Heimurinn í dag er ekki svangur

Evrópusambandið heldur áfram að sóa pening í vitleysu

"Politico quotes an unnamed diplomat who says that “Everything that costs anything — for example, Ukraine defense,” will prove “problematic” during von der Leyen’s second term. While von der Leyen is throwing around figures like 500 billion over the next decade, another diplomat said, “We didn’t see spreadsheets, we didn’t see details, this is pie in the sky money.”

EU leaders are determined to reimpose austerity on bloc countries beginning in 2025. That’s a return to the annual limits of 3 percent of GDP for public deficits and 60 percent for public debt, which were suspended in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

These rules will make it close to impossible to spend more on defense without completely cutting social services to the bone.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, childishly reprimanded by the EU for talking peace with world leaders, keeps warning about the levels of delusion in Brussels. His latest in a Magyar Nemzet op-ed:

The Brussels bureaucrats want this war, they see it as their own, and they want to defeat Russia. They keep sending the money of the European people to Ukraine, they have shot European companies in the foot with sanctions, they have driven up inflation and they have made making a living difficult for millions of European citizens."

Fólkið sem er við völd er það versta...

Múslimar halda óeriðir í Bretlandi aftur

"Hundreds of enraged Muslims are said to have descended upon Rochdale’s Greater Manchester divisional police headquarters in the late hours of Wednesday night, with the crowd chanting “Allahu Akbar” [God is great/Our God is the Greatest], “fuck the police,” and “GMP shame on you.”"

Endalaus stemming.

Fjöldasamtök Hamas stuðningsmanna að mótmæla því að ekki tókst að myrða alla júðana í fyrra

"Pro-Palestine protesters in Washington, DC, were arrested as activists were seen tearing down the American flag displayed outside Union Station and replacing it with a Palestinian flag on Wednesday and burning the US flag on the ground."

Alltaf eins.

Átvagl springur

"A 24-year-old binge-eating live-streamer died while broadcasting a 10-hour food binge on cake, chicken fingers, and seafood to thousands of her followers.

Pan Xiaoting, from China, died last week from a suspected stomach tear while gorging on 10kg (22lbs) of food, including what appeared to be chocolate cake.

Autopsy results revealed that her stomach had become severely deformed and filled with undigested food, suggesting that her stomach could have burst, causing stomach acid and food to leak into her abdomen."

Í Kína...

Smá 'Nam flassback

"The Russian military has destroyed another deployment point housing Ukrainian soldiers and foreign instructors in the industrial part of the city of Kharkov, according to a report released by the Russian Defense Ministry on Thursday."

Útlendir ráðgjafar.

'Nam músík.

Bloggfærslur 25. júlí 2024


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