Geim-risaeðlur inni í tunglinu

Það hefði alveg verið hægt að ná þessu friðsamlega.  Og það hefði alveg virkað, ólíkt þessari aðferð.

Rússneski flotinn er í Karíbahafinu

"The Biden administration is monitoring Four Russian warships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, are currently stationed just 200 miles off the coast of Florida as part of a planned military exercise. The fleet, which arrived in Havana Bay, Cuba on Wednesday, consists of a frigate, a Yasen-class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine, an oil tanker, and a rescue tug."

Le Pen ætlar að henda hættulegum undirróðursmönnum úr landi

"National Rally leader Marine Le Pen has vowed to shut down radical mosques and deport Islamists with dual nationality in her first major speech after winning the EU elections in France."

Byrjar vel.

Áramhaldandi ævintýri Ésú

"Experts in Germany have uncovered a deciphered manuscript that has been determined to be the oldest record of Jesus Christ’s childhood.

The two experts said in a news release the papyrus contains anecdotes not found in the Bible but one that would have been available and shared during the Middle Ages. The words on the document reveal a remarkable miracle Jesus performed as a child, where he brought clay figures of birds to life.

In the Gospel of Thomas story, a five-year-old Jesus is playing in a stream while molding 12 sparrows out of soft clay in the riverbed mud. But when his father, Joseph, sees what he is doing, he scolds Jesus and demands to know why he is molding clay on the Sabbath."

Testament 2.

Nauðgunarregnboginn skemmdur aftur

"The infamous Spokane LGBTQ Pride crosswalk was vandalized again on Tuesday, this time with paint. The new incident occurred less than a week after three teenagers were charged with felonies for riding scooters over the Pride crosswalk, painted in the street, and leaving skid marks on it."

"Q" stendur fyrir barnaníð, og svarta línan fyrir náriðla.

Belja drepur verkamann

"A 28-year-old New York farm worker has died after being charged by an aggressive cow while tending to a newborn calf, officials said."

Harvard segir að það séu Geimverur inni í tunglinu

"The study by Harvard University’s Human Flourishing program further puts forward the idea that UFOs, or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), may be spaceships visiting their Earth-based alien friends.

These could be disguising themselves as humans to fit in, may have come from Earth’s future or might have descended from intelligent dinosaurs."

Geim-risaeðlur inni í tunglinu.  Gott stoff.

Bloggfærslur 13. júní 2024


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