
SpaceX flýr frá Kaliforníu

"Posting on the X platform, Musk said that the passage of a California law that bans schools from making rules requiring parental notification if a child identifies as transgender was the “final straw” and he would be moving the company out of the state."

Barnageldararnir fældu Musk og félaga í burtu.

Á meðan, í Póllandi

Ferðamenn keyra ofaní hver

"On Thursday, a car with five occupants inadvertently drove off a roadway and into the Semi-Centennial Geyser, according to a news release from the National Park Service. The vehicle was fully submerged in about 9 feet (2.75 meters) of hot water.

Unbelievably, all five of the tourists managed to survive being fully submerged in near-boiling water.

They were flown by helicopter to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries."

Engum sögum fer af hvers vegna þeir ákváðu að keyra ofaní þennan hver.  Þetta er ansi stór hver, og ekki erfitt að bara sleppa því að keyra ofaní hann.

Microsoft neyðist til að reka alla í úrkynjunardeildinni

"We've been stating for several months that the "diversity, equity, and inclusion" and "environmental, social, and governance" gravy trains on Wall Street have peaked and are coming to an abrupt end. Who would have thought the profit motive would be incompatible with mindless, unproductive virtue signaling and reverse racism? 

The unraveling of DEI initiatives across corporate America is full steam ahead after Business Insider revealed Microsoft has laid off an internal team focused on DEI."

Veruleikinn sigrar alltaf að lokum.

Bretland verður vangefnara með hverjum degi.

Menn hafa verið að misreikna hve vinsæll Trump er.

"On Tuesday, it was revealed that Jack Black's Tenacious D bandmate Kyle Gass had been dropped by his talent agent following comments he made at a show in Sydney, Australia on Sunday about Donald Trump. Michael Greene of Greene Talent said he had "parted ways" with the comedy rocker due to what was said that night."

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Bloggfærslur 17. júlí 2024


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