Seðlar í hendi eru mikilvægir

Sumir hafa bara ekki ímyndunarafl

"Last week’s global IT outage appears to have shaken some British media outlets’ confidence in the idea of a fully cashless society.

This is one of the most important arguments in favour of cash: the resilience it provides to a country’s overarching payments system. Put another way, cash does not crash. It does not fail in a power cut or seize up during a cyber attack or software outage (though, of course, ATMs might). By contrast, digital payment systems generally need a stable and continuous internet connection and power supply to process transactions.

This is a lesson central bankers in Sweden, one of the world’s most cashless economies, are apparently relearning. From our recent piece, “The World’s Oldest Central Bank Keeps Sounding Alarm on Fragility of Cashless Economies. Are Other Central Banks Listening?”"

Það er meira sem mælir með reiðufé.  Ef þið hugsið...

Þetta var alltaf vitað.

Hvers vegna geta þeir ekki fundið einhvern betri?

Biden ruglar, þessi ruglar meira

... og meira...

Hafa demokratar virkilega engan sem getur hnoðað saman orðum í merkingarbærar setningar?

Rússar hafa minni ástæðu til þess að hella í sig

"The official specified that since 2009 alcohol intake in the country has declined from 14 to eight liters per capita, while the share of smokers among Russians dropped from 40% to 19%."

Nú hafa þeir eitthvað annað að gera en að drekka.

Hákarlarnir eru allir kókaðir upp

"The researchers rounded up a baker's dozen of sharp nosed sharks off the coast of Brazil and every single one of them tested positive for coke.

Cocaine levels were around three times higher in muscle tissue than liver tissue, according to the study, while female sharks had higher cocaine concentrations in muscle tissue compared to males."

High below.

Nazistar herja á Washington DC

"Capitol Police in Washington, DC, have deployed pepper spray against anti-Israel protesters who fail to obey police orders to move back from the police line. The confrontation between law enforcement and protesters came as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress regarding the ongoing conflict with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas."

Kommúnistar með áherzlu á eyðingu gyðinga = nazistar.

Forseti El Salvador byrjar að selja kaffi

"President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele launched his own personal luxury coffee brand, Bean of Fire, this weekend, describing the venture as a “passion project.”"

Allir og amma þeirra eru að selja kaffi núna.

Þetta var fljótt að gerast.

Bloggfærslur 24. júlí 2024


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