Robot Muhammad gerir það sem honum sýnist

Cherry 2000 of Arabia

"Meet "Muhammad." I know that's not a unique name among Saudi men, but this one is special.

He's a robot.

He was created by the Saudi government to demonstrate their advancements in the field of artificial intelligence for DeepFest in Riyadh"



Í Kanada stendur til að fangelsa fólk fyrir glæpi sem aðrir ímynda sér

"Justin Trudeau’s far-left Canadian government is planning on putting anyone they suspect “might” commit a hate crime.

One of the measures within the bill would give judges the power to place individuals under house arrest and force them to wear an electronic tag if they believe that individual could commit a hate crime in the future."

Svo það er hægt að handsama alla sem eru ekki beinlínis nýbúnir að undirgangast MAID.

Opus Dei.

Írar eru ekki úrkynjaðir

"The Irish public has given a “historic victory for family values” as the neo-liberal government in Dublin has acknowledged that voters have rejected attempts to redefine marriage and the role of women in the constitution.

Ironically, videos produced by the government in favour of the referenda were flagged by X Community Notes for allegedly spreading misinformation."

Fyrirtæki neyðast til að láta af úrkynjun, til þess að græða peninga

"BlackRock, JPMorgan Chase, and State Street recently exited from Climate Action 100+, a coalition of the world’s largest fund managers that pledges to “ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change.”

On the heels of that exit, 16 conservative state attorneys general have demanded answers from BlackRock’s directors regarding the firm’s continued membership in other similar groups, which they assert could be a conflict of interest with its fiduciary responsibility to investors."

Það er ekki gott að taka fjármála-ráðleggingum frá Satan.

Gamalt, en hann sagði þetta.  Ég hef, hvað skal segja... áhugaverð gögn í fórum mínum... þau sýna aðra hluti.

Maður handtekinn fyrir að segja satt

"A counter-protester has been arrested at a pro-Palestinian march through central London today after displaying a placard reading 'Hamas is terrorist'. 

Iranian Niyak Ghorbani, 37, waved the sign in the middle of the rally, which saw thousands of demonstrators gather in the capital, before protesters turned on him leading to a large brawl.

Demonstrators carrying Palestine flags charged towards Mr Ghorbani and attacked him before police stepped in to arrest the counter-protester."

Bretland er ekki lengur réttarríki.  Afleiðingarnar koma fram seinna, þetta byggist allt upp þar til það springur.

Íslenska ríkið er á eftir.  Í fleiri en einum skilningi.

Bloggfærslur 9. mars 2024


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