Meme, í þeirri röð sem ég fann þau

Fleiri og fleiri styðja Trump með hverjum degi

"In the hours and days after the failed attempted assassination, new Google Search trend data shows a massive surge nationwide in support for Trump. Folks are scouring the internet for online merchant stores to purchase Trump yard signs, bumper sticks, shirts, and other political gear."

Liðið með morðingjunum eru ekki góðu kallarnir.

England er sennilega undarlegasti staður á jörpinni, fullur af furðulegu fólki, rekinn af vitfyrringum

"A couple who cleared up rubbish on their street and left it in a box for bin collectors have been fined £1,200.

The city council said all fly-tippers would be punished with fixed penalty notices and considered the matter resolved."

Þeir banna fólki að tína upp rusl að viðlagðri refsingu, banna fólki að ganga um með hnífa, flytja viljandi inn nauðgara til þess að láta þá nauðga innfæddum og taka menn fasta fyrir að segja brandara á internetinu.

Þetta land á ekki langt eftir. 

Meira af vetvangi kommúnista

"A trans Portland Antifa member with a history of violent threats against Jewish groups was arrested for allegedly assaulting a woman at an Antifa direct action. Isabel Rosa Araujo is also under investigation for a death threat against city council member Rene Gonzalez.

Most of Araujo’s posts, viewable to a select crowd of Antifa followers, urge violence.

“Those Zionists aren’t going to curb stomp themselves,” Araujo wrote in a post, asking for comrades to supply new combat-style boots.

Araujo was booked into a Multnomah County jail as a “female” due to Oregon’s policy of sex self-identification in state institutions, despite having a history of organizing violence against women."

Nútíma nazistinn er engan veginn jafn töff og orginallinn.

Musk ætlar að fjármagna Trump

"Elon Musk reportedly plans to donate approximately $45 million per month to a new pro-Trump Super PAC.

According to a Wall Street Journal report, the brand new America PAC is also backed by Palantir Technologies co-founder Joe Lonsdale, former U.S. ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft and her husband, Joe Craft, who is chief executive of coal producer Alliance Resource Partners, and the Winklevoss twins."

Setning kemur upp í hugann... "ef Guð er með þér, hver er þá á móti þér?"

Bloggfærslur 16. júlí 2024


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