Það má alveg nota krókódíla í hitt og þetta

Trannyfestóið er höfundarréttarvarið

"Tennessee Judge I’Ashea L. Myles has ruled that not one page of the writings by the Covenant school shooter, Audrey Hale, will be released for public review.

What Hale wrote in her diary must be a humdinger or why else would it be so protected. It’s already been leaked that Hale wanted to kill her father. Is there more detailed information about that incident that the parents want withheld?"

Um að gera að rifja upp reglulega að trannar séu morðóðir.

Mússilmaður ræðst á furry á tranna-hátíð

"Man Attacked Trans Victim with Sword as They Awaited Furry Convention, Screamed ‘Allah Does Not Approve’"

... gamanið heldur áfram.

Geðveikir stuðningsmenn útlendra hryðjuverkasamtaka eru með uppsteit

"Over 100 anti-Israel activists spent July 4 burning American flags in Manhattan’s Washington Square Park, as part of a coordinated protest called “Flood Manhattan for July 4.” Activists chanted, “F*ck Israel! F*ck America!” as other radicals cheered. Some chanted, “Death to America!” Freedom TV News was on the scene capturing footage of the protests."

Þeir geta alveg flutt.  Það má.

41%... eða 42.

Hizbolla ræðst á Ísrael

"Lebanese militant group Hezbollah claims to have launched more than 200 rockets and drones targeting Israeli military positions on Thursday in response to the killing of a senior commander."

Hisbolla eru einu gaurarnir á svæðinu sem eiga eitthvað í IDF.  Svo fá eir stuðning frá Íran... verður áhugavert.

Þessi bók er til á Amazon, held ég.

Krókódílar eru til margs nýtilegir

"No can opener? No problem. A reveler is going viral after using a wild alligator’s jaws to open a beer in what viewers are dubbing “the most Florida thing” ever."

Flórída er staðurinn.

Bloggfærslur 5. júlí 2024


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