they may be, to counter the Russian forces,” Macron told newspaper Le Parisien in an interview conducted on Friday."

Það er alveg spölur frá Rússlandi til Frakklands, og Rússar hafa ekkert lýst yfir áhuga á að þramma þangað, svo hvað er málið? 

5000 ára gömul skipsflök

"Diving teams found the remains of 10 doomed ships, spanning thousands of years of history, with the oldest one dating back to 3000 BC.

Using Homer's Iliad as a guide, researchers made the discoveries during a four-year survey off the coast of Kasos, a small island in the Aegean Sea."

Brim upp.

Og fréttir:

Bloggfærslur 17. mars 2024


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